July 2011
Haiku Society of America




Welcome to the first edition of the Haiku Society of America Bulletin. We're hoping this email format will help keep our members informed of HSA events and news in a timely way. Members will continue to receive the HSA's newsletter, Ripples, and its journal, Frogpond. Please feel free to reply to this email with any feedback or suggestions!

HSA Contests


Don't forget... August 31 is the deadline for the HSA-sponsored Harold G. Henderson Awards for Haiku, Gerald Brady Memorial Awards for Senryu, and -- new this year -- Haiku Society of America Haibun Awards.


For complete details about how to enter any or all of these contests, please visit the Contest page on the HSA website. 


Upcoming Quarterly Meetings


Third Quarterly Meeting: The Society's third quarterly meeting will be held this year in New York City in September. Details have yet to be announced. Please keep checking the Meetings page on the HSA website, or watch this newsletter for more information.


Fourth Quarterly Meeting: The fourth quarterly meeting will be a "Haiku Retreat" from December 2-4 at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center in Marriottsville, MD. The deadline to register for a room for this retreat is July 15, so please make plans right away if you plan to attend!  For more information, see http://www.hsa-haiku.org/quarter-mtg.htm.

Haiku Corner


With several HSA contests coming up at the end of the summer, we thought it would be fun to share some past winners of the Henderson and Brady contests. Enjoy!


Henderson Haiku Contest


The house finch

has a song for it,

morning after snow


- Stephen Gould (2009 1st place winner)


family reunion -

some of the beached kelp

in knots


- Claire Gallagher (2007 2nd place winner)


Brady Senryu Contest


engagement ring

     he decides

     it looks real enough


- Marian Olson (2008 honorable mention winner) 


We hope you've found this email Bulletin helpful. HSA tries to offer a variety of activities for members to interact and learn more about haiku. New issues of the Bulletin should be arriving every month or so to keep you informed of these opportunities and help you make the most of your membership. 




Melissa Allen 

Haiku Society of America Bulletin Editor



What's In This Bulletin

HSA Contests
Quarterly Meetings
Haiku Corner
HSA Membership Benefts
Anthology Deadline Extended
Frogpond On Its Way
Photos of Bend Weekend
HSA Membership Benefits


Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.


The Society is divided into a number of regional chapters. To find information about activities in your chapter, check out the Regional Chapters page on the HSA website.


If you are not yet a member of the HSA, please see here for how to join. 

Anthology Deadline Extended


The deadline for submission to the HSA Members' Anthology has been extended to July 15. All members who submit by the deadline are guaranteed to have at least one poem accepted for publication. For more information and instructions about how to submit, see http://www.hsa-haiku.org/member-anthol.htm.


Frogpond On Its Way

Issue 34.2 of Frogpond has been mailed and is on its way to current HSA members. Please allow plenty of time for media mail to arrive (at least 2 weeks) before making inquiries about missing issues. 

Photos of Second Quarterly Meeting: Bend, Oregon


See photos of the June 2011 Bend Haiku Weekend! Visit

this Picasa album of the weekend.
