Quality Transport Services of Arizona
Quality TimesMarch 2012
In This Issue
Staying Healthy
Only in Arizona
National Kidney Month
Discounts for Vets
Staying Healthly
The American Red Cross recommends the following:
Always practice good health habits to
maintain your body's resistance to
* Eat a balanced diet.
* Drink plenty of fluids.
* Exercise daily.
* Manage stress.
* Get enough rest and sleep.

Take these common sense steps to stop the spread of germs:
* Wash hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand
* Avoid or minimize contact with people who are sick (a minimum three feet distancing is recommended).
* Avoid touching your eyes, nose and
* Cover your mouth and nose with
tissues when you cough and sneeze. If you don't have a tissue, cough or
sneeze into the crook of your elbow.
* Stay away from others as much as
possible when you are sick.
Only in Arizona: 
*You can say 110 degrees without fainting. 

*You eat hot chilies to cool your mouth off. 

*You can make instant sun tea. 

*You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron. 

*The temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly. 

*You discover that in July, it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car. 

*You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window. 

*You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance. 

*Hot water now comes out of both taps. 

Spring Training is here, but we've been so busy, actually attending games in person has been a bit elusive. On the other hand, the entire team is watching their March Madness brackets, and the competition is keen. Peggy is currently in the lead, but that could change tomorrow.

This month we welcome 2 new vehicles to our fleet, a full size Wheelchair and Stretcher Van, and another of our crowd pleasing Ford Transit Wheelchair and Ambulatory vehicles. We currently have to say "no" to about 1.2% of our transportation requests - and our goal is ZERO. With continued investment in our Driver Team and by bringing on new vehicles at a steady pace, we will be able to always say "Yes".

Sadly, the price of fuel is on the rise again, and we are forced to add a small temporary charge to our per mile fees. Your Business Development representation will have the details. We appreciate your understanding as we continue to increase our MPGs and utilize our advanced dispatch software to reduce wasted miles - and keep our fuel expenses to a minimum.
See you at the Ball Games (we wish!),

QTS Newsletter Team
Quality Transport Services of Arizona
National Kidney Month
Did you know?
Your kidneys filter 200 liters of blood each day!
Your kidneys remove 2 liters of toxins, waste and water from your body daily.
Currently 350,000 Americans are on dialysis and 70,000 are waiting for a kidney transplant.
At QTS, we are proud of our service to passengers traveling to and from dialysis appointments. We strive to make the visits as comfortable, quick, and safe as possible.
We are also proud to support the Arizona Kidney Foundation. More information can be found at www.azkidney.org. 
Calling All U.S. Veterans!
Special Rates
In thanks for your service to our nation, we offer special discounted transportation rates to all U.S. Veterans. It takes nothing more than a phone call to 602.371.1000 and mentioning that you are a Vet to take advantage of these special rates. 
QTS Vehicles
What is NEMT?
Assisted Transportation
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation is what QTS is all about. We offer Ambulatory, Wheelchair, and Stretcher transportation options to those needing to get from here to there. The key to our success is our trained and professional driver team, and their late model safe and comfortable vehicles. 
While we offer mobility assistance - right from your bedside if needed - we don't offer any kind of en-route medical care. But if you need to get to an appointment or even just out to dinner (or a ball game), we will be there for you. Please call today for a no obligation quote - for one trip or many.
Contact QTS Today
We are easy to reach 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
Please call 602.371.1000, email to Info@QTSaz.com, or Fax to 602.371.1007. 
You also don't want to miss our brand new, informative and easy to use, website at www.QTSaz.com
We serve the entire metropolitan region, as well as throughout the State and beyond.
Thanks for reading this month's newsletter.
See you next month!