DPS Superman
Beyond the Badge
Vol.2, No.4 April 2009
In This Issue
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Oakland PD Funeral
DPS Volunteer of the Month
Local Crossing Guard
Explorer of the Month
DPS Calendar
Pet Photo Day
2009 Fire Safety Poster
Public Safety Open House
Parent Project Graduation
Climate Change Discussion
On Friday, March 21, 2009, Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety members joined more than 21,000 other mourners to honor and remember four Oakland Police Officers who gave their lives in the line of duty. The following account was written by Sunnyvale Public Safety Lt. James Anton.
More than 40 Public Safety personnel in full formal uniform, including Ike jackets and dress caps. gathered in the front parking lot of Public Safety headquarters. There, a lengthy procession of marked patrol vehicles and the newest Sunnyvale Fire Engine staged to make the journey to the Oakland Arena.

On the way, it was an awesome sight to see numerous people on the freeway, flash their headlights, honk their horns and waive in support of us. We arrived to join a sea of thousands of other patrol vehicles from across the state and across the country. We then took our place in line with the familiar faces from our neighbors from Santa Clara Police Department.
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As impressive as the ceremony and pageantry of the event was, it was still difficult to witness. The eulogies of the fallen officers and their images reminded us that these men were cut down in the very prime of their lives. It also served as a reminder of how unpredictable and dangerous the job of ensuring public safety is. As the ceremony ended and DPS members walked with the throngs of people back to their cars, four sets of helicopters flew a series of missing man formations overhead.
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During the ride back to Sunnyvale, it was hard not to think about the awesome show of love and support that the entire law enforcement family displayed after a very tragic event. It was also hard not to think about our Department's show of support - and how proud I am to be a Public Safety Officer."

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Welcome to our newest volunteer Travis Martin! Travis graduated from UCLA last summer with a degree in Sociology.  While at UCLA, he played tight-end for the Bruins all 4 years. He is currently the Executive Director of Mountain View PAL and lives in Los Altos Hills. Travis is assigned to the Investigations Unit and plans to apply for PSO. 

Your Local Sunnyvale Crossing Guard

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Name: Tina Ding

Sunnyvale Location:
Nimitz Elementary School -
Alberta Avenue and Richlieu Place
Helpful Hints:
"Wait for the crossing guard to clear you before you walk."


This month's Explorer of the Month is Evie Alcazar, who has been a member of the Sunnyvale DPS Explorer Post 417 since 2007.

He is 20 years-old and currently attends Mission College. Evie is always eager to volunteer his time at community service events.   
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His work ethic and reliability recently earned Evie a paid Cadet position at SDPS.

In the schools - DUI awareness (10th grade)
Wednesday, April 22
Earth Conversation Day
City Hall 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 23
Tip-a-Cop Breakfast at
CoCo's Bakery Restaurant
1206 Oakmead Pkwy
7:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
TDD (408)730-7501
April 25 & 26
Pet Photo Day Fund Raiser for Public Safety K-9 Unit
Murphy Ave. Pet Clinic
Call for an appointment (408)733-7387
Tuesday, April 28
City of Sunnyvale Volunteer Recognition Event
TDD (408)730-7501

Saturday, May 2
DPS Open House
700 All American Way
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
TDD (408)730-7501

Sunday, May 3
Challenge Bike Ride
National Police Week www.nationalpoliceweek.com
May 19-31
Click-it or Ticket
Seatbelt Enforcement Campaign
Saturday, May 30
Sunnyvale Health & Safety Fair and Bike Safety Rodeo
TDD (408)730-7501
Saturday, May 30
IAHV Yogathon
Baylands Park
1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Pet Photo Day
Robin and dog





Meet the newest team K9 Officer Robin Smith & "Colt"

Come join the fun and have your pet's picture taken!  All proceeds go to the Sunnyvale Police K9 Unit.  

For $55, you will receive a 15-minute sitting with a professional pet photographer and a 5x7 portrait.

April 25th from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
April 26th from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Call for an appointment!
Murphy Avenue Pet Clinic: (408)733-7387

Join Our Mailing List
For questions and comments about the Sunnyvale DPS newsletter Beyond the Badge,Sunnyvale City Logo Color you can e-mail us at:

� 2009 City of Sunnyvale, CA

Chief JohnsonMessage from the Chief

Phone Paul Stewart, President and CEO of the Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce and you will probably hear him weave into the conversation that "Sunnyvale is Silicon Valley's Business Address."  Paul has the tough job, even in the best of times, of attracting and retaining businesses that will strengthen the economic vitality of our city.  I watch as Paul spends his day meeting with businesses large and small to make certain they understand the "value add" that Sunnyvale brings.  In turn, Paul has to ensure their business needs are met, from fast turnaround times on construction permit applications, to making sure public safety is providing the very best in police, fire, and emergency medical services.
Our department has forged a strong partnership with the Chamber, even though the Chamber performs outside the confines of municipal government.  Through Paul's leadership, we are beginning to better connect with our local businesses so that we can be a key part in attracting and retaining our business community.  Our business community has to know that we are consistently ranked as one of the safest cities in America, that we have expedited permitting processes that allow flexibility in getting a new business off the ground, and that our emergency medical and fire service is second to none.  In the coming months, the Chamber and Public Safety will be launching crime prevention programs that will tie businesses together through prevention and education efforts.  The upside for us is an even safer city!  If you are reading this as a person doing business here, know that like Paul, I too want Sunnyvale to be Silicon Valley's business Address. 
 I would really value your thoughts and input as to how Public Safety can make your business experience in Sunnyvale the very best; we all want Sunnyvale to thrive. 

