Transform Your Life Through Handwriting
In This Issue
Stories from the Heart
What is the Vimala Alphabet?
How to Begin
Aspects of the Letters
The Letter I i
High flying loops!
Contact Vimala
Founding Principles
Alphabetical Prayer Circle
Vimala's Books
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Stories from the Heart 


I changed my handwriting because of garlic. Garlic? Yes! Here's how it happened. My name is Rosa. I'll call my best friend Marguerite, although that is not her real name. In her linguistics class in college, the students were assigned to research personal names, and she told me that roses are a special flower in many cultures, and that I should be honored that it is my name! I was intrigued. Because I find books with paper pages I can touch to be more friendly than the internet, I went to the library and began to read about roses. I learned a lot about this wonderful flower, and how it is revered around the world, and even considered holy in several spiritual traditions. THEN, what a surprise! As I scanned down the list of resources on roses, I saw the title of a book, Roses Love Garlic. Garlic with roses? Ugh! The title sounded preposterous! But as I glanced through the book I was fascinated, so I checked it out and took it home.


It's a gardening book!---written years before the word "organic" was even coined. I called Marguerite to tell her about it, and she laughed---because she has a small garden, and knew all about garlic and roses! She had never heard of the book, but she discovered what she calls "the garlic syndrome" by going to your Vimala's Garden Facebook page. And how did she find it? By visiting one of your handwriting websites! So through Marguerite, roses, garlic, and handwriting, I planted a garlic clove next to my rose bush and at the same time discovered the possible outcomes that can occur in changing handwriting patterns! So I took it on. I also subscribed to your newsletter, and hope this qualifies as a Story From the Heart, because this story is coming straight from my heart.


Curious to see how this all worked, I bought your "kit." I especially love listening to the CDs when you tell us what the letters mean. I'm learning so much about the way I used to write! I also do my writing practice each day faithfully. I'm in my second 40-day writing cycle and loving it. I especially enjoy writing my full name---I have three other names as well as Rosa! I write every morning, sometimes for as long as an hour. Moving my pen across the paper takes me deep inside to a place I feel at home with. It's like being in the company of a dear old friend. I can't imagine missing a day. It feels so good---even though I have to slow down when I form some of your letters. "Clockwise Oo's!---Tt's crossed on top!---pull apart that m, n and h! --- no loops in those d stems!" really have me stop and "regroup" with my pen! And I'm doing it!


This is all new, and it's making a difference in how I feel---especially about myself. Instead of mentally beating myself up when I say or do something I wish I hadn't, I tend to be more the observer, evaluate what I've done, and---lesson learned, know that I won't ever do that again, and apologize when appropriate. In other words, I'm willing to be responsible for my actions and more forgiving of myself. This is brand new for me. If people could be black and blue mentally from blaming themselves for stupid things---my mind would be a mass of mental bruises! No more! As I recall, this learning process is what you call, "spiritual maturity."


One of the big changes I've noticed---and that friends and family have complimented me for---is that I used to take things personally and blame others for making me feel a certain way. No accident that I used to have a giant loop in my lowercase d stem! Used to...In fact I memorized the Declaration of Intent to keep it fresh in my mind: "The cause of any upset I have is never outside myself." Sometimes I have to repeat it over and over to myself so I won't feel like "a poor misunderstood victim"---which is how I used to feel. Once that Declaration of Intent really sunk in, I realized that I am the only one responsible for how I feel and interact, and I am the only one I'm here to change. What a load off my mental shoulders---and what a sense of freedom! Wow! Praise be to the way I now write my d!      


This Story from the Heart is leading up to my Thank you, Vimala! for converting your knowledge and love of letters into a program that is changing lives---especially mine. In fact, your alphabet has given me mine! Yes indeed...

Thank you, Vimala!


Rosa L.
Prescott, AZ

What is the Vimala Alphabet  Vimala Rodgers

After years of study and research, Vimala Rodgers developed The Vimala Alphabet. Each letter shape is designed specifically to bring your hidden talents and abilities to life. As you begin to adopt self-affirming writing patterns, you naturally release those that are self-limiting, and at the same time you reconfigure the neurological patterns in your brain. This process is invaluable for people who are determined to let go of the past and stride ahead fully expressed in life. In scientific circles it is called neuroplasticity or cortical remapping.  All it takes is pen and paper.


Does it work? You bet it does! -- every time. Pick up your pen and experience it for yourself.

Vimala Rodgers 

How to Begin 

If you are among the courageous visionaries who want to transform their lives through the Vimala Alphabet technology, choose at least 3 letters:   

  • The first letter is the initial of your first name - not nickname, but your real birth first name. If you adopted a new first name after your 35th birthday, use that as your first name. By writing this letter, you will experience profound personal changes.
  • The second letter is the Letter of the Week.
  • The third letter is one you have chosen in order to bring about a specific transformation in your life.  Choose a letter from the Vimala Alphabet Guidebook.

Follow these steps:

  1. Write at least 3 lines of upper and lowercase letters.
  2. Write on unlined paper in the landscape direction.
  3. No pencils, please. Use a pen.
  4. Begin by writing once, at the top of the page, the Declaration of Intent of the initial of your first name.
  5. Write the first and third letters for at least 40 consecutive days. If you skip a day, start over. 40 is the number of transformation; it takes 40 days for the neurons in the brain to realign themselves, which is what the process of adopting self-affirming handwriting patterns does.
  6.  Write the third letter for a single week.
Aspects of the Letters

Just as you have gifts unique to who you are, so does each letter. I call them "aspects." I'd like to begin our new venture by sharing one of those aspects, perhaps the most important one of all: the Guardian Protector. 


