Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Who knew that Daniels Run Park in the
City of Fairfax was so hilly! This past
Saturday, I had the pleasure of running in
the first annual Fit Families Run Festival 5K
as part of the City’s Trails Day. It
was a beautiful morning and a great cause,
with the proceeds going to promote family
fitness. However, I’ll admit that today
I didn’t mind taking some time out to
sit down and do a little writing.
Just like summer reading assignments back
in high school, members of the General
Assembly are often assigned to special
subcommittees to flesh out issues between
Sessions. Last week, I received a letter in
the mail notifying me that I had been
appointed by the Speaker of the House to the
“Joint Subcommittee to Study the
Feasibility of a State-wide Health Insurance
Experience Pool for Educators and Local
Government Employees.”
While the title is a bit of a mouth-full,
the issue is very important for our
educators and local government employees and
is part of the larger problem of
health care affordability and
accessibility. As most of us are
acutely aware, health care costs have risen
much faster than inflation or salaries. In
fact, the average health insurance cost for
an education employee has increased by
approximately 50 percent over the past five
The problem is particularly acute for
smaller school systems and local governments
where health insurance rates can be extremely
volatile because the employee pool is small.
In these cases, one or two expensive
health-related incidents can send premiums
skyrocketing. The purpose of this study
(Senate Joint Resolution 372) is to examine
the feasibility of creating a mechanism for
these smaller systems to pool together and
therefore spread the risk. While this
won’t directly affect the City of
Fairfax or Fairfax County because we have
relatively large employee pools, it will
indirectly help by making insurance more
affordable. The more affordable the health
insurance, the less likely someone is to go
uninsured and simply risk it. And when
someone who is not covered has to use
emergency care as their primary care system
– it costs all of us.
So, I am looking forward to my special
assignment. I also want to invite
you to help! From my time going
door-to-door and just meeting people at
different events, I am constantly amazed at
the depth of talent right here in the 37th
District. I look forward to your thoughts and
suggestions on this and other topics. Click
here for more information.
Thanks for helping to make this such a
wonderful community and please don’t
hesitate to contact me if I can be of service
to you.
David Bulova