Dear ,
As autumn approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, it's a great time to shed some of that summer languor and meet up with other haiku poets, start or renew a regular haiku-writing practice, enter contests, submit to journals... and the Haiku Society of America is a great place to look for opportunities to do all those things. Check out what we have to offer!
HSA Contest Deadlines
Don't forget... August 31 is the deadline for the HSA-sponsored Harold G. Henderson Awards for Haiku, Gerald Brady Memorial Awards for Senryu, and -- new this year -- Haiku Society of America Haibun Awards. Entries must be sent by postal mail and be in-hand by the 31st, so allow enough time for mailing.
For complete details about how to enter any or all of these contests, please visit the Contest page on the HSA website.
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Upcoming Quarterly Meetings
Third Quarterly Meeting, New York:
The Society's third quarterly meeting will be held on September 17 in New York City, at Tenri Cultural Center on West 13th St. between 5th and 6th Ave., from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
A short film about Nick Virgilio will be shown, followed by a discussion and workshop about the film. John Stevenson will conduct the annual business meeting of the HSA, including announcing the 2012 slate of candidates for HSA office.
Fourth Quarterly Meeting, Maryland:
The fourth quarterly meeting will be a "Haiku Retreat" held from December 2-4 at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center in Marriottsville, MD, sponsored by the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland.
For more information, see or contact Cathy Drinkwater Better Walker, (Cathy has information about lodging and transportation that is not available on the website.)
Frogpond Back Issues Online
The HSA website now contains PDF archives of selected back issues of our journal, Frogpond. Current year issues are only available through membership, but issues from 2008 through 2010 are available to view or download free at:
We will be adding to the archive until all back issues of Frogpond are available as PDFs on our website.
We hope you've found this email Bulletin helpful. HSA tries to offer a variety of activities for members to interact and learn more about haiku. New issues of the Bulletin should be arriving every month or so to keep you informed of these opportunities and help you make the most of your membership. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any comments or suggestions for improvement! Sincerely, | |
HSA Membership Benefits
Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
The Society is divided into a number of regional chapters. To find information about activities in your chapter, check out the Regional Chapters page on the HSA website.
If you are not yet a member of the HSA, please see here for how to join.
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HSA on Facebook
Did you know the HSA has a Facebook page? Members and nonmembers alike share haiku, haiku news, and responses to occasional discussion questions. If you're on Facebook, check out the HSA Facebook page!
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Ripples Deadline
The deadline for submitting to the next issue of the HSA newsletter, Ripples, is September 1. Send your haiku-related news and announcements to Ripples editor Susan Antolin:
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