Karen Wyckoff Rein in Sarcoma Foundation
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Volume 3 Number 4
 April  2010
RIS 2010 Party in the Park
Commemorative Artwork
2010 Sponsors
Auction Update
Katherine B. Andersen Fund
RIS Named Funds
$154,000 in new research
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Sunflower- The symbol for cures to sarcoma cancersRIS Update!
Welcome to our April RIS Newsletter. In this issue you will find information about our plans for Rein in Sarcoma 2010 and how you can help! Learn about over $150,000 in new Sarcoma research grants and a new challenge grant grant opportunity.   See our new RIS artwork for RIS 2010 and lots more!.
Allan Swartz, Greg Murphy, Christian Garcia, Shaundra MurphyPlans Underway for RIS 2010!
Plans are now fully underway for the 10th Annual Rein in Sarcoma - "Party in the Park" on Monday evening, July 26th at Cafesjian's Carousel and the Como Park Visitor Center in St Paul presented by CVS Caremark Pharmacies.
With the leadership of Allan Swartz, our 2010 chair, the Kick-Off meeting of Rein in Sarcoma 2010 was held on March 16th. It was a fantastic mix of about 40 veteran and many new volunteers joining together to celebrate our accomplishments and to begin organizing the 2010 Party in the Park. Highlights include 
Commorative Art Work by Greg Murphy2010 Commemorative Artwork Unveiled
Bask in the beauty of The Lemon Queen, our lovely new image for RIS 2010 offered graciously by acclaimed photographer and cancer survivor Greg Murphy. This year's commemorative poster offers light and cheer, and we are blessed to have it available. 

See the Rein in Sarcoma 10th Anniversary official artwork and learn more about Greg Murphy, click here.

CVS/Caremark has become the first presenting sponsor in Rein In Sarcoma's ten year history. Through their financial and in-kind support CVS is helping to move Rein In Sarcoma to the next level in carrying out our mission.
Fairview Health System returns as Gold Ring sponsor of the opening and closing ceremony and American Family Insurance returns for the fifth consecutive year as sponsor of the Sarcoma Family Picnic. Returning Brass Ring sponsors are Park Midway Bank and Building Arts. Addition great sponsorship opportunities remain, read more...
2009 Silent Auction Auction Update - April 14th Invite
Work has begun on the 2010 Silent Auction with high hopes for our most successful event ever. Our goal is to raise $25,000 in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Party in the Park. Letters to previous donors are being sent and all volunteers who asked friends, neighbors and local businesses will soon receive an email refreshing their memories who they solicited in '09. 75+ new potential donors are being pursued this year in hopes of tempting our attendees with new offerings.
Your social network provides the best sources for donations to the auction. Take a minute to complete an exercise which helps you identify your own social network. Learn more and download form here. We need to better identify resources within the RIS volunteer community that can lead to really great auction offerings.
You are all invited to a brainstorming social meeting to discuss the auction on Wednesday April 14th at 7:00. It will be held at the St. Paul home of Jason Patalonis- 506 Portland Avenue where a light dinner will be served. Please RSVP by clicking here or call 651.221.0273.

Allan Swartz
Allan Swartz- 2010 Event Chair
All Hands Meeting- May 4th
Plan now to join us at our next RIS 2010 "All Hands" meeting on Tuesday evening, May 4th at the Wyckoff's. Join us at 6:30 to socialize and get to know one another. We will also have great desserts available!

The "All Hands" meeting gets underway at 7:00 pm. We need the talent and enthusiasm of many new and returning volunteers at the first "All Hands" meeting. We have important tasks awaiting each of you. To learn more or to register for the meeting, click here.
St Paul Foundation
The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of the St. Paul Foundation has made a new $15,000 challenge grant to Rein In Sarcoma for 2010! This means that all new and increased donations to Rein in Sarcoma in 2010 will be matched dollar for dollar up to the challenge grant goal up to $15,000.

In additional all new and increased corporate contributions, including Sponsorships, in 2010  will be match 1 to 1 up to the limit of the grant.  To learn more, click here.

Bill Clemens
Bill Clemens

Our mission means most to those who have faced sarcoma, and to the people who have been touched by their lives.  RIS Named Memorial and Tribute funds have been critically important in allowing us to continue moving forward with our mission.

The latest RIS Named fund has just been established by the Clemens family in memory of William Clemens. The Clemens Fund and all the other active RIS named funds will be honored in the closing ceremony of this year's Rein In Sarcoma event on July 26th.  Read the stories of the current named funds, here.  If you are interested in establishing a fund, you may learn more here.
David Largaespada

David Largespata
The KWRISF Board approved over $154,000 in new funding for sarcoma cancer research and education.  Thank you, for supporting efforts to better identify cancer and predict its danger, measure response to treatments, and develop targeted treatments.  A video for use with children facing amputation will be made, and RIS will continue its sponsorship of medical students.  Read more...
We need you.  Please join us, and help to make our tenth anniversary event a success.  Many hands make light work, and we have important work to do.   Take a moment to explore the opportunities.  Something is sure to match well with your talents and availability! To learn more, click here....
The Karen Wyckoff Rein in Sarcoma Foundation is the primary sarcoma cancer foundation in the upper Midwest. Our goals are to find a cure for sarcoma cancers through funding research, education for medical personnel and the public and patient support. As an all volunteer non-profit organization over 98% of all revenue directly supports our mission.

Peter Wyckoff, President
Karen Wyckoff Rein in Sarcoma Foundation