DID YOU KNOW? It is widely believed that Saint Francis of Assisi created the first nativity scene in 1223, with a "living" representation of the birth of Jesus.
Member Benefits Spotlight - Holiday Special
Check out this special benefit for all lodge & at-large members: Looking for the perfect gift? You're invited to save 5-50% on the everyday products you want with Sears Commercial Marketplace.
Choose from the largest selection of products including energy saving appliances, flat screen TV's, Craftsman tools and more.
Not an OSIA member? Learn more about Membership in OSIA and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members.
Already an OSIA member and want to access this deal? Email zmilner@osia.org for instructions on how to log on to the Members Only page.
Member Benefits Spotlight - Holiday Special
Here is another special holilday deal for all lodge & at-large members:

Kasbahouse.com is an online retailer of the Belpasta Corporation. Belpasta started as a family business in Torino, Italy, almost 70 years ago. Since then, the company has grown but maintains its main goal: to provide quality commercial items, equipment and kitchenware.
OSIA Members receive a 10% discount on products.
Already an OSIA member and want to access this deal? Email zmilner@osia.org for instructions on on logging on to the Members Only page.
Sons of Italy Scholarship Competition is Underway!
Former Sons of Italy scholarship recipients at the 2010 NELA Gala in Washington, D.C.
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) and more than 650 state and local lodges, OSIA has awarded nearly $50 million in scholarships to date. Each year, the SIF offers 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition.
To learn more and find out how to apply, click here.
OSIA Presents: Catholic Italy Pilgrimage
Sons of Italy Presents: SPECIAL ONE TIME EVENT: Catholic Italy Pilgrimage Led by OSIA National Chaplain Father Forno

Through its travel partner Unitours, OSIA is sponsoring a special Catholic pilgrimage to Italy. Led by Rev. Adam Forno, this one of a kind trip will take you on a religious journey through Rome, Vatican City, Assisi, Ancona and more. All travelers will be treated to luxury 4-star hotels, daily breakfast and dinner, guided tours and ample time to explore these historic and deeply spiritual locales on their own. Don't miss out on this opportunity to reconnect with your heritage! Learn More |
Leone d'Oro for the Holidays
Announcing a special promotion from OSIA... Enjoy a special 6-bottle gift pack of Leone d'Oro this holiday season for $89.99 with free shipping & handling. Each gift pack contains one bottle each of Chianti Colli Senesi 2008, Gavi 2009, Pinot Grigio 2009, Prosecco, Sangiovese 2009, and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 2006. Purchase a gift pack for yourself or give it as a Christmas gift to your family and friends! Download and Print the Order form here
Learn More about Leone D'Oro Wines
Lodge Photo of the Month |
The Joe DiMaggio Lodge #2248 of Hopewell Junction, NY held its 30th annual Colette Cannizzaro Golf Tournament on September 27, 2010. The Tournament was held at the Trump National Golf Club in Hopewell Junction, to benefit Cooley's Anemia research. This year's proceeds of $15,000 were donated to New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center. To date, the Joe DiMaggio Lodge has donated over $220,000 to Cooley's research.
Pictured in the photo on the left are Tournament co-chairs Anthony DiCostanzo (left) and Michael Cannizzaro (right), and Patricia-Jane Vonna Giardina, M.D., who will accept the check on behalf of the hospital. In the photo on the right, tournament participants get ready to tee off.
Do you have lodge photos to share? Email them to zmilner@osia.org and they could be included in Questo Mese!
OSIA Member Elected Governor of Wisconsin!

Congratulations to Filippo Mazzei Greater Milwaukee Lodge #2763 OSIA members Scott Walker and Tonette Walker on being elected Governor and First Lady of Wisconsin!
Score One for the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation!
Congrats to OSIA charity partner the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism for winning the $25,000 grand prize from NESN's "After the Game" charity contest. A special thanks to all Questo Mese readers who voted to help out this great cause! Your votes helped make the difference!
Una Poesia per Natale - An Italian Christmas Poem
| Practice your Italian with this special Christmas poem
IL VECCHIO NATALE di Marino Moretti (1885-1979)
Mentre la neve fa, sopra la siepe, un bel merletto e la campana suona, Natale bussa a tutti gli usci e dona ad ogni bimbo un piccolo presepe.
Ed alle buone mamme reca i forti virgulti che orneran furtivamente d'ogni piccola cosa rilucente: ninnoli, nastri, sfere, ceri attorti...
A tutti il vecchio dalla barba bianca porta qualcosa, qualche bella cosa. e cammina e cammina senza posa e cammina e cammina e non si stanca.
E, dopo avere tanto camminato nel giorno bianco e nella notte azzurra, conta le dodici ore che sussurra la mezzanotte e dice al mondo: È nato!
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