Sons of Italy News Bureau |
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Press Release |
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Washington, DC--
April 5, 2006
Grab a book, and go out and enjoy the warm spring
air with the Sons of Italy Book Club selections. Take
the walk of a lifetime with Francis of Assisi, learn
about the historic tradition behind the Sicilian cart or
brush up on Italian history and culture.
- On the Road with Francis of Assisi: A
timeless journey through Umbria and Tuscany, and
Beyond by Linda Bird Francke. For more
than 20 years, Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
crisscrossed Italy and the Mid-East on his way to
sainthood. The spoiled son of a rich merchant,
Francis wasted his youth, was captured in a war with
Pisa and finally underwent a religious conversion,
embracing poverty. Author Francke visits all the
towns and villages where the Saint performed his
miracles and recounts the many stories about this
extraordinary man and his time. [$25.95;
hardcover; 288 pages; Random House]
- History on the Road: The Painted Carts of
Sicily by Marcella Croce and Miora F. Harris.
The first book ever published in English about the
painted carts of Sicily, History on the Road explores
the history, art and cultural significance of these
decorated carretti that once traveled Sicily’s country
roads by the thousands, carrying passengers, food,
wine and other cargo. In the two centuries since
their creation, Sicilian carts have been decorated
with everything from images of the saints, and
Charlemagne and his knights to opera scenes,
Napoleon, Columbus and even Mussolini. The book
also features which museums have the best examples
and where to buy the carts. Richly illustrated with
more than 100 photographs and designs.
[$19.95; paperback; 140 pages; Pogo Press]
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Italian
History and Culture by Gabrille Euvino with
Michael San Filippo. Did you know that in Italy
today more women than men are in college and in
the workforce? Or that the structure of the Electoral
College used to elect the U.S. president can be
traced to the Roman republic? These and other
interesting facts are in The Complete Idiot’s Guide
to Italian History and Culture. It begins with the
Romans and Etruscans and ends with inspiring stories
of Italian immigrants and their cultural impact on
America. A good reference book for all things Italian.
[$18.95; paperback; 408 pages; Alpha]
- The Spear of Lepanto: The Papal Prize
by Leon J. Radomile.This adventure novel, set in
Italy, presents Leonardo Radolowick, a 16th
century “Indiana Jones,” searching for the spear
that pierced the crucified Christ-a sacred relic that
Pope Pius V believes will decide the fate of Christian
Europe fighting the Ottoman Turks in 1570.
[$19.95; paperback; 335 pages; Vincero Enterprises:
- Home to Italy
by Peter Pezzelli.
In this novel of loss and renewal set in Abruzzo,
Peppi leaves the home he made in Rhode Island after
losing his wife and heads back to Italy and his
childhood village. There he’s reunited with his best
friend, meets a fiery new woman and, with help from
family, friends and Italy’s legendary zest for life, gets
a second chance at happiness. [$14.00;
paperback; 274 pages; Kensington Publishing
- Beyond Bagheria
by E.P. Vallone.
In 1918, the deadly Spanish flu swept through the
Sicilian town of Bagheria, leaving young Isabella an
orphan. In desperate straits, she accepts a marriage
proposal that brings her to New Orleans and involves
her in a whirlpool of greed, power and prejudice.
Based on a true story, this young immigrant learns
her dreams are very different from the reality of life
in America. [$19.95; paperback; 206 pages;
The Sons of Italy National Book Club is dedicated to
the works of writers who focus on Italian American
issues, themes, experiences and Italian culture. OSIA
chooses three to four fiction and non-fiction books
each quarter for a total of 12 to 16 titles a year.
OSIA encourages its 700+ lodges as well as other
Italian American organizations, clubs and individuals
to choose one or more of the books each quarter to
read and donate copies to their local schools or
public libraries.
Most book club selections can be bought on the OSIA Web site.
Order all your books, magazines, etc. through OSIA
and Most orders are shipped within 24
As a special bonus, will donate a
percentage of all sales ordered on our site to OSIA.
CLICK HERE to Buy OSIA Spring Book Club Selections Online
About the Order Sons of Italy in America
OSIA has more than 600,000 members and
supporters and a network of more than 700 chapters
coast to coast. OSIA works at the community,
national and international levels to promote the
heritage and culture of an estimated 26 million Italian
Americans, the nation's fifth largest ethnic group,
according to the U.S. Census Bureau. See
Kylie Cafiero
Director of Communications
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