To members of the Order Sons of Italy in America and supporters of Italian American culture.

"My one ambition and my daily prayer is that I may live long enough to make beautiful the Capitol of the one country on earth in which there is liberty."
-Constantino Brumidi

Next year will mark the bicentennial of the birth of one of the most important immigrants ever to become an American citizen, Constantino Brumidi.

Please join us in requesting that Constantino Brumidi be granted the Presidential Medal of Freedom this October, in honor of Italian American Heritage Month. Write to the White House today in recognition of Brumidi's outstanding artistic contribution to the United States. Please send by e-mail or fax as regular mail will not be opened at the White House for several months. If your time is limited you may also call.

Your letter should take the following form:

The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

To send your letter to the White House, use:

* Fax: (202) 456-2461
* E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov
* White House comment line:(202) 456-1111

Link to Sample letter & petition form

Your letter WILL make a difference and need only be a few short paragraphs.

This prestigious award is given at the sole discretion of the President and may be granted posthumously. This year, President Bush presented the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony to 13 distinguished Americans, including Arnold Palmer, Rita Moreno and Doris Day. Very few Americans of Italian or Greek descent have ever received the nation's highest civilian honors, from a President or from Congress.

Brumidi's paintings beautify one of the most important buildings in America - the U.S. Capitol. Today these paintings continue to inspire visitors, as they inspired the millions who have viewed his works for nearly 150 years. His most famous work is the "Apotheosis of Washington" on the ceiling of the dome in the Rotunda.

I encourage you to forward this e-mail to family members, friends, colleagues, and members of Italian American and Greek American groups, particularly those who live outside the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Thank you for your interest and attention.

Yours truly,

Joseph N. Grano, Chair
The Constantino Brumidi Society
Email: joegrano@netzero.net
Phone/Fax: 202/364-2526

OSIA phone: 202/547-2900
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