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Focus on Fairfax Newsletter of Delegate David Bulova
January 2009

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

With a quick bang of the gavel, the 2009 session of the Virginia General Assembly sprang to life on Wednesday afternoon. Later in the evening, Governor Kaine gave his State of the Commonwealth address. It was a sobering reminder of the challenges before us, including a projected $3 billion revenue shortfall. At the same time, I left confident that Virginia’s entrepreneurial spirit will allow us to rise to these challenges and position us for an even brighter future.

While in Richmond, I will be voting on literally hundreds of measures that will affect our community. Your feedback is important. Please share your opinions on some of these issues by participating in my 2009 Constituent Survey. You can find the survey on-line at

I also hope that you will join me and Senator Chap Petersen at a Town Hall meeting on Saturday, January 24th from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the City of Fairfax Council Chambers. This will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and to get an update on our progress.

For my first newsletter of the session, I want to highlight two House Rules changes that will make our government more open and accountable. As many of you know, I have been vocal in my dislike for a rule that allows subcommittees to kill bills without a recorded vote. Subcommittees typically consist of only 5 to 9 people – which means that very important legislation can be suppressed by an unrepresentative group with no fingerprints. While bills can still be killed in subcommittee, I am very pleased that a change in procedures will now require recorded votes.

Another great change is that House deliberations will now be accessible live via streaming video! The Senate has done this for years, but until now House debates have been largely inaccessible to the public. Click here for the link. While many of the proceedings are very technical, if you watch long enough you are likely to find something interesting – sort of like late night television.

This year I am very excited about my legislative agenda. As the session moves forward, I will provide you with more details about my bills and update you on my progress. To-date, I have introduced 10 bills that address issues including the transportation funding formula, renewable energy, eminent domain reform, and stormwater management – just to name a few. If you would like a quick preview, you can find a full list of bills here.

As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve as your representative in the House of Delegates. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.


David Bulova

Delegate David Bulova

Please contact
Delegate Bulova at ...

Fairfax Office
9900 Main Street,
Plaza 102
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 310-6752

Richmond Office (During General Assembly Session)
Capitol Square, General Assembly Building
Room 405
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 698-1037

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