Through the years I've studied hundreds of traditions throughout the world, and have found that within each one, there are such beings that we call called "angels" in English, yet are called by a different name in many traditions: devas in the scriptures of India, Al-Malaikah in the Qur'an of Islam, Malakh in the Hebrew Bible--and on and on throughout the world. To avoid religious distinctions, I call each one a Guardian Protector, because that is their role. 


Trust me. They are as alive and attentive as you and I--just invisible, that's all--but fully present nonetheless. Create a conversation with them--then you will know. As with everything I teach, I insist that you do not believe what I say. To know in your heart of hearts that what I say is true, I suggest that you experience it by adopting suggested writing habits, along with applying the aspects of each letter, especially that of the Guardian Protector.

The Letter of the Week - I i
The letter I i  insists that you view all circumstances and people from an objective stance. In other words, no good or bad, no right or wrong, no judgments. This power-packed letter invites you to gain a perspective that sees all sides clearly and evaluate without a viewpoint.  It puts you firmly in the present and has you ask, "Am I seeing clearly, or am I interpreting what I see?" You will understand the power of this letter only after you have begun writing it regularly. Keep your Miracle Journal handy!


Guardian Protector: Shekinah (Shek-EEE-nah)-the angel of unity


Shekinah is a mighty angel in the Hebrew tradition. Depending on whose translation you read, her name means "The Feminine Presence of God," "The Glory of God," or "Queen of Angels." Basically, Shekinah is the feminine aspect of God: open, loving, forgiving, accepting, and all-embracing, with no restrictive parameters. She is a radiant example of the Letter I i . In a situation where you want to be in present time and see all sides of an issue, invoke Shekinah's guidance to be impartial and clear-seeing with no prejudicial inferences. If it's possible at the time, as you write lines of the Letter I i , both upper- and lowercase, still your mind, sit quietly in silence, tune into her consciousness and pray, "Beloved Friend...Guide me, bless me, move my pen." 


Declaration of Intent:

I see as God sees and love as God loves.


When I heard Ram Dass say this in the '70s, although it was the precise soul energy of the Letter I i , I don't use anyone else's material and claim it as my own, so I set it aside...although it remained powerfully in my mind as a reflection of the letter I i . I continued to search my heart for the perfect Declaration of Intent for the Letter I i  --but because "I see as God sees and love as God loves" is the very soul of the letter I i , I adopted it as our own. No other statement fits quite so precisely. Thank you, Ram Dass.


How to inscribe this letter:


Uppercase: Inscribe a firmly drawn "I am" stroke to the baseline. Pick up the pen. Draw two horizontal crossbars, one at the top of the "I am" and one at the bottom. Tilt the top one slightly upward.


Caveat: Do not let the "I am" stroke incise either crossbar.


Lowercase: Begin at the baseline extending the stroke to the top of the midzone, retracing it as you descend to the baseline. Place a dot (only a dot) directly above the stem.


Caveat: Do not ever let a loop occur in the stem. Not ever. 

High Flying Loops! 
Some time ago our Newsletter Angel explained why the lower loops when we write become "high flying" loops in the newsletter. In case you weren't here at the time, let me explain, as simply as I can with my minimal electronic knowledge:

The formatting we use won't allow the loops to 'settle down' where they belong, especially when they
appear on a mobile device...and we know of no other program that will.

If these misplaced loops still bother you, you might want to do this: Practice writing lines of the Letter Ss(patience), the gh Ligature (non-resistance), and the Letter Zz (gentle acceptance of what is). You might also include a few lines of the initial of your first name, because that one letter holds within it your greatest opportunity for spiritual growth---a curriculum in itself, as it were.

Sursum et pergite! (Upward and onward!)
Contact Vimala
Vimala RodgersA dynamic speaker and workshop leader, Vimala Rodgers brings to her presentations a vast knowledge of her subject and a warm enthusiasm for people. Her presentations are offered as 90-minute to 3-hour interactive talks, one- or two-day seminars, or weekend retreats. 

Although Vimala will be teaching an advanced course in 2012, she is currently not available for keynoting, in-house presentations, retreats, and private consultations, but will be, once she finishes the book she is writing. Radio shows? Any time!

Your mind is a gift... 
Founding principles of the
International Institute of Handwriting Studies


Please Join Us 

Last year, several "Handwriters for Peace" members requested, and we formed, an Alphabetical Prayer Circle through which members could ask for specific prayers in emergency situations and we would hold both those intentions with our own intentions in our prayers. 

Because it's time to expand the Circle, I'm inviting you to join us. There is no need to become a Handwriter for Peace, nor do you have to give me your name, only your e-mail address, as I send all Prayer Circle Emails as BCCs. If you choose to join us, please send an e-mail to with PRAYER CIRCLE in the Subject Box and this message: I'd like to join your Alphabetical Prayer Circle.

To strengthen our intentions, each day we agree to spend a precious 10 seconds once---or many times a day---offering our Alphabetical Healing Prayer:   

Fill each of us with Your Healing Light:
those of us in this Prayer Circle,
all those we love,
and all those we have difficulty loving.
Thank You.

Also...In the course of the day, each of us devotes a few minutes of quiet time to write, on unlined paper, one line of the initial of our first name (not nickname) in both upper- and lowercase. Just one line; that's it...more if you care to. Read more online...

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