In This Issue
The Wesak Full Moon Meditation at PHSD!
MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy Level III Class Info and Registration
Free Healing Clinics
MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing Class Level II Info and Registration
MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation
Study Group for Pranic Healers
Arhatic Yoga Practice

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Wesak Meditation at 
Pranic Healing San Diego
May 5th 6:30 - 9:30pm

According to tradition, at the time of the Scorpio full moon in Taurus, the Buddha arrives in the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas to deliver the powerful spiritual energy of Shamballa to the assembled masters, initiates and disciples of the Hierarchy, for the assimilation and eventual distribution of this Shamballa force throughout the world. The Forces of Enlightenment are available at the Taurus full moon, marking the high-water mark of spiritual blessing for the world, and opening a channel of communication between humanity and deity. 


Join us for a powerful group meditation to receive Buddha's blessings that empower the world each year.  Registration is required due to limited seating available.  We will gather at 6:30 to prep for receiving of the blessed energies. A video of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui will be shown. We will be meditating with a recording of GMCKS during the time of the full moon. Bring items to be blessed, a cushion to sit on, and wear white or light colored clothing.

Click here to register 

MCKS Pranic Healing� Level III

Pranic Psychotherapy


             Pranic Healing Class Level III


 Saturday, May 19th

1:30 pm - 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Sunday, May 20th 

9:00 am - 5:30 pm


Completion of Pranic Healing, Levels I and II is required


Pranic Psychotherapy teaches participants the ability to quickly and safely release crippling energetic patterns caused by trauma, abuse and negative belief patterns.


Participants will learn both by theory and practice the following:

�         The psychological functions of chakras

�         Chakral assessment for negative                             thoughts,beliefs and trauma

�         Energetic disintegration of 

          negative emotional and mental patterns

�         Energetic strategies for emotional 

          and mental restoration

�         Activation and inhibition of chakras 

          to affect emotional states

�         Application of techniques for 

          irritability anxiety, grief and hysteria

�         Specialized techniques to assist healing 

          of more complex emotional conditions

�         Emotional healing facilitated by prayer 

          and meditation

�         Applications for professional 

          and healthcare practices


For more informaton or to register for the Level III class, click here or call 888-426-4325

701 Garden View Court Encinitas, CA 92024

Fee: $350 - $50  for reviewers 

Free Healing Clinics 
 Sunday May 6th
First Sunday of the Month
12:30 to 2:30pm
 20560 Questhaven Rd Escondido, CA 92029
(760) 744-1500
Pranic Healing of San Diego
 Saturday, May 19th  
Third Saturday of the Month

 1:00 to 3:00PM


741 Garden View Ct.
Encinitas, CA 92024
(888) 226-4325


We are in service to you at our Pranic Healing Clinics. Our clinics are a free offering to the community to extend a feeling of good will and healing energy to all who attend. Pranic Healing alleviates difficulties associated with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. It is an effective no-touch, painless, healing art that acts as a powerful catalyst to spark the body's inborn ability to repair itself. You will receive a complementary twenty minute session from one of our experienced healers. To serve everyone fairly, no requests for specific healers can be honored. You will be seen on a first-come first-served basis; Reservations are not accepted.


A loving gift for you...

come and enjoy the benefits of Pranic Healing every month. 

May is a busy month Pranic Healing San Diego.  On May 5th, Dr. Mary Clark will host a Wesak Meditation at the PHSD Offices.  The spring series of classes continue with Level II and III taught May 18th to 20th.  We are here to help you learn to heal.  And like most months, we will also offer Free Healing Clinics, Twin Hearts Meditation nights, and Study Group. Look us up on the web at www.pranichealingsd.com or see more details below.



 May 18, 19, and 20th


MCKS Pranic Healing� Level II


MCKS Pranic Healing� Level III



Taught by Mary D. Clark, Ph.D.

Senior Certified Pranic Healer


Save $100 by taking both classes!

Reserve your space today!


MCKS Pranic Healing� Level II - Advanced

  For Health Professionals, Healers, and YOU!

Friday, May 18th

 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Saturday, May 19th

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Completion of Pranic Healing, Level I is required



Advanced Pranic Healing teaches precision healing using specific color pranas for specific purposes, producing rapid acceleration of the healing process for severe and difficult cases.  


Participants will learn both by theory and practice the following:


         Properties of color pranas

         Principles and guidelines in the use of color pranas

         Advanced assessment techniques

         Advanced cleansing and energizing techniques

         Specialized techniques to assist the healing process           
          of more severe and complex conditions

         Advanced techniques to relieve stress and pain, 

          strengthen the body and boost vitality

         Activation and inhibition of chakras to facilitate healing

         Facilitating health by prayer and meditation

         Applications for professional and healthcare practice

         Latest research in Pranic Healing


or call 888-426-4325


701 Garden View Court Encinitas, CA 92024

Fee: $450 - Review fee is $50 

MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation
at  Pranic Healing San Diego


May 3rd and 17th

(Always the First & Third Thursday)


Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. 


Please arrive by 6:45 PM for a brief introduction. Promptly at 7:00 PM, the doors will be shut and we will begin with some light physical exercises. Master Choa Kok Sui will guide us in blessing the earth with the Meditation on Twin Hearts which lasts about 30-45 minutes. The evening is free, love donations are gratefully accepted. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share their experiences.


For more information click here



California Institute for Human Science

701 Garden View Court, Encinitas, CA 92024


FEE:                             $450 for Level II

                                   $350 for Level III

                                   $700 for Levels II and III

                                   $50 each class for reviewers


REGISTRATION: www.pranichealingsd.com or call 888-226-4325


E-MAIL: info@pranichealingsd.com


CEs AVAILABLE:  14-15 CE Contact Hours for each workshop are available for Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Nurses, and Massage Therapists.

Mary D. Clark Ph.D. Mary Clark

Mary Clark is a Certified Pranic Healing Instructor, a Senior Certified Pranic Healer, and past Coordinator of the Pranic Healing Certification Program for the Central and Western States.  She has practiced and taught Pranic Healing for over ten years and has mentored students from all walks of life.  She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Arizona, and is a licensed marriage family therapist and licensed educational psychologist in the state of California. She maintains both a private practice and a healing practice in Encinitas, California. 

Study Group for Pranic Healers

 Second Thursday of the Month

May 10th  

7:00 to 9:00PM 

If you have taken any Pranic Healing classes, you are welcome to join us as we work together and practice our healing techniques. We meet monthly to enhance what we have learned in the formal classes. If you want information or have questions about Pranic Healing or different protocols, this is the forum to ask them.
Arhatic Yoga Practice

Master Choa Kok Sui

Every Tuesday Morning 8:45 AM to 11:00 AM

(Must have taken Arhatic Preparatory)
Pranic Healing San Diego
741 Garden View Ct. Suite 204 Encinitas CA


Arhatic Yoga Meditations are powerful meditations that rapidly and safely accelerate the spiritual development of the practitioner. "Arhatic" derives from the word "arhat", which means "a highly evolved being." An Arhat is one who through diligent practice of yogic techniques and purposeful character building has overcome the impurities of desire and will. Please arrive by 8:45AM for energy purifying physical and breathing exercises.  We will then begin our meditation at 9:00AM or shortly thereafter which will include one of Master Choa Kok Sui's guided Arhatic Meditations. Following the meditation there will be time for those who wish to ask questions and/or share experiences.


Click here for more information