Kids Camp Raft Up

ORS Compass Logo

August '08

ORS Youth Camp '08
In This Issue
Clothing Clearance Sale
Point65N Double Shot
Derek Hutchinson
New Fall Icebreaker
Mural Unveiling
Congratulations Club Paddlers
Higher Prices in '09
Coming Events
Victoria Dragon Boat Festival
Inner Harbour
Aug 15-17

Blackberry Ramble Bike Ride
Saanich Peninsula Hospital Foundation
Aug 24

25th Anniversary West Coast Sea Kayak Symposium
Port Townsend, WA
Sep 19-21

Sept 27th and 28th
Help Wanted
ORS logo blue

Yes, we are looking for a special person to join our retail team at Ocean River Sports.

 This is a full time position and starts immediately.  We are looking for someone with a passion for the outdoors and the ability to share that passion with others.

GU08 staff
Outdoor experience is  necessary and a user-friendly personality is imperative.

Experience in sales, computer systems and in merchandising are all important and will be a benefit when applying.

Please forward any e-mails to Brian

Mark your calendars!

Pool drop-ins start Oct 4th.

More info here

Used and Demo Kayaks For Sale!
GG Boats

Ocean River  is now taking deposits on our used rental and demo kayaks that we sell off at the end of our rental season.

  A $300. deposit is required to hold one of these boats.

Upcoming Kayak Courses
Intro Kayaking for Masters 50+
Sep 6-7

Rolling Part 1
Oct 18

Our classes fill quickly...

Register early to avoid disappointment!
Upcoming Kayak Tours
Sunset Tours
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Explore Day Tours
Mon & Thur

Book your spot

Paddle Canada
Sea Kayak Certification Courses

PC Logo

Get official accreditation for your accomplishments through Paddle Canada certification.

Flatwater Skills
Aug 30

Level 1 Skills
Aug 30 & Sept 1

Level 3 Skills
Sep 12-15
Boat Demo Nights
Every Thursday
5pm - 7:30pm

Join us on our dock and take out the boat of your choice for a test drive...

Current Design Delta  Necky
Clipper Canoes

 Point 65 N
and others

Find your perfect boat with us!

Smiley Fun Links

Van Koeverden

Van Koeverden named Canada's flag-bearer

Bejing 2008

A word from Ocean River...

With us, in the middle of a great season of paddling and outdoor activities, we are already planning ahead.  Brian, Peter and Justin are down to Salt Lake City attending the biggest outdoors show in the world - Outdoor Retailer Expo.

It is five days of intense learning and strategic planning in order to buy our products from the finest outdoors companies in the world.  We are proud of some of these great lines Ocean River has chosen to carry.  We also look for small manufacturers and distributors who have special products that we think will be of benefit to you, our customers.

retailer expoIn our buying, we not only look for great products, but also at ethical and environmentally friendly vendors to partner with.  We know that our good relationship with suppliers will result in better service to our customers. 

Thanks to Peter, our buyer, for leading the charge to get us such great products.  It has been said, "Well bought product is already half sold". 

Jon will be the lead for the week that we are away and I know he will continue to give great service while the rest of us are away, shopping.

The Ocean River Team
Clothing Clearance Sale

Going on NOW at Ocean River!

Check out the
red tags all over the store for amazing savings as we clear our summer sale redproducts to get ready for fall inventory. 

Come in
and check it out.
Point65N Double Shot
New double sea kayak!

This distinct double is another of Nigel Foster's designs. It is a sister ship to the single, the Whiskey that was reviewed in our last newsletter.
This very cool looking double is fast, fun and is now on display at Ocean River.  Our first Double Shot was sold within a day of getting into the store, but the new owners, Kitt Stringer and Devon (soon to be Stringer) have agreed to leave it with us so we can show it off and carefully allow others to try it out. 

Next shipment of Point65N boats will be  next spring -  we're taking orders now.
Derek Hutchinson
Is coming to Victoria!

World famous British sea kayaker, author and kayak designer will be visiting Victoria in late September.  Derek will be working with Ocean River Sports to run some kayak instruction while he is here and he has also agreed to do a lecture in Ocean River Sports with his famous North Sea Crossing talk - this should not be missed.
Derek H

Derek is an absolute treasure, not to miss.  He has influenced kayakers all over the world.  

If you are interested in further information, contact us at

New Fall Icebreaker
Our new Fall Icebreaker will be out on the shelf by August 15th
Many new Styles and colours including the new BEAST line of underclothing.
Mural Unveiling

On August 13th
at Ocean River Sports

BTWW TarynYou are welcome to this special evening where we will be showing off our newest art-work at Ocean River Sports.  Our own artist, Taryn Bodrug, has just finished a mural that will cover the side-walls of the entry into  our Ocean River store.  We will also have our nature art on display for the evening.

Beverages will be on hand and we welcome any customers who wish to see this exciting new mural that Taryn has been toiling over for the last month.  This should be a special evening so we hope you can join us.

6:30pm on Wednesday, August 13th
Congratulations to the Ocean River
Paddling Club

Congratulations to the Ocean River Paddling Club  and the Victoria Youth Paddling Club members who are paddling both Outrigger and Dragon Boats as word class competitors.

There are about 20 Victoria outrigger paddlers competing at the World Outrigger Sprints.

If you are curious about reading about Team Canada's outrigger progress, you can read about it on Paul Pilons blog.

By last weekend the Victoria's Gorging Dragons scored three medals in Premier Open Class at the Club Crew World Championships in Penyang, Malaysia. The current team, which includes a number of Ocean River Paddling Club members, took two bronze medals and finished off the
completion with a silver in the 500 m open event in which they raced just like you have often seen them do at the Victoria Dragon Boat Festival here. Heidi Low's blog
Prices Rising in '09

Although many prices in Outdoor Equipment will be going up, Brian, Peter and Justin are doing all they can, at Salt Lake, to keep our prices down by good sourcing, better freight arrangements and by better planning.

Outdoor product prices in Canada are among the lowest in the world.  This year with the Canadian dollar being so strong, products in our store fell an average of 10% in the retail price.  Some products were being sold at pre-1995 prices so we are able to offer some amazing values this year.