National Cookbook Promotion

Get Ready for the Holidays November Special on OSIA
cookbook, For the Love of Italian Cooking 


Dear Friend of the Sons of Italy:

Mangia with the Sons of Italy! For the Love of Italian Cooking, the Sons of Italy's first National cookbook, showcases dishes as simple as "Linguine Frutti di Mare" (linguine with seafood) and as complex as "Arrancini" (rice balls). The cookbook is a delightful and informative collection of recipes from OSIA members across the country.   


Due to the overwhelming success of October's Italian American Heritage special, we are extending the 10% discount through November to help you freshen up those old recipes in time for the holidays!  


  • 1 copy: $24.95 now only $22.45 plus $5.00 S&H
  • Multiple copies: $24.95 now only $22.45 plus $2.00 S&H each


With the holiday season right around the corner, For the Love of Italian Cooking makes the perfect gift for family and friends alike! 


Buon Appetito!


Order Sons of Italy in America

To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking:

OSIA Cookbook  

The OSIA National cookbook, For the Love of Italian Cooking.

Still unsure?

Check out our Facebook page for a
delicious Sole in Lemon and Oil
recipe, courtesy of the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. This is a cookbook treasure that you'll want to have in your collection!


For the Love of Italian Cooking is the place to find those unique recipes that you crave from Italian restaurants or pine for from Nonna's house. Make sure to order your copy today! 

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Order Sons of Italy in America 

219 E St, NE | Washington, DC 20002
202.547.2900 | |