Dear ,
This monthly Bulletin offers information about a broad variety of activities and resources that are available not only to members of the Haiku Society of America, but often to the general public as well. Feel free to forward the Bulletin to anyone you know who might enjoy taking advantage of our opportunities or becoming members of the Society.
HSA Contest Update
The Henderson Haiku Contest results have been announced to the selected poets and to contestants who provided a S.A.S.E. for results. The full results, including comments by the judges, will appear in a future issue of Frogpond.
Please note that the Brady and Haibun contests are still in the hands of their respective judges, even though the Henderson selections have been made. In the past the Henderson and Brady contest results have always been issued simultaneously. But with three autumn contests this year, we have decided to announce each separately, as the results come in.
This has possibly been confusing for some contestants and we want to make sure that everyone knows that their Brady and Haibun entries are still under consideration and shouldn't be submitted for publication or another contest until the results are in.
Frogpond Acceptances Delayed
Please note that the final acceptances for Frogpond 35:1 (Winter 2012) will be delayed by two weeks.
Thus, instead being sent by November 30th, they will be sent by December 15th.
-- George Swede, Editor, Frogpond
Fourth Quarterly Meeting
The fourth quarterly meeting will be a "Haiku Retreat" held from December 2-4 at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center in Marriottsville, MD, sponsored by the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland.
For more information, see or contact Cathy Drinkwater Better,
We hope you've found this email Bulletin helpful. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any comments or suggestions for improvement! Sincerely, | |
Time to Renew
The HSA recommends that members renew their membership for the following year every fall, so that your membership benefits aren't interrupted. The membership form for 2012 can be found here. Current membership fees are as follows:
- $35 for regular members in the United States
- $37 for members in Canada and Mexico
- $47 for International members
- $30 for students and seniors
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New .haiku Column
A new .haiku column by Gene Myers, entitled "Blogging, the new rag paper for haiku," has been posted to the HSA site. Read it here!
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HSA Membership Benefits
Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
The Society is divided into a number of regional chapters. To find information about activities in your chapter, check out the Regional Chapters page on the HSA website.
If you are not yet a member of the HSA, please see here for how to join.
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