Chief Johnson
(408) 730-7161, or
email at pubsfty@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us

2009 Fire Safety Poster Contest

The 31st annual Fire Safety Poster Contest was held during February and March. The event which is co-sponsored by the Dept. of Public Safety, the Kiwanis Club of Silicon Valley and the Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce is open to all Sunnyvale students in kindergarten through fifth grade. This year over 200 finalist posters were submitted by 21 elementary schools. The top three posters for each grade were selected by members of the Kiwanis Club.
On March 10, the winners were treated to a pizza luncheon hosted by the Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce at Fire Station #2. The children were transported to the luncheon by DPS staff. Each child received a finalist ribbon, fire safety stickers and a toy fire helmet.

Auto ExtricationSpecial guests attending included Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Paul Stewart and Event Manager Dori Hailu, Kiwanis Club President Bruce Carlson and members Barbara and Ruel Lefler. Highlights of the luncheon included a demonstration of firefighting equipment, a chance to check out a fire engine and to watch as firefighters responded to an alarm.
Officer Bradley Miltano serves pizza to the winners

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Winners - pictured with PSO Carl Ella on left and PSO Militano, Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Paul Stewart on right

Auto ExtricationLater that evening the contest winners and their families were invited to an awards ceremony at the Sunnyvale City Council meeting. Mayor Anthony Spitaleri said a few words about the contest and helped with the awards presentation.

DC Kelly Fitzgerald places a gold medal on a first place winner

Auto ExtricationEach winner received a medal from DPS and a special gift from the Kiwanis Club. In keeping with our fire safety mission, first place was a fire extinguisher, second place was a flashlight and third place was a smoke detector.

Officer Militano awards a ribbon

Working with the Community

Public Safety Open House
May 2, 2009

On Saturday, May 2, the community is invited to the Public Safety Open House to see first hand what the Department of Public Safety does and how it's done. This free and fun event takes place from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Public Safety Headquarters, 700 All America Way. Activities include police and fire demonstrations, interactive booths and tours throughout the day. For more information, call the Crime Prevention Unit at (408)730-7140.
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K9 demonstrations - See police dogs at work
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CSI station - Learn to lift fingerprints

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Auto Extrication demonstration - Watch firefighters using the "Jaws of Life"
Working with the Community

Parent Project Graduation

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Congratulations to our Spring session Parent Project graduates!

Six parents completed the 12 week parenting program while their children completed a 4-week culinary program at the International Culinary School at the Art Institute - Sunnyvale.
Student "chefs" preparing meals...

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On the final night, with the help of their mentors and instructor, the youth chefs planned, prepared and served a meal to their parents in celebration of graduation. The menu: pizza, salad and FRENCH FRIES!!

For more information, see:
Sunnyvale Challenge Team

... and enjoying the fruits of their labor on Graduation Night!

Earth logo - go green!
Your Home - Your Community - Your Environment
Sunnyvale's Community Conversation on Climate Change
The City of Sunnyvale will host an Earth Day Community Conversation at City Hall Council Chambers on Wednesday, April 22 from 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. This free event will be a panel discussion of local and regional business leaders to discuss new and emerging green technologies, why sustainability should matter to the community and things community members can do to be green. The panel will also highlight their respective technologies as it relates to community sustainability.

The panel will be facilitated by Craig Horne, CEO/Co-founder of EnerVault, a start-up energy storage company located in Sunnyvale. Panel participants include:
  • Kevin Surace, President and CEO of Serious Materials, a green construction materials manufacturer located in Sunnyvale
  • Anna Kunkel, Field Marketing Specialist for REC Solar, a solar energy systems distributor/installer
  • Bob MacDonald, CEO of Skyline Solar, a large-scale, solar photovoltaic power systems manufacturer/installer
  • Lee Shankara Colin, Director of Marketing for Ethical Approach Electronic Vehicle Center, distributor of the "Zap" electric car.
Light refreshments will be served, and community members will be able to browse tables featuring a variety of local "green" products and services. RSVPs are encouraged. If interested, please send an email to jpkg@comcast.net. For more information about this event, call Dustin Clark, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator at (408) 730-2783.
The event is registered with ICLEI's National Conversation on Climate Change at www.climateconversation.org, and will be taped for future playback on KSUN. Funding is provided by the City's Bay Area Air Quality Management District grant on capacity building for greenhouse gas reduction.