Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Well, at least Richmond is beautiful this
time of year! With the Governor's
announcement of a Special Session on June
23rd, I will be packing the car and heading
south to start work again on the issue of
transportation. As promised in previous
newsletters, I wanted to give you a heads up
on what is being proposed and to invite your
input and ideas.
Before I do that, Gretchen, Alex, Josette,
and I want to welcome the newest addition to
the Bulova family. Grayson was born on May
3rd at 3:02 a.m. and weighing in at 7 pounds,
11 oz (yes, our 7-11 baby). Mom and baby
are doing great.
One week before the end of the regular
session, the Supreme Court threw us a curve
ball by invalidating the fees put in place by
the Northern Virginia Transportation
Authority. Regrettably, the decision didn't
invalidate our transportation crisis. And
so, it is back to the drawing board. I never
like to talk about raising revenue without
first talking about the need. Essentially, we
are dealing with three issues: lack of
funding for new
infrastructure (regional
transportation plans put the need at about
$700 million more annually just to keep
congestion from getting worse); lack of
adequate revenue for mass transit
(VRE and Metro); and, the
increasing cost of road and infrastructure
maintenance. For the time
being, I will avoid making any comments on
the sufficiency of that maintenance. However,
the immediate crisis is that maintenance is
slowly consuming the entire transportation
budget – and within a few years we
will actually be leaving federal matching
dollars for new construction on the table.
In Virginia, as it has been since the
1930s, a majority of transportation revenue
comes from dedicated sources, and not the
general fund. This was done to prevent
transportation (which requires long-term
planning) from having to compete with
short-term needs. For the most part, these
sources are set at specific dollar amounts
(such as the gas tax, which is set at
17.5¢ per gallon) and don't increase
with inflation. Hence, since we haven't
touched many of these taxes in over 20 years,
their purchasing power has significantly
As we approach the Special Session, it is
clear that there is not much unanimity on
how best to solve the problem. However, the
severity of the crisis in urban areas led to
an unprecedented meeting of the Northern
Virginia and Hampton Roads delegations last
month. While I was a little skeptical of
whether we would get anything accomplished,
there did seem to be a sincere desire to work
together on a solution.
Two weeks ago, the Governor introduced his
transportation plan. It isn't perfect, but it
does provide a good starting point for
discussion and I commend him for that.
Basically, the Governor's plan has three
State-wide elements:
- Increase the titling
tax (basically a sales tax on cars)
from 3% to 4% -- the tax applies to all cars
registered in Virginia, regardless of where
it was bought;
- Increase the grantors
tax (a tax paid on the sale of a
home) by 25 cent per $100 of the value of
the home; and,
- Increase the vehicle
registration fee by $10.
In addition, the Governor has proposed a
one cent increase in the sales
tax in Northern Virginia (excluding
food and drugs). Importantly, what is raised
in Northern Virginia will stay in Northern
Virginia. This is a 100% return on our
investment, which is better than any funding
formula that goes through Richmond.
So there it is. I am not thrilled with the
grantors tax since housing costs are already
too high and most of the grantors tax is
generated in Northern Virginia. As a result,
we actually pay more this way than we would
using another revenue source. I would also
like to see us do a better job of ensuring
that out-of-state visitors pay their fair
For my part, I have introduced a bill to
address the current inequities in the
maintenance funding formula.
While Northern Virginia represents
approximately 26% of the population, we only
get back 14% of maintenance funds. My bill
links the funding formula to actual
maintenance needs, which are assessed by VDOT
every other year. It isn't rocket science
– but it isn't how things are
currently done.
Summer Homework
If you made it this far, you are truly a
special constituent! Leaving on a positive
note, each year the Speaker appoints members
to various studies and commissions that meet
during the off-season. I like to think of it
as summer homework. I am pleased to have been
appointed to three studies/commissions.
These include the Governor's
Commission on Climate
Change, a Special
Subcommittee to Study ABC Issues
(yes, we are dusting off our alcohol laws
for the first time since prohibition), and
the Joint Commission on Health
Care. If you are interested in any
one of these topics, please let me know so
that I can keep you involved.
Have a safe and happy June!
Grayson Bulova
David Bulova
by Questox