Anglers Resource



Welcome back for our second issue of the Guide. Volume 1 No. 1 received high marks and we hope to get even better as we go along. If you have any suggestions or comments, direct them to and we'll see what we can do. With your help the Guide can become an important source of information and news, so let us know what's going on out there!


Anglers Resource


Earthquake Update 

Latest Update from Fuji on Devastating Earthquake
Many customers have been asking about Fuji's operations in Japan after the devastating earthquake in the northern part of the country. We are pleased to report that we have been in touch with Fuji's headquarters and learned that the factory, the corporate offices and our exporting agent are all up and running and we should expect NO delays as a result of the earthquake.

Anglers Resource is  currently carrying substantial inventory and we have additional product en route that shipped prior to the quake.

Our thoughts and prayers are with our Japanese co-workers as they await word of friends and relatives in the hardest hit areas of northern Japan.


Freddy Riley wins K-Series guides for March!

Freddy RileyThe name out of the hat this month was James (Freddy) Riley, Jr. of Rippin' Riley's Custom Rods. Freddy is an avid bass tournament fisherman (and custom rod builder) out of Whitsett, North Carolina. He's been fishing tournaments the past 12 years. Freddy is a Certified Mudhole Rod Builder and though he's a relative newcomer, he's stayed busy since starting his shop in August of 2010. When we contacted Freddy about his win we discovered he was a huge Fuji fan to start with...that's what we like to hear!

New Height Comparison Chart allows instant comparison of all Fuji guides.
Compare at a glance.
height chart


As far as we know, Fuji has never offered a chart that compared the height of various frames in a single table. The information has been available if you wanted to locate it, but now you can compare the height of 19 different Fuji frame designs at a glance on a single easy-to-read chart. With ring size and frame at your fingertips, you're more likely to get it right the first time. Email subject line "height chart" and we'll send you one right away.

Now Stocking BMNVAG micro stripper for spinning rods in 4 sizes.

Small ring...High Frame!
BNMV photoAnglers Resource has added a couple of needed items for the micro build crew. The MNV frame is now available in size 8, 10, 12 and 16 in Black Alconite� and is unique because these frames allow the use of smaller stripper ring sizes without sacrificing height. For example, an 8 ring MNV is 22 mm tall or about the same height as a 12 ring LV or SV. Generally, MNV lets builders drop down one or two ring sizes with no loss in height.
Titanium LD's could it be the perfect Micro guide for saltwater.
Hidden jewels 

tldFuji's LD frame style is a beefy little monster to say the least, and it's lived the past few years in relative obscurity until it found a home in the world of micros. We have carried it primarily for the freshwater crowd in a Black Alconite for some time but northeastern custom builder Billy Vivona discovered some time ago that, in Titanium, the LD was perhaps the best little thing going for saltwater micro rods. With the help of an international supplier, Billy has made TLD's a popular (but quiet) choice of Northeastern fishermen for some time. But, like most good innovations, the cat ultimately escapes the bag and, like most good innovations, the benefit accrues to the entire community.  Soon, lower east coast and gulf coast rod builders will be able to get the full range of sizes in Titanium in sizes 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 and 6.


Thanks for a Great Show, Tom!
Special thanks to Tom Kirkman and crew for a very enjoyable ICRBE in High Point. Anglers Resource presented the Fuji product line to an endless stream of visitors and still found time to say hello to many long time friends and new acquaintances. We look forward to next year.
ICRBE aisle


Bill Broderick using FUJI guides for TV show with Charlie Moore.
...when quality counts

Charlie MooreCharlie Moore, host of The Mad Fisherman TV show on Versus is spending a few days with Custom Rd Builder, Bill Broderick down in Naples this month. Charlie and Bill will spend time explaining the virtues of custom rod building and how anglers can take their game to a whole new level with the right set up. Bill will be presenting Charlie with custom spin cast and bait cast rods dressed with Titanium SiC K-Series guides. Thanks for the vote of confidence Bill, and thanks for bringing the craft of rod building some much needed national attention!


New big tube Micro tops.
Small ring, big tube. 
Attention anyone who keeps putting smaller and smaller guides on bigger and bigger rods: We now have BMCOT, MCOT, BMCAT and MCAT in a 4.5 ring with a 6.5 tube.That's Black and Stainless in Alconite or Aluminum Oxide.


Fisherman of the Month - Dave Larson
Send us a photo, be next month's Fisherman of the Month 
larson photo
This fish was caught and released on a river in Oregon designated as wild and scenic.  Dave has been fishing these rivers with hand tied jigs for the past 10 years and has recently taken up building custom tools for serious fishermen.  Sorry, no fancy wraps, but Dave tries to use the best rod components which makes for a very good rod to tackle the big fish that swim in local rivers. This rod is built on a North Fork Composites 9ft blank, Fuji Reel seat and Fuji SiC guides.


In This Issue
Easy Height Comparison
NEW Micro strippers
a secret from the North
Fuji on TV
NEW Fuji Caps

buy direct!

Premium Fuji Caps are now available directly from Anglers Resource. These caps are 100% cotton with a velcro closure and three-color, fully embroidered Fuji logo.
We accept Visa� and Mastercard�, phone 1-251-943-4491 to place
your order.
Caps are $7.95 + $2.00 S&H
Quick Links

 Dave's Parts and Service 


  MUDHOLE Custom Tackle 


Southwestern Parts and Service  


The Rod Room  


Bett's Fishing Center  


C and M Custom Tackle  




Charley's Fishing Supply  


DONART Custom Fishing Rods  


Fishing Tackle Unlimited  




Half Hitch Tackle  


Jann's Netcraft  


Sea Island Custom Rod  


Shoff's Custom Tackle  


Thorne Brothers  


fuji tag photo 



Volume 1 Number 2: The Guide � � Anglers Resource LLC, January 2011. All rights reserved.

visit our website for more information