A Unique Photo Show
"A pilgrimage to the beatification of Louis and Zélie Martin: Alencon and Lisieux, 2008" - 7:24
with thanks to Susan Ehlert
Louis and Zelie's Beatification Miracle:
The Cure of Pietro Schiliro  |
Pietro Schiliro June 28, 2002
Saint Thérèse, Doctor of the Church -
October 19, 1997 |
Thérèse, Doctor of the Church - An Interview with Guy Gaucher, O.C.D., auxiliary bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux to the pilgrims in Rome when St. Therese was proclaimed a doctor of the Church, October 20, 1997 Find out more . . . .
Special Anniversary Issue
This is a special mid-month issue to celebrate the third anniversary of the beatification of Louis and Zélie Martin on October 19, 2008 and the fourteenth anniversary of St.Thérèse's being declared a Doctor of the Church on October 19, 1997. If you have a request for a topic to be included in a future newsletter, please let me know. Thanks! Sincerely,
Maureen O'Riordan
The Beatification of
Zélie and Louis Martin
"Tracing the Lives of Zélie Guérin and Louis Martin" by Maureen O'Riordan
Reprinted from Carmelite Review, Fall 2008
On Thursday, October 16, 2008, I arrived in Lisieux, in France, to retrace the steps of the soon-to-be-beatified Zélie Guérin and Louis Martin. On Saturday morning, I was partof a small group that had the honor of representing the United States Read more
Life of Zélie and Louis Martin proclaimed at the Mass of Beatification by Father Antonio Sangalli, O.C.D.
Louis was the perfect kind of father figure depicted in Scripture; just, upright, loving God and serving Him without deviating. . . . Zélie was an excellent woman; lively, a hard worker, committed to loving God with all her heart. Read more . . . .
Translated by Susan Ehlert for "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway"
"Witnesses of Conjugal Love" - Homily of Jose Cardinal Saraiva Martins at the Mass of Beatification
"While I was reading the Apostolic Letter of the Holy Father, I thought of my father and my mother, and I would like, now, for you also to think of your Papa and your Mama, so that together we may thank God for having created and made us Christians through the conjugal love of our parents. If having been given life is a marvellous thing, for us, it is yet more admirable that our parents led us to the Church, which alone is capable of making Christians. No one can make himself a Christian by himself."
Read more to see the Cardinal's reflections on the Martin spouses as a gift to engaged couples, spouses, parents, educators, those who have lost a spouse, and those who must face coming death.
translated by Susan Ehlert for "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway"
The letters of Blessed Zélie and Louis Martin, translated into English, are selling well, and readers are enthusiastic about this gold mine of day-to-day information about the Martin family. A Call to a Deeper Love: The Family Correspondence of The Parents of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, 1863-1885, edited by Dr. Frances Renda and translated by Ann Connors Hess, is available in paperback; 464 pages, with 32 pages of photos. $29.95. Learn more . . .
One more chance! Buy a new copy of
Léonie Martin: A Difficult Life by Marie Baudoin-Croix
This book about St. Thérèse's sister, Léonie, who became a nun of the Monastery of the Visitation at Caen, is out of print; we found the last new copies in a warehouse in Great Britain. Because one customer had to cancel her order, we have ten copies left to distribute. Paperback, 128 pages. $12.95.