Resurrection Lutheran Church
Website News - www.ResurrectionPeople.org
November 2008 - Issue 11
In This Issue
Gravel Delivery
Giving Comparison
On-line Giving
Christmas Concert and Invite
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Dear Friends in Christ,  
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." ~ Luke 2:15
Let's go! Now! When angels came to some shepherds with a brilliant message one night long ago, the shepherds had a brilliant idea. Let's go! Let's see what God is doing!
Rev. Mark S. Hanson
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
To read and hear our Presiding Bishop's Christmas message go to Bishop Hansen's webpage
Gravel Delivery for Parking Lot this Saturday!
We did all we could to try and get the parking lot paved by Christmas, but December was just too wet.  We've waited 12 years for paving, we'll just have to wait one more winter.  As soon as the lot is dry and temperatures are above freezing, we'll be paving!
Until then, we've got 40 tons of fine gravel being delivered Saturday morning Dec 20th in two loads -- one at 9:00 am and the other around 9:30.  If you can help spread the gravel in the parking lot please call Tom Bannon at 540-786-2882 -- or just show up around 9:15 with a sturdy rake or shovel!
Giving from July - November
Here is a comparison of our giving to Mission and Ministry (Operating Fund)  for the past three years.  As you can see, even with the rough economic times we're facing, we Resurrection People are still putting the work of the church first!  Our contributions from July through November this year are almost the same as last year - just a little more to catch up.  We're just about $20,000 short of our budget projections, and with the expenses of the new building, Council has set a goal to reduce spending by 10% for the rest of this year.  Bee a part of our growth - give generously all year long (and don't forget to claim the deductions as you start filing your 2008 taxes!). 

Online Giving!
donate on-lineAs the 2008 tax year draws to a close, we encourage all to give generously to the work of your church!  For those interested in setting up electronic funds transfer or making special contributions by credit card, you can now do that yourself on-line!  Just look for "Buzz" the stewardship bee on the News page of our website (or the Ministries or Stewardship or Building page).  Click on the honeycomb and you'll be able to set it all up on-line from home.
For all the latest information on the tax advantage of giving before year's end, see the latest (2007) edition of IRS Publication 526.
Christmas Invitation!
Please invite family, friends, and coworkers to worship with us this Christmas Eve!   Invitation cards are available at worship this Sunday, or on-line at: 
Please invite them to the Master's Touch Chorale concert at 7:30 PM on Sunday Dec 21st too!  This same concert group will perform at the White House on Dec 22nd -- come and hear the Good News through song!
Giving our lives joyfully in witness and service!.
Grace and Peace!
Eric Carlson
Resurrection Lutheran Church
"Truth is mightier than eloquence; The Spirit stronger than genius; Faith greater than learning."

Martin Luther