Sons of Italy News Bureau
Press Release For Immediate Release
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OSIA CSJ Members Meet with MTV Executives

WASHINGTON, DC, March 26, 2010- The National Commission for Social Justice, the anti-defamation branch of the Order Sons of Italy in America, would like to announce that on Thursday, March 18, 2010, CSJ President, Santina Haemmerle, along with NYS CSJ President, Stella Grillo,  National CSJ President Emeritus, John Dabbene, and Counsel for the NYS CSJ, Michael Santo, met with MTV Executives at their headquarters in midtown Manhattan, in order to discuss the airing of the channel's "Jersey Shore" reality series and the negative impact the show has had on Italian Americans. 
In attendance at the meeting, and representing MTV were the following: George Cheeks, Executive Vice President for Business and Legal Affairs; Tony DiSanto, President of Programming, Jennie Kedas, Executive Vice President of Communications and Janette Borelli, Senior Vice President, Standards and Practices.   This meeting was held at the request of the counsel for the New York State CSJ, Michael Santo.
The hour long meeting was found to be productive in that the CSJ members aired the complaints of the Italian American community over the often debated MTV "reality" show, which depicts young men and women at a summer New Jersey beach house.  The MTV Executives were receptive to the exchange of the ideas as lead by Mr. Dabbene, with suggestions by Presidents Haemmerle and Grillo. The meeting ended with an agreement to have a further exchange in the near future with the hope of leading to some changes. 

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The Commission for Social Justice (CSJ) is the anti-defamation arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA). OSIA is the largest and longest-established national organization representing Italian-American men & women.

Sons of Italy News Bureau
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Contact: Anamarie Ford
(202) 547-2900