Only two days after I joined your Alphabetical Prayer Circle, my son Jacob (not his real name), age 50, called to tell me he had gone to Alanon, then to AA right after that, and he has gone every day since. This was a miracle in itself! He thought he could help his wife by setting the example...He had already quit drinking on his own two months earlier. He just called me to say he was going to a meeting tonight as his "one week anniversary." These markers are so important in "the program." He was excited to tell the others of his progress, and his wife is listening to him speak of his experience. After weeks of silence, she is actually talking to him and asking "How was the meeting?" and wanting to share her day with him. This is a big miracle!
Tonight Jacob called his father, who is in a facility for advanced Alzheimer's! His father was so happy, and totally coherent. They have had no relationship for 15 years. I persuaded Jacob to come home to see his Dad before he disappeared behind the veil of his mind. He did come home, and truly reestablished a relationship with his father. And now---to call him with his good news as well!
All of the above constitute the biggest miracles that have happened in our family's history. I know there is a definite connection by being in your prayer circle.
Thanks to all of you, especially to you, Vimala, for holding the space for these miracles to happen. Jacob is calling me when the meeting is over to share his story with me......He has always been a beautiful spirit.
What an amazing week this has been! Blessings and Love to all of you in the Circle, and to you, Vimala.
L.J., Wyomissing, PA
This week's Story From the Heart has prompted me to introduce you to Robin Tanguay, one of our IIHS graduates, and her revolutionary new book, published only last month: The Willingness to Change. The Willingness to Change combines two proven technologies: The Twelve Steps (originating from AA) and the Vimala System of Handwriting. Each Step reflects a self-affirming attitude. By incorporating the writing patterns that reinforce the attitude of the particular Step you are practicing, the process becomes an easy-to-follow method for releasing limiting patterns of thought and behavior. With pen in hand, even people with no previous knowledge of the Twelve Step process can apply this information and experience positive shifts immediately. Robin was introduced to The Twelve Steps in 1996, and the Vimala Alphabet in 2001. The changes she experienced were profound. Robin is certified as an IIHS Handwriting Consultant and an IIHS Authorized Instructor.
After years of study and research, Vimala Rodgers developed The Vimala Alphabet. Each letter shape is designed specifically to bring your hidden talents and abilities to life. As you begin to adopt self-affirming writing patterns, you naturally release those that are self-limiting, and at the same time you reconfigure the neurological patterns in your brain. This process is invaluable for people who are determined to let go of the past and stride ahead fully expressed in life. In scientific circles it is called neuroplasticity or cortical remapping. All it takes is pen and paper.
Does it work? You bet it does! -- every time. Pick up your pen and experience it for yourself.
If you are among the courageous visionaries who want to transform their lives through the Vimala Alphabet technology, choose at least 3 letters:
- The first letter is the initial of your first name - not nickname, but your real birth first name. If you adopted a new first name after your 35th birthday, use that as your first name. By writing this letter, you will experience profound personal changes.
- The second letter is the Letter of the Week.
- The third letter is one you have chosen in order to bring about a specific transformation in your life. Choose a letter from the Vimala Alphabet Guidebook.
Follow these steps:
- Write at least 3 lines of upper and lowercase letters.
- Write on unlined paper in the landscape direction.
- No pencils, please. Use a pen.
- Begin by writing once, at the top of the page, the Declaration of Intent of the initial of your first name.
- Write the first and third letters for at least 40 consecutive days. If you skip a day, start over. 40 is the number of transformation; it takes 40 days for the neurons in the brain to realign themselves, which is what the process of adopting self-affirming handwriting patterns does.
- Write the third letter for a single week.

Just as you have gifts unique to who you are, so does each letter. I call them "aspects." I'd like to begin our new venture by sharing one of those aspects, perhaps the most important one of all: the Guardian Protector.
Through the years I've studied hundreds of traditions throughout the world, and have found that within each one, there are such beings that we call called "angels" in English, yet are called by a different name in many traditions: devas in the scriptures of India, Al-Malaikah in the Qur'an of Islam, Malakh in the Hebrew Bible--and on and on throughout the world. To avoid religious distinctions, I call each one a Guardian Protector, because that is their role.
Trust me. They are as alive and attentive as you and I--just invisible, that's all--but fully present nonetheless. Create a conversation with them--then you will know. As with everything I teach, I insist that you do not believe what I say. To know in your heart of hearts that what I say is true, I suggest that you experience it by adopting suggested writing habits, along with applying the aspects of each letter, especially that of the Guardian Protector.

