September 2011
Haiku Society of America


Dear , 


Although most of the time we try to reserve the HSA Bulletin for news and information pertaining to the Society, sometimes we will use it to inform our members of events of significance to haiku poets and enthusiasts in this country and beyond. Unfortunately, this month we bring you the sad news of the passing of Australian poet Janice M. Bostok (see below).


In addition, this monthly Bulletin offers information about a broad variety of activities and resources that are available not only to members of the Haiku Society of America, but often to the general public as well. Feel free to forward the Bulletin to anyone you know who might enjoy taking advantage of our opportunities or becoming members of the Society.


Janice M. Bostok 1942 -2011


We are saddened to announce the death of revered Australian haiku poet Janice M. Bostok. Janice died peacefully in the Murwillumbah Hospital on Sunday, September 4th.    


As well as being one of the first accomplished haiku poets in her own country, Janice was highly influential on the course of the development of English-language haiku worldwide. She was a prominent editor and sumi-e painter as well as a poet.

Starting out as a writer of longer free verse, Janice describes in her biography on her website how she came to begin writing haiku: "My interest in haiku was triggered in 1970 when an American pen friend sent me a Peter Pauper book of Japanese haiku in English translation. ... I found ... that the short haiku poem from Japan (via the USA) had a greater effect on me than any longer verse that I had read at that time."

The Australian Haiku Society invites memorials and brief poems about Janice. Send to

Upcoming Quarterly Meetings


Third Quarterly Meeting, New York:  

The Society's third quarterly meeting will be held on September 17 in New York City, at Tenri Cultural Center on West 13th St. between 5th and 6th Ave., from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.  


A short film about Nick Virgilio will be shown, followed by a discussion and workshop about the film. John Stevenson will conduct the annual business meeting of the HSA, including announcing the 2012 slate of candidates for HSA office. 


Fourth Quarterly Meeting, Maryland:  

The fourth quarterly meeting will be a "Haiku Retreat" held from December 2-4 at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center in Marriottsville, MD, sponsored by the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland.  


For more information, see or contact Cathy Drinkwater Better Walker, (Cathy has information about lodging and transportation that is not available on the website.) 

Gene Myers Takes On .haiku Column  


Gene Myers has taken over editorship of the ".haiku" column on the HSA website. His first column, "Haiku and Twitter: Why the Revolution Should Be Tweeted," has just been posted.  


The forthcoming issue of Ripple, scheduled for release in a few weeks, includes a feature on Gene and his plan for the column.


We hope you've found this email Bulletin helpful. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any comments or suggestions for improvement! 




Melissa Allen 

Haiku Society of America Bulletin Editor 


What's In This Bulletin

Janice M. Bostok obituary
Quarterly Meetings
Gene Myers Takes On .haiku Column
Dues Increase
HSA Membership Benefts
Frogpond Gone to Print
Dues Increase


The HSA is raising its annual membership dues. Those joining or renewing after Sept. 30 will pay the new rates (below). To renew at the old, lower rates, make sure you do so before that date.  Here's information on how to join or renew. 

  • $35 for regular members in the United States
  • $37 for members in Canada and Mexico
  • $47 for International members
  • Student and Senior memberships will remain at $30.
HSA Membership Benefits


Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.


The Society is divided into a number of regional chapters. To find information about activities in your chapter, check out the Regional Chapters page on the HSA website.


If you are not yet a member of the HSA, please see here for how to join. 

Frogpond Gone to Print 

The fall issue of Frogpond (34.3) has gone to print. It should be mailed to HSA members by the end of September. Please allow a couple of weeks after that for media mail to arrive before reporting lost issues.