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Focus on Fairfax Newsletter of Delegate David Bulova
February 2006

Thanks to everyone who attended my first Town Hall meeting or filled out my 2006 constituent survey. We now have over 400 responses. By the end of the week I hope to post the results on the website.

One of the hardest things to get used to in the General Assembly is that a subcommittee, usually consisting of between 5 and 9 people, has the power to kill a bill without a recorded vote. While this can be used to help clear dockets, it can also be used to keep important legislation from ever being debated in the public eye. I experienced this first hand in Subcommittee #2 of the Committee on Militia, Police, and Public Safety. Up until last year, the City of Fairfax and Fairfax County could use photo monitoring to enforce red lights. In its first year, this program resulted in a 40% decrease in red-light running in Fairfax County. Unfortunately, the General Assembly failed to reauthorize the legislation, and the cameras were taken off-line.

This year I introduced House Bill 961 to reauthorize the use of photo monitoring. Similar bills were introduced by Delegate Purkey of Virginia Beach and Delegate McQuigg of Prince William. Last Thursday morning, with four members of the subcommittee in attendance, all three bills were defeated by a 3 to 1 vote. Four individuals, with no recorded vote, decided the fate of bills that affect hundreds of thousands of people. So much for representative democracy.

With that said, many bills do make it to the House floor. Today, the House passed measures that will allow school supplies to be purchased tax free for three days in August (HB532), completely restructure the way that cable television is regulated (HB1404), and provide the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services the authority to adopt regulations to prevent avian influenza (HB982). Later this week, the House will consider proposals to rescind Virginia?s motorcycle helmet laws (HB1400) and a bill trying to deal with residential overcrowding (HB308).

On Wednesday, the Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources (of which I am a member) will debate the Clean Smokestacks Act (HB1055). This bill, which has already passed the Senate, seeks to reduce mercury pollution from power plants by going above minimum levels set by the federal EPA.

Finally, as a former little league and soccer coach myself, I feel obligated to report on the final disposition of HB1368, the ?Home Serenity and Tranquility Act.? I received over a hundred emails regarding this bill, which would have limited activities on sports fields to between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from Monday through Saturday, and would have prohibited use on Sundays unless the surrounding homeowners provided unanimous written consent. I am pleased to say that this bill has died in committee. So, play ball!

You can track these bills and more at . Please don?t hesitate to email or call me to express your view point. Hearing all sides of an issue might make my job tougher, but it definitely makes the process stronger.



P.S. - This weekend I had the honor of attending my son Alex?s Pinewood Derby (Cub Scout Pack 41). Congratulations to all the scouts for some excellent (and creative) work. I also had the privilege of attending the Girl Scout Snowflake Ball with my daughter Josette. Although it is easy to get focused on the General Assembly, these are the things that our community is really all about!

David Bulova with Daughter

  • Town Hall Meeting
  • 2006 Constituent Survey

  • 2006 Constituent Survey

    Please take a moment to share your views on some of the issues that will be coming before the 2006 General Assembly. Please fill out our survey online.

    Town Hall Meeting
    David Bulova

    Delegate Bulova is hosting a town hall meeting at
    Bonnie Brae Elementary
    February 25, 2006
    9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
    5420 Sideburn Road
    Fairfax, VA 22032 | Map

    Special Guest,
    Bill Leighty,
    Chief of Staff for Governor Kaine

    For more information, please contact
    Andrea Loewenwarter
    at 703-310-6752,
    or email
    info@davidbulova .com

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