"The Little Flower in South Africa"
courtesy of Catholic News Service of South Africa
Today EWTN premiered this beautiful film about the historic visit of the relics of St. Thérèse to South Africa in 2010. Find out more . . .
Candlelight Procession of Reliquary in Lisieux
St Therese Candlelight Reliquary Procession at Lisieux
Feasts of St Therese on Sunday - Procession of the Reliquary from the basilica to St. Pierre's Cathedral
Reliquary arrives at the Cathedral of St. Pierre
Reliquary is carried into St. Pierre's Cathedral at Lisieux
Morning prayer at Lisieux Carmel on the feast of St. Thérèse
Solemn Vespers to close the Theresian feasts at Lisieux
Singing of the hymn "Virgin of the Smile" as the priests process out after Vespers
The Lisieux Carmel invites you to make a "virtual visit" to the cell of Saint Thérèse
For more than a century pilgrims have longed to visit the cell of Saint Thérèse in the Lisieux Carmel, but the rule of enclosure has prevented it. Now the Carmelites of Lisieux have prepared a "virtual visit" to St. Thérèse's cell. View the two-minute film below to see the present-day monastery, the Carmelites who live there, and the cell. Observe one of the nuns slipping under Thérèse's pillow the letters that arrive at Lisieux requesting the prayers of the Carmelites.
| "Come into the cell of St. Thérèse of Lisieux" |
This virtual visit is only a taste of the joys to come. The Carmel of Lisieux has created a new Web site to which it will add many treasures for Thérèse from its archives. The site is now only in French, but will soon be unveiled in three languages.
photo courtesy of Susan Ehlert
For several years the Shrine at Lisieux has mounted a comprehensive exhibit of furniture, objects, photos, and documents related to the Martin family, highlighting a different aspect of their lives each year, at St. Jacques Church in Lisieux. This year, for the first time, the Shrine has offered a short video (2:48) of the beautiful 2011 exhibit. Notice especially, at 2:09, a glass case containing a black crucifix with a gold plate at its base. This is the very crucifix Henri Pranzini, the man for whomThérèse prayed so intensely, suddenly seized and kissed when he was on the scaffold and about to be executed in 1887. The 2011 exhibit also includes vestments, vessels, and altars from 19th-century churches near Lisieux which the Martin family visited often.
A gift from the Liseux Carmel for the feast
 | The crown of roses worn by Thérèse in death, October 1, 1897 |
Letters of Blessed Zélie and Louis Martin in English
"A Call to a Deeper Love: The Family Correspondence of the Parents of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, 1863-1885." In Story of a Soul Thérèse wrote a new chapter in the history of the human response to divine love. Before that, Zélie and Louis wrote with their lives a new chapter in the history of marriage: the extraordinary response of two spouses to the call to create a family that was a crucible of sainthood. A Call to a Deeper Love offers a unique understanding of a couple who became holy in and through their marriage, and it immeasurably deepens our understanding of the influences that surrounded St. Thérèse. Order your copy now, and may this story of grace and steadfast faith fill you with inspiration, hope, and joy. Paperback, 464 pages, 16 pages of photos. $29.95.
With fervent wishes that the spirituality of St. Thérèse deepens in our hearts and in our world beginning on this feast.
Maureen O'Riordan
Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway