
Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Have you been thinking about what PCUSA is doing with its anti-racism work? More than presentations around the country in PCUSA groups, regions, and the national conference, the Pax Christi Anti-Racism Team (PCART) continues the work of dismantling racism at all levels of the organization. The Team is in critical need of workers on this most locally important way to stop the violence that divides the human family along the lines of a socially-constructed invention of race. Would you like to be part of this transforming work for peace with justice? If yes, PCART is accepting applications now through May 15, 2012. 


Click here to learn more about the work of the Pax Christi Anti-Racism Team.


Click here to see the application for joining the Pax Christi Anti-Racism Team.   




Pax Christi USA has begun the nominating process for this year's National Council elections. If you would like to nominate someone as a candidate for election to Pax Christi USA's National Council, you can download and fill out the nominations form available on the Pax Christi USA website. The form also includes all the information relevant to the nominations process, including qualifications necessary for nominees. The nomination form is available as both a Microsoft Word document and as a PDF. Forms must be returned by March 5, 2012.


Click here to access the downloadable forms on the PCUSA website.

In Christ's peace,


Johnny Zokovitch

Director of Communications, Pax Christi USA