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Kids for Peace Newsletter
Good NewsWinter 2012
In This Issue
TEDx LaJolla Talk
School Edition of Great Kindness Challenge
Our Sponsors
DC Peace Pledge Tour
Danielle's Ugandan Journey
Kids Korner
New Website

TEDx La Jolla  

 Co-founder Jill McManigal and Kids Present  

Peace Pledge Talk 


Jill McManigal, Kids for Peace co-founder, and members of Kids for Peace were thrilled to be invited to speak at  TEDx La Jolla.  Check it out!!

The Peace Pledge Talk 

Great Kindness Challenge-School Edition Launched   

gkc logoKids for Peace 

presented a district-wide Great Kindness Challenge-School Edition in Carlsbad Unified School District


Imagine students thanking their teachers, helping their peers, eating lunch with new friends, cleaning up their campus, creating positive posters and reading to younger students.  That, and so much more, is what happened throughout the Carlsbad Unified School District as they tested out the pilot for the School Edition of the Great Kindness Challenge.   


Using a checklist of 50 school-specific challenges, students did their part to create a culture of kindness and respect on their campuses.  Administrators, teachers and students could feel the impact of this big week.  Stated one seven year old Hope Elementary student, "I used to have a bully, but after the Great Kindness Challenge he stopped bullying me."  


Whether we are preventing bullying, building positive character or simply inspiring smiles, it feels good to be nice.  We invite all schools around the world to learn more about our Great Kindness Challenge-School Edition.


Watch Fox News Story 

Our Sponsors
We are thrilled to thank our sponsors.  Their generosity makes a HUGE difference to our children.
Thank you!  Thank you!
 The Code Crew logo

Southwest Airlines

Art N Soul

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Winter is often a time of quiet reflection, renewed connection and wishful introspection.  With Kids for Peace, there has been plenty of connection but little quiet!!  As our tag-line states, we've been joyfully "uplifting our world through love and action."

This newsletter is a mere sampling of the abundance of extraordinary activities and powerful impact of Kids for Peace these past few months.  I hope this GOOD NEWS makes you feel hopeful and inspired.  Our youth truly are transforming our world for the better.  GOOD NEWS indeed!!

With Peace, Enthusiasm and Appreciation,

Jill McManigal
Cofounder and Executive Director

Washington DC Peace Pledge Tour 

Taking Our Peace Pledge to Congress and Beyond

What an EPIC and transformational trip!! One hundred ten Kids for Peace youth and adults, from California to Rhode Island, joined together from diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds to launch our inaugural Peace Pledge Tour.  


Our Peace Pledge was heard loud and clear everywhere we went, including the Floor of the US House of Representatives, the U.S. Institute of Peace Read More About USIP Visit, with the Kenyan Ambassador Odembo, on center court of the Wizards NBA Basketball game, at the Democratic Caucus meeting, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, under the Martin Luther King Monument, at the State Department, outside the White House, the Holocaust Museum and MORE. WOW!!!


After four days of unified connection and powerful inspiration, we concluded our trip with a visit to a homeless shelter where our kids gave Peace Packs to young children and spent time reading and connecting with their new little friends.  


Special thanks to Congressman Filner (D-CA) for his visionary leadership and for making our trip possible.  We are so grateful for his belief in our children and their important message of PEACE.


A documentary about this life-changing adventure is being created by Natalie, our high school intern, and is due to be released the first week of June, 2012.  We look forward to sharing our important message of PEACE with the whole world!!!   Documentary Sneak Peak Here  


Danielle's Journey  

Children of Uganda's War Pledge Peace


KfP Co-founder
Danielle Gram 

War ended in Uganda six years ago, but for the children abducted by Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, those left orphaned, or unable to pay school fees, the process of finding peace has just begun.


Kids for Peace co-founder Danielle Gram has been working with children and youth affected by the war since October 2011. As part of a Harvard University fellowship, Danielle is studying the challenges faced by children born into war, and has used what she has learned from her experience to adapt Kids for Peace programs to address the needs of Uganda's war-affected children.


More than 200 children and youth in five separate peace clubs in Northern Uganda are currently receiving training, materials, and support from Kids for Peace. In addition to creating peace through the arts, service, cross-cultural connection, and environmental protection, chapters in Northern Uganda have a special focus on skills-development. Members learn how to use nonviolent communication, are trained in conflict resolution and trauma counseling, and are supported in community advocacy.


"The children have been particularly receptive to the arts component of Kids for Peace," shared Danielle. "They love to sing, drum, and dance and have created beautiful art. Each chapter has made its own peace puzzle mural, and some have chosen to write poems about war and childhood which they intend to share with community leaders.

"Without a doubt, the best part of my week is spent in the Peace Clubs. Knowing what hardship these children and youth have experienced, it brings me great joy to see them smiling, at peace, and safe, and thinking about how they can contribute to the security and happiness of others.

Saying the Peace Pledge in Uganda. 
Kids Korner 
~In Their Own Words~

Sloane McGuire  

Del Mar, California

Age: 9 

Chapter: Del Mar Kids for Peace 

Years in Kids for Peace: 5  


What's your favorite part of Kids for Peace and why? 

My favorite part of Kids for Peace is making Peace Packs because it gives me a warm feeling knowing that is goes to a child in need.




What have you learned in Kids for Peace?  

I have learned about other places and cultures.  


Why is Kids for Peace important?  

Kids for Peace is important because we make a difference by spreading peace around the world.


What is your wish for the world?

 My wish for the world is that Kids for Peace can bring kindness and happiness to the world.


Kids for Peace Poem

Written by Sloane McGuire 


I'm a part of Kids for Peace

The program that is right for me

Kids for peace will help the earth

No matter how much it is worth

They'll help a child if he's fallen down

They'll pass the plate of goodness around

They can help anyone, including you

If your kind to others, you're already doing what we do

It doesn't matter if you're big or small

Join Kids for Peace and you'll help all


 New Website!!!

The Code Crew Is At It Again!!!
Ae Crew is at it again!icle Headline

Thanks to Code Crew's extreme generosity, we have a brand new website for our Great Kindness Challenge.  It is fresh, hip, happy and very user-friendly.  Please check it out and pledge to take the Challenge on Saturday, August 11, 2012.