DID YOU KNOW? July 2nd marks the date of the first Il Palio horse race held in Siena, Italy.

Italian Heritage Marcus Aurelius (#2321) in Whitestone, NY celebrates its 5th anniversary on July 11. Auguri!
2011 NELA Gala Photos on Facebook
A celebration of leadership, sacrifice and Italian American heritage, the 2011 National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala was an evening to remember. Click on the image below to see photos from the 2011 NELA Gala!

Learn more about the 2011 NELA Gala
Member Benefits Featured Discount: Learn Italian
Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all members and supporters. TELL ME MOREŽ, the award-winning Italian language instruction program is offering OSIA members an exclusive, limited-time discount of 25%, plus a free seven-day trial of their programs.
Discover for yourself why more than 7 million users worldwide have chosen TELL ME MOREŽ and why TopTenReviews.com ranks it the number one program for learning Italian. OSIA MEMBERS: access this and all other benefits at any time by signing in to the Member Marketplace. Problems logging in to the Members Only Section? Email us.
SPECIAL FOR NON-OSIA MEMBERS: Enjoy free access to the above discount for the entire month of July.
Sustaining Patrons Circle
The Sons of Italy Foundation recently established the Sustaining Patrons Circle to recognize a special group of supporters who have committed to help the Foundation through ongoing monthly donations (or "monthly giving"). Monthly donations can make more generous giving a possibility for donors by spreading a lump-sum gift into easy monthly payments. (For example, an annual gift goal amount of $300 can be split into 12 monthly payments of $25.)
With a gift of as little as $10 a month for a minimum of 3 consecutive months, donors will be included in the Sustaining Patrons Circle and noted in SIF publications and on the OSIA.org website. Monthly giving is a simple and secure way to support the Sons of Italy Foundation. Monthly donations are automatically charged to a credit card on the same day each month, so donors only need worry about setting up the gift and changing or cancelling it if the need arises. As always, donations to the SIF are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For more information about monthly giving or the Sustaining Patrons Circle, please contact Diane Crespy at sif@osia.org or 202.547.2900. |
2011 Italian Festival Directory
The newly updated Sons of Italy 2011 Italian Festival Directory lists 363 festivals in 36 states and the District of Columbia.
This month, there are 70 festivals across the country... Click here to view the 2011 Directory of Italian Festivals in the U.S. |
Lodge Photo of the Month
May 21, 2011 - OSIA/NIABA (National Italian American Bar Association) members from across the country attended the OSIA officers installation dinner in Milwaukee, WI. OSIA National Past Presidents Philip Boncore and Alfred Affinito, current OSIA National 1st Vice President Anthony Baratta, and National Orator Raymond Dettore were in attendance. In this photo, IL/WI Grand Lodge President Richard Della Croce (fourth from right), presents Frank Schiro, IL/WI Grand Lodge 2nd Vice President and new NIABA President, with a commemorative OSIA plaque. |
OSIA National Convention
 OSIA's 52nd Biennial National Convention When: August 7-14, 2011 Where: Orlando, FL Registration deadline: July 7, 2011 Honoring: Frank De Santis Receiving the Guglielmo Marconi Award Linda Abronzino & Sam Fumosa Receiving the Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Award Dick Vitale Receiving the Sports Award Advertisements are available in the convention commemorative journal. Email dcrespy@osia.org or call 202.547.2900 for more details. OSIA leaders, contact Anamarie Ford with any questions.
OSIA Back in the Day...
A classic photo from the November 1949 Issue of OSIA News, recapping the 21st National Convention in Atlantic City, NJ.
Advertising with OSIA
Interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through OSIA.org, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine?
Email us to learn more
Become a Part of OSIA Museum History
 Leave a lasting impression and purchase a brick on the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Recognition Walkway, an inspiring sidewalk in front of OSIA's historic museum.
Your personalized brick can contain names, special dates, or a brief message.
It will serve as a permanent memory of someone, or something, special to you.
Learn more... |