Greetings of Joy!
As we experience the Resplendent Energies that come from On High during this time of year, we are moved to give and share these Divine expressions of Love and Joy as they flow through us. Master Choa often taught about the Virtue of Loving Kindness and the Virtue of Generosity. He spoke of generosity as the Divine expression of Love. This relationship between the two virtues is also mentioned in the Bible, "God so loved the world, He gave His only Begotten Son." Notice the words "love" and "gave". Giving is the outcome or concretization of love. So during this season we gather with our loved ones, giving from our hearts in many ways on many levels.
As Pranic Healers and Arhatic Yogis we practice these virtues in our work. I want to share one very special instance in which these virtues were utilized. During an Arhatic Yoga meditation this past October, Master Choa's presence was keenly sensed. It was intuitively learned that three people from eastern Washington, Idaho, and Montana (regions of high unemployment) had to attend Kriyashakti training. (This course was being taught by Master Nona at the end of October in Calgary, Canada.) At the end of the meditation we all dug into our pockets and produced $100 cash. The word went out about this endeavor and within three days, the Arhatic Yogis of the Pranic Healing Center in Portland also began donating to this project.
Now none of this would have happened if it hadn't been initiated by Master. Although his reasons were too mysterious to fathom, he saw what was needed from a much higher perspective. What was exciting was how everyone intuitively felt Master's impulse and gave so generously and so quickly. In the end $3000 was raised in three weeks, enabling not three, but four people to go! Below they are pictured with Master Nona Castro.

George Cunningham - Idaho
Kelly Navarro - Idaho
Lisa Mountain - Montana
Master Nona Castro - Canada
Bill Pitre - Washington
It was quite a shock for the four people involved to learn that they had an opportunity to attend Kriyashakti with all expenses paid. Still it proved to be a struggle to leave the security of jobs, home and families, obtain an adequate car to make the 8-10 hour drive over the Rocky Mountains through the first snows of winter, and find their way to Calgary. No one had ever gone to Canada before, or even possessed passports. So they, too, made sacrifices in facing down their fears and anxieties to make this journey. But the fantastic outcome was that it stretched their spiritual horizons in ways they had never experienced. One result was the creation of a monthly Pranic Healing clinic in Spokane. Another result was an on-going study/healing group in Sandpoint, ID. Such was the beautiful example of the Virtues of Generosity and Loving Kindness.

San Diego Arhatic Yoga Group
We at Pranic Healing of San Diego want to say "Thank You!" to all of you who gave so willingly and unquestioningly to help others have the opportunity to learn Kriyashakti. Only such generosity could come from our love for Master, love for his teachings, and love for his continued involvement in our lives.
Have a joyous and magical Christmas and New Year.