When a first-time writer of The Vimala Alphabet decides to adopt the Letter , the response to writing the lowercase is often grumbling and resistance--and even, tales be told---of throwing a pen across the room in frustration! It isn't the two vertical loops that cause upset, it's the final horizontal loop that is appropriately placed to the left of the initial downstroke. that has the pen resist mightily. Why? Because, drawn in this manner it states, "Nothing can stop me!" The subconscious mind, aka mover of the pen, declares "Oh yeah? Who do you think you are?!" ---and you submit by placing that loop to the right---if you form it at all. The Letter is a member of the Alphabetical Trio of Grumbling and Resistance; the other two members are the letters and . These three are the most challenging letters for most people to change---and the most transformational, once mastered. Declaration of Intent: Nothing will stop me from making a difference in the world. Nothing! Guardian Protector: Jophiel (Jo-fee-EL) ---the angel of creative power Everyone ever born has a uniqueness that is theirs alone. You do. Your mother does. Your next door neighbors does. I do. Each is a little different from the other, yet distinctly our own. The invitation Jophiel issues is clear and simple: "As you practice your Letter , invite me to guide the pen-to loosen any knots of unexpressed creativity that live in your mind, and set you free. It would give me great joy to accelerate your homeward journey." If doubt and uncertainly plague you in regard to your ability to get out there and create a program that would serve the needs of a particular group, begin your daily writing practice with a prayer to Jophiel, asking her to keep your mind and heart open to unusual and innovative ideas, and ways in which you can implement them. Throughout the day speak to her as though to a good friend---for she will become that. How to inscribe the letter : Uppercase: One "I am" stroke to the baseline, followed by two horizontal strokes, tipped slightly upward. Lowercase: From a gentle garland at the baseline, scoop up to the top of the upperzone creating a loop filling the mid- and upperzone. Continue into the lower zone and create a loop to the right of the downstroke. Come back to the baseline and form a horizontal stroke to the left of the initial stroke, thrusting it off to the right. Caveat: - Do not ever have a stick formation in either the upper or lower zone.
- Inscribing a loop to the left in the lower zone represents self sabotage. Don't do that!
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Some time ago our Newsletter Angel explained why the lower loops when we write become "high flying" loops in the newsletter. In case you weren't here at the time, let me explain, as simply as I can with my minimal electronic knowledge: The formatting we use won't allow the loops to 'settle down' where they belong, especially when they appear on a mobile device...and we know of no other program that will. If these misplaced loops still bother you, you might want to do this: Practice writing lines of the Letter  (patience), the  Ligature (non-resistance), and the Letter  (gentle acceptance of what is). You might also include a few lines of the initial of your first name, because that one letter holds within it your greatest opportunity for spiritual growth---a curriculum in itself, as it were.
Sursum et pergite! (Upward and onward!) Vimala
 A dynamic speaker and workshop leader, Vimala Rodgers brings to her presentations a vast knowledge of her subject and a warm enthusiasm for people. Her presentations are offered as 90-minute to 3-hour interactive talks, one- or two-day seminars, or weekend retreats.
Although Vimala's March course, "Ligatures: Accelerating Your Life Path" has been filled for some time, she is in the process of designing another weekend course, this one to be offered in November. Specifically focused on each participant, she is calling it "Why You Have the Name You Do." Find out more at Vimala's website.
Founding principles of the International Institute of Handwriting Studies
Last year, several "Handwriters for Peace" members requested, and we formed, an Alphabetical Prayer Circle through which members could ask for specific prayers in emergency situations and we would hold both those intentions with our own intentions in our prayers.
Because it's time to expand the Circle, I'm inviting you to join us. There is no need to become a Handwriter for Peace, nor do you have to give me your name, only your e-mail address, as I send all Prayer Circle Emails as BCCs. If you choose to join us, please send an e-mail to vimala@vimalarodgers.com with PRAYER CIRCLE in the Subject Box and this message: I'd like to join your Alphabetical Prayer Circle.
To strengthen our intentions, each day we agree to spend a precious 10 seconds once---or many times a day---offering our Alphabetical Healing Prayer:
Fill each of us with Your Healing Light: those of us in this Prayer Circle, all those we love, and all those we have difficulty loving. Thank You.
Also...In the course of the day, each of us devotes a few minutes of quiet time to write, on unlined paper, one line of the initial of our first name (not nickname) in both upper- and lowercase. Just one line; that's it...more if you care to. Read more online...