Italian Americans Charge
Free Enterprise Fund Committee
with Ethnic Stereotyping
Washington, DC--
October 25, 2006
The Free Enterprise Fund Committee, a lobbying
group in Washington, DC, is guilty of stereotyping
Italian Americans, charges the Commission for Social
Justice (CSJ), the anti-defamation arm of the Order
Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), the largest Italian
American organization in the United States.
The charges followed the recent airing of a television
political commercial by the Committee in support of
Thomas Kean, Jr., who is running for the United
States Senate in New Jersey. The commercial can
be seen at
In the political commercial, a swarthy, heavyset man
in a black leather coat, is speaking on a cell phone as
he looks furtively around an alley. Speaking in a
thick New York accent, he warns that “our boy
Menendez” is in trouble,” as a result of investigations
triggered by Kean. “Ba-bing...we need to get the
bosses to fix this thing. Like we did for Torricelli,” he
says alluding to the former senator from New Jersey,
Robert Torricelli who decided not to run for re-
election after being implicated in a bribery and
campaign finance scandal in 2002.
To underscore the character’s Italian American
connection, the ad is entitled “The Politicos” with
the “L” replaced by a revolver as is done in the HBO
series’ title for “The Sopranos,” which uses a revolver
instead of the letter “R.”
The ad also suggests that the gangsters could get
assistance from Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who took
Torricelli’s place in the Senate. For years he has
been a strong supporter of Italian American causes
and has attended many OSIA functions and
Both Italian American Democrats and Republicans are
united in their criticism of the use of such mafia
images in political advertisements.
The connection between the Kean Campaign and the
Free Enterprise Fund Committee is unknown.
However, the commercial is another example of the
growing use of Italian Americans-as-gangsters in
political campaigns.
Political candidates tend to distance themselves
from such negative campaigning by using and/or
encouraging political action committees (PACs) and
other organizations not directly connected to their
campaigns to do so. The Free Enterprise Fund
Committee is such a PAC.
“This ad demonstrates what little regard or respect
such campaigns have for Italian Americans in New
Jersey, who represent the state’s largest voting
block,” says Robert Bianchi, Esq., the CSJ National
Vice President, who lives in New Jersey.
“For many years, OSIA and its CSJ have been vigilant
in challenging these negative stereotypes, regardless
of political affiliation, but still these hurtful attacks
on Italian Americans continue. While some may
question the need for us to fight such stereotyping
by Hollywood and television, commercials like this one
underscore how these stereotypes find their way into
all aspects of American society—even the political
process,” Bianchi says.
The CSJ takes note that Mr. Kean has denounced
the ad, but more than that needs to be done since
the ad is still running. Specifically, the CSJ would like
to know if anyone on his staff was involved in this
political ad and if Mr. Kean had any prior knowledge
of it. Most importantly, what steps is he taking to
have it removed from the air permanently?
The Commission for Social Justice is the anti-
defamation arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America
(OSIA), the largest and oldest national organization
in the U.S. for men and women of Italian heritage.
Founded in 1905, today OSIA has 600,000 members
and supporters and a network of more than 700
lodges or chapters coast to coast.
Kylie Cafiero
Director of Communications