Resurrection Lutheran Church
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Website News -
June, 2008 - Vol 1, Issue 1
In This Issue
Newsletter Articles Due
We have a Roof!
Preschool Silent Auction
Cappadocian Fathers
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Dear Friends in Christ,  
lutherSorry for the brief interruption in Website News.  As you can see, we've changed the format!  Please let us know if you have any ideas for improving this means of communication. Our plan is to publish this update in the middle of each month to keep in contact between Newsletter publications.  Please feel free to forward this e-mail to a friend who may choose to join our mailing list.  If you would like to be removed from the mailing list, just use the "Safe Unsubscribe" link at the bottom.
July Newsletter 
Newsletter articles for the July Newsletter are due to Rachael by Friday June 20th.  Please get your input to her on time so we can get the Newsletter out by the 1st of the month.  The current Newsletter is posted to:
New building with trusses!This past week Williams Construction raised the roof on our new building addition.  Come check it out this Sunday!  The new Narthex area should soon be under roof too, and windows installed throughout the new building.  This will allow our interior trades to work each day regardless of weather.  At 5:00 pm on June 22nd -- just before our congregational meeting -- we'll muster a working party to officially close the kitchen for renovation!  The new Sacristy will be ready by June 29th.
Preschool Silent Auction 
Our Preschool is busy planning the Silent Auction scheduled for Saturday the 1st of November.  For your early planning, download the auction donation form from the Preschool website at:
Details will be published in the July Newsletter.
Happy Fathers' Day!
Basil the GreatThe image to the left is of Basil the Great -- Cappadocian Father and Archbishop of Caesarea.  In keeping with our Adult Forum study theme on the history of Christiaanity, you can get more information on the Cappadocian Fathers, in the Wikipedia article at:

 "Therefore I now consent to share in the cares of my excellent father, like an eaglet, not quite vainly flying close to a mighty and high soaring eagle. But hereafter I will offer my wing to the Spirit to be borne whither, and as, He wills: no one shall force or drag me in any direction, contrary to His counsel. For sweet it is to inherit a father's toils..."
Gregory, Cappadocian Father

Giving our lives joyfully in witness and service!.
Grace and Peace!
Eric Carlson
Resurrection Lutheran Church