OSIA 51st Biennial National Convention
2009-2011 National Officers
Convention Honorees
Convention Photos
Italian American Baseball Heroes Card Collection
"Our Story" Video Collection
V.P. Biden & Joe Plumeri NELA Gala Speeches
The Order Sons of Italy in America successfully wrapped up its 51st Biennial National Convention a few weeks ago!
New National Officers were chosen, amazing Italian Americans in OSIA and beyond were honored, and the delegates got down to the business of setting agendas for OSIA, the SIF and the CSJ for the next two years.
Included were some innovative and exciting fund-raising ideas:
  • DVD continuity program (Read more below on the "Our Story" video collection.)
  • Italian American Baseball Heroes Cards (See below for more details and, remember, this particular program can also be a fund-raiser for individual lodges!)
  • OSIA Cookbook (You'll learn more about this soon!)
  • Italian America magazine advertising campaign
  • National raffle

Read future communications and correspondence for additional information on these programs and more.

Below are some other highlights from the convention. Enjoy!
2009-2011 National Officers Elected
Congratulations to the slate of new elected officers!

OSIA, SIF & CSJ Officers
Our Honorees
Congratulations to the three outstanding Italian Americans that were honored at the Convention!
Sports Award Honoree Vince Ferragamo     Sellaro Award Honoree Ed Innella     Marconi Award Honoree Joe Mantegna
L-R: Former LA Rams quarterback Vince Ferragamo passes an autographed official NFL football to the highest bidder; Ferragamo received the Sports Award. | Edward & Nettie Innella, from New York; Ed received the Vincenzo Sellaro Award for nearly 50 years of service to OSIA. | Joe Mantegna gives his acceptance speech after being presented the Guglielmo Marconi Award, OSIA's highest honor. 
Convention Photos
Our photographer Joseph Guidi captured a lot of great convention moments (in addition to finding some lost relatives!). To view the photos and purchase copies, please visit the OSIA convention photos website.
 Presidents' Luncheon     OSIA National Past Presidents

New OSIA National President Joe Di Trapani

Clockwise from top left: Immediate National Past President Al Affinito honors his 2007-2009 Cabinet at the Presidents Luncheon. | National Past Presidents are ready for business. | After being elected by acclamation, new National President Joe DiTrapani is congratulated by New York State President Sal Lanzilotta.


Italian American Baseball Heroes Card Collection
One of the SIF's new fund-raising programs, the collectible box of Italian American Baseball Cards that were highlighted at convention are ready for you to order!  For more details or to order the cards, please visit the website of the SIF's partner organization in this effort, the National Ethnic Heritage Foundation.
And, now through the end of September, use this collection to raise money for your lodge!  Find out how...
Italian American Baseball Heroes Card Collection
Our Story: The Italian American Video Collection
At the convention, you were able to preview the first DVD in a special video collection for a new fund-raiser and the response was very positive!
"Pride & Passion: The Italians in America" was mailed to a randomly selected test market to gauge interest in a video program such as this. So far, repsonse to the mailing shows promise that this program can be launched, which would mean follow-up DVDs in the collection sent to broader markets.

If you would like to opt-in to the DVD collection (and did not already do so through the mail or at the convention), contact the customer service center:

2009 NELA Gala: Vice President Joe Biden Speech &
Willis Chairman Joe Plumeri Message
Vice President Joe Biden was the guest of honor at this year's NELA Gala and gave a
heartfelt acceptance speech. Willis Group Chairman & CEO Joe Plumeri, the 2008 NELA recipient and 2009 NELA Gala Chairman, sent warm greetings to Gala guests. Together they describe what it means to be Italian American and involved with the Sons of Italy.
Both remarks were shown at the convention, and here is your chance to see them again, show to your lodge, or pass along to any other proud Italian Americans!
  2009 NELA Gala Chairman Joe Plumeri
 Watch NELA Gala Chairman Joe Plumeri's Message on YouTube.
V.P. Biden Speaks to Gala guests Watch Vice President Joe Biden's NELA Gala Speech on YouTube.
 (In two  parts due to length.)
Order Sons of Italy in America
 219 E Street, NE ~ Washington, DC 20002
202.547.2900 ~ www.osia.org