Does Your Campaign Emotionally Engage The Prospect?
White Paper, Webinar and Neuromarketing News
October 2009 
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We are pleased to announce the release of our first White Paper on the important topic of Sample Size Analysis for Brainwave Collection (EEG) Methodologies presented by our Chairman and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Steve Sands. 
Steve brings 30 plus years of neuroscience research with scores of publications including three key papers published in Science (one cover) on behaviorial science.  You will find a summary of the White Paper below and a link to the complete document on our website.
Also we will be holding our Second Webinar next Wednesday after a very successful first presentation.  A great opportunity to learn more and ask questions about the growing field of neuromarketing.
Finally, Coca-cola's Heist Ad, one of Sands Research's top ranked 2009 Super Bowl commercials, received this year's Emmy Award for Outstanding Television Commercial.  Actually 3 out of our 5 highest ranking SB Ads were nominated for the award.  Not a bad record of identifying excellent creative work!
All the best,
Ron Wright
President / CEO
Crowds       SR Releases New White Paper:
Sample Size Analysis for Brainwave Collection(EEG) Methodologies
Summary: A common question in behavioral- and neuro-marketing research is, "what is the appropriate number of subjects needed to obtain a reliable result?" Traditional methods of market research use large numbers of respondents, and there seems to be general consensus that approximately 150-200 participants or more (depending on research objectives) are needed to obtain consistent results. With electroencephalogram methodologies (EEG) a much smaller sample size is needed to achieve a similar statistical threshold. 
When the number of study participants is between 30 to 40 (per target demographic grouping), there is a less than 1% chance of error, and the associated Neuro-Engagement Factor™ (NEF) score portrays an accurate and significant rating for the media stimulus in question. Sands Research utilizes the less than 1% chance of error threshold for all studies. A larger sample size could be utilized to achieve an even smaller margin of error, say .25%, although that degree of threshold does not provide us with a significant amount of 'new' knowledge about the stimulus, nor is it financially efficient.   
To view the complete White Paper:  Sample Size Analysis for Brainwave Collection(EEG) Methodologies by Dr. Stephen F. Sands, Chairman and Chief Science Officer.
To provide your feedback, opinions, and discuss this topic.  Visit the Neuromarketing Discussion Group on LinkedIn here.
Sands Research is presently collaborating with several university neuroscience research labs and one of the World's leading School of Business to provide cutting edge research papers on neuromarketing.  Please contact us to learn more.

 Quirk's August 2009 CoverWebinar on: What can measuring brain waves tell us about an ad's effectiveness? 

An in-depth Information session related to the August 2009  article  in Quirk's Marketing Research Review plus a follow up Q&A period. 

Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time: 2:00 PM EST / 11:00 AM PST
To log-on from your desk and on your computer - send an email to for the password.
Abstract: Two research firms, one specializing in copy testing, the other in brain wave measurement, teamed up to examine a series of fast-food TV ads to compare and contrast findings from their respective diagnostic approaches. 

 Read the complete article here. 

Earlier this year, Sands Research completed an extensive study into all 72 television commercials aired during NBC's 2009 Super Bowl XLIII broadcast. Each of the TV spots were ranked by the Company's Neuro-Engagement Factor™ (NEF) scoring system which is based upon measuring EEG (brain wave) activity from viewers and Sands Research's proprietary software and algorithms that measures the viewer's attention levels. 
Three out of the top five commercials identified from that Super Bowl study were nominated for the coveted Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' Creative Arts Emmy Award.  Top ranked Coca-Cola's "Heist" from Wieden + Kennedy, won the 2009 Emmy Award for outstanding commercial at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards.

"We have found that an engaging story that maintains the viewer's attention throughout the commercial, like this year's Coca-Cola's "Heist" spot with the animated insects stealing a bottle of Coke, provides an overall strong and sustained brain response and a better measurement of favorable brand opinion" stated Dr. Stephen Sands, Chairman and Chief Science Officer at Sands Research. 
"Coca-Cola has a history of presenting engaging advertising and storylines that retain the viewer.  One of the highest scoring commercials we have tested is a 2007 Coca-Cola commercial called Grand Theft Auto which had a NEF(Neuro-Engagement Factor) of 4.76.  Participants asked us to see it several times even after their test session, it was so engaging" relayed the Sands Research Chairman. 
The Complete Ranking of the 2009 Super Bowl Television Ads can be found here by clicking on the graph and the testing results for the Top 5 Ads here.
The Sands Research Press Release on the Emmy Awards can be found here.
See below or contact Brett Fitzgerald ( to discuss our 2010 Super Bowl Study.
Website Home pageNew On the SR Website
We are pleased to announce the release of our new website ( and a new feature, Staff Favorites.  Three of the SR Staff's favorite (and some of the highest ranking) from the hundreds of television commercials tested to date. 
Also you will find on our website:
  • Information on the Science behind Neuromarketing
  • Examples of SRI's testing
  • A suggested Due Diligence list when investigating neuromarketing research firms
  • Frequently Asked Questions (faq) about the technology
  • A listing of articles, tv segments and papers on Sands Research
  • SRI's Annual Super Bowl Ad Results with complete ranking and video of the top commercials
  • And much more.........
Enjoy! and we look forward to your feedback on additional information you would like to see.  Feel free to reach out to us at    
2010 Super Bowl 65% of 2010 Super Bowl Spots Sold with Average Price of $2.7m - $2.8m Per
Preparing for the 2010 big events of the Super Bowl and Winter Olympics? As noted in a recent article, CBS's Super Bowl per spot cost is averaging $2.7m to $2.8m.  Let SRI provide that edge to ensure your spot thoroughly engages the millions of viewers watching.  From storyboard to animatics to final product, we work with your research and creative team to optimize your efforts.  Since our first study in 2008, Sands Research has been a leader in neuromarketing studies of the Super Bowl Ad Campaigns.  Contact Brett Fitzgerald ( to discuss our various research packages.