nco logoNational Coalition of Firefighters Credit Unions 



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Annual Membership Meeting! 


Don't miss your chance to VOTE at the Annual Meeting of the Membership.


Vote YellowThe Annual Meeting of the membership will be held Sunday 10/9/2011 3:00 to 4:30 PM at the annual conference. See 2011 Brochure  Don't miss out, become a Voting member now  so you can vote on the coalitions leadership and direction.
(1 vote per member credit union)

Start planning now to attend our 10th Anniversary Conference to be Held in New Orleans October 9-12, 2011 at the world  renown Ritz Carlton.

Welcome FISERV

 NEW 2011 BRONZE Sponsor



Fiserv is the leading global provider of information management and electronic commerce systems for the financial services industry, providing integrated technology and services that create value and results for our clients. Fiserv drives innovation that transforms experiences for more than 16,00 clients worldwide. Visit us at the conference or at our website  

The Bucket Coach


The Bucket Coach is a  financial advice book designed by Fire Services Credit Union, Tronto, Canada. and written exclusively

for Fire Fighters

Bucket Coach
Preview Chapter 1


It's a practical guide for household financial management, including investments, credit and mortgages, and retirement. Developed with contributions from Fire Fighters,


The Bucket Coach includes tools to assess your financial well-being and track your expenses and savings. To keep things fun, key points are presented by Fire Fighter Rock Solid and his family, as well as the villainous Volatile and the helpful Coach.


If you would like more information as to the possibility of designing (Americanizing) one for your credit union, please contact,


Kevin Connolly

Chief Executive Officer    Fire Services Credit Union

Phone: 416-440-1294 ext 301 Toll Free: 1-866-833-3285


1997 Avenue Rd

Toronto, ON M5M 4A3 

 Bucket Coach 2

Firefighter Newsroom


The Firefighter Newsroom  includes articles of interest to firefighters. Relevant news and events from fire departments and firefighter credit unions throughout the world, updated daily. 


Don't be left out! stay informed and visit both the Firefighter Newsroom  and  NCOFCU's BLOG.  

Provided by our preferred providers, IWS & Vining Sparks 

Welcome C & A Associates

NEW 2011 Bronze Sponsor

C&A Associates C&A Associates, Inc. was formed in April 1990 and incorporated in 1991 to work with Community Banks in Louisiana and Mississippi in the areas of Disaster Recovery and Proof-of-Deposit. Since that time, the company has expanded its services to cover the entire United States and the International Bank community. Today our customers not only include financial institutions, banks and credit unions, but also newspapers, casinos, tax collectors, insurance companies, school boards, district and local courts and municipalities, churches and utility companies.

What's UP / New!

Crystal Ball


While the Durbin amendment included a carve out for issuers with assets of $10 billion and less, several Fed governors said they weren't sure that it could be implemented.


Not sure what the new interchange fee will mean to your credit union? Will it help or hurt yor credit union? Read what others have to say!

Good Faith + Care = 21 Cents

Credit Unions Get Clatity On Interchange Fees 

NCUANCUA Liquidates it's 12th credit union this year! 


 NCUA Legal Opnions 

The National Credit Union Administration issues legal opnions to questions credit unions ask. Here are a few links to the latest;






The House is poised to begin debate and consideration this week of H.R. 1309, a bill introduced by Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Ill., to reform and extend the National Flood Insurance Program for five years. Read More




Representative Ed Royce (R-CA-40) recently introduced the Small Business Lending Enhancement Act, H.R.1418, which would raise the credit union member business lending cap to 27.5% of assets. This common sense provision could provide up to $13 billion to small businesses in the first year alone and create over 140,000 new jobs at no cost to taxpayers.
Please contact your Representative TODAY and urge them to support H.R1418.



World 1Take a trip around the world! Visit our  LINKS  page and visit Firefighter Credit Unions worldwide! Visit their websites and see what they are up to as to, Loans, Savings and other Services. It is a great trip! 

Welcome CU*South

NEW 2011 Exhibitor

CU*SOUTH's signature CU*BASE system combines the processing power of a proven, feature rich application with business logic and middleware standards designed to promote integration with third party systems such as ZOOT for on-line credit bureau access and CheckFree for Electronic Bill Payment and Presentment. This open business philosophy empowers clients to expand into new, dynamic processes on a level rarely found with traditional packages.

Welcome Multi-Bank-Securties

NEW 2011 Exhibitor


Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. (MBS) is an institutional fixed-income securities broker-dealer committed to earning and preserving the respect of our customers by meeting their investment goals with personal service, institutional investment expertise and progressive technologies. As an independent, privately-held organization, you can be assured we provide the broadest market visibility and put your interests first.

NCOFCU On-Line Store 
NCOFCU HatNCOFCU now has a On-Line Store where you can buy Hats and Shirts representing the National Coalition of Firefighters Credit Unions.
NCOFCU, a non-profit, applies all revenues towards: Programs, Special events, Meetings, workshops, scholarships, etc. as well as operating support for our organization


"The National Coalition of Firefighter's Credit Unions (NCOFCU) is committed to creating and maintaining a climate of safety, soundness, innovation, unity and education among firefighter credit unions in order to promote and enhance the initiatives of the credit union movement."
Please submit what you would like to share to, Articles.


Grant Sheehan

Executive Director  

National Coalition of Firefighters Credit Unions
Find us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterVisit our blog 


One of the coalitions 2011 preferred providers, put your investment income to work for you.


Contact your personal representative,

Lee Chandler


for a complimentary

Performance Review



Visit GOLD Sponsor

Peer to Peer 


One of the coalitions 2011 preferred providers, Peer to Peer 2.0 is Callahan's newly enhanced performance analysis tool.


Visit  GOLD  Sponsor

Logo WhiteNCOFCU

Helps support NCOFCU and provides the credit union with voting privileges and much more; $250.00


Cuna M Group 

Insurance and protection for your credit union and members. Lending solutions and marketing programs for bottom-line impact. Employee benefits to recruit and retain the right employees.


Visit GOLD Sponsor

Our Sponsors


One of the coalitions 2011 preferred providers, offering vehicle warranty insurance through IWS  by contacting your personal representative,

Mark Rodriquez

Visit  Gold Sponsor


Want the latest technology but cannot afford an in-house IT staff? Let Ewart Technologies, Inc. be that IT staff.


 Visit  GOLD Sponsor 


Our patented Remote Deposit Capture system and our e-check platform have revolutionized the way in which companies are processing deposits and payments.

Visit GOLD Sponsor  


FSCC is the nation's largest credit union shared branching network with financial access points at over 6600 locations in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, and on military bases in three foreign countries.


Visit Exhibitor

Childrens Network

Make Your Donations












































 Quick Links

Conference Sponsorships Levels 

Gold - $1500

Silver - $800

Bronze -$600

Sponsor Application 


Preferred Provider

Register as an attendee for the conference and exhibit FREE.

Act now to have your logo on the conference and NCOFCU websites, conference promo material, newsletters, BLOG's and the conference handbook going to Firefighter Credit Union officials. Details inside. 


Offer Expires: 8-12-2011