December 2011-January 2012
Haiku Society of America


Happy New Year 



This Bulletin offers information about a broad variety of activities and resources that are available not only to members of the Haiku Society of America, but often to the general public as well. Feel free to forward the Bulletin to anyone you know who might enjoy taking advantage of our opportunities or becoming members of the Society! 


 HSA First Quarterly Meeting

Haiku Society of America meetings are held quarterly at various locations throughout the United States.  One quarterly meeting is always held in New York City and the third meeting of the year is designated as the Annual Meeting. Some of the HSA Regions hold meetings as well- Seattle is hosting this meeting.


Sunday, February 12, 2012 from 1:15 PM to 4:45 PM (PT) Seattle, WA.  This afternoon meeting will feature an afternoon of speakers, including Teruko Kumei, Keynote Speaker- Evolution of American Senryu.  We will also have two optional events: a ginko at Carkeek Park and dinner out! 


Register for HSA National Quarterly Meeting in Seattle, WA  on Eventbrite 



Members' Anthology Update- We are Publishing!

At long  last, we are pleased to announce that the 2011 HSA Members' Anthology entitled "in pine shade" is scheduled for production  via another publishing company than the one we started out with (long story).


Unfortunately we lost time with the original publisher before changing over to BookMasters a few weeks ago.  Now all is well and we are on the docket for the end of December, although it won't be actually mailed out until shortly
after the holidays.  Thanks to everyone for their patience and we hope you enjoy seeing your work "in pine shade" . . . 


love ya, an'ya & Very respectfully, PeterB, editors  

The Deadline for the San Francisco International Rengay Contest Sponsored by the Haiku Poets of Northern California has been Extended!


The new deadline is January 31, 2012.

If you have unpublished rengay already written, please send them in. If not, find a partner (or two) and write some new poems together. We look forward to reading your entries!

Rengay Submission Guidelines
  • All rengay must be titled.
  • For two people (Poet A and Poet B) follow this linked format: 3 lines/Poet A, 2 lines/Poet B, 3/A, 3/B, 2/A, 3/B.  
  • For three poets (A, B, and C) the format is: 3 lines/A, 2 lines/B, 3 lines/C, 2/A, 3/B, 2/C.  
  • Type or print each rengay on three letter-size sheets.
  • Include full authorship information, stanza by stanza, as well as all poets' names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses (optional) on one copy only. On the other two copies, mark stanzas with letters only (poet A, poet B, poet C) to indicate the sequence of authorship.  
  • Send rengay submissions to HPNC, c/o Fay Aoyagi, 930 Pine St. #105, San Francisco CA 94108. 

The 2011 rengay judge is Ren�e Owen.

Entry Fee: $5 per rengay

Make checks or money orders payable in U.S. dollars to "Haiku Poets of Northern California (HPNC)." Cash (in U.S. currency) is OK. Enclose a business-size SASE (U.S. first class postage or an IRC) for notification of contest winners. No entries will be returned, with the exception of late submissions, or those received without payment. These will be returned using your SASE; without an SASE these entries will be discarded.

Thank you for participating in this year's contest.

If you have any questions, please contact Fay Aoyagi.

Join Our Mailing List
Still Time to Renew Your HSA Membership


If life has been too busy, and you still need to renew, there is still time! The membership form for 2012 can be found here. Current membership fees are as follows: 

  • $35 for regular members in the United States
  • $37 for members in Canada and Mexico
  • $47 for International members
  • $30 for students and seniors
HSA Membership Benefits


Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.


The Society is divided into a number of regional chapters. To find information about activities in your chapter, check out the Regional Chapters page on the HSA website.


If you are not yet a member of the HSA, please see here for how to join. 


Thank you to former editor, Melissa Allen, for getting our Haiku Bulletin off to such a wonderful start!  She did a fantastic job, and her efforts have made the transition to a new editor very easy!


We hope you've found this email Bulletin helpful. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any comments or suggestions for improvement! 




Katharine Hawkinson

Haiku Society of America Bulletin Editor