Consolato Generale d'Italia


The newsletter for the lovers of Italian Culture


MARCH 2012


Chiara Marsoner

Alessandra Granelli

Antonio Talarico 

Events in Boston
Art at the Consulate
Festa Della Donna
An America Journey
Translating Pasolini
Italian Culture Night
The Salt of Life
Noritaka Ito
Myths vs. Reality of Italy
Dacia Maraini
The Cinema of Carmelo Bene
SAVE THE DATE: European Youth Orchestra
SAVE THE DATE: Maurizio Pollini
SAVE THE DATE: Pino Daniele
Memory Traces
Join Our Mailing List




Si avvisano tutti i connazionali che, in base ad una nuova regola europea (, dal 26 giugno 2012 tutti i bambini che viaggiano dovranno essere muniti del proprio passaporto.


Si invitano pertanto tutti i genitori che hanno i minori iscritti sul proprio passaporto di contattare il Consolato
(; 617 7229223). 


Si avvisa che a seguito di nuove disposizioni questo Consolato Generale deve richiedere il Nulla Osta alla Questura competente prima di rilasciare un passaporto, anche per tutti i residenti AIRE. Si prega pertanto di contattare l'ufficio passaporti al 617 7229201 ex 23 o di scrivere a  al fine di poter avviare la pratica per il rilascio del nuovo passaporto, prima di venire in Consolato per ottenere il documento.



Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.


Contatti utili: 


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on the next Newsletter!


The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and

communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.

If you are interested please contact; with details of the event by the 20th of each month.


La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a;  


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Youth & Music Special

Italy Summer Camp - Summer 2012

Musica Vesuviana


Musica Vesuviana is a summer music school/ camp open to all American and European students who will be in
grades 8-12. The program is open to instrumentalists and vocalist and
we offer ensemble and customized /individual instructions
(Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Improvisation, Scat Vocals, Classical and Electric
Guitar, Electric Bass, Vocals, Strings
(Violin, Cello, Viola), Winds, Brass and Drums. It is a great opportunity to learn World Music, Italian Language and Italian culture.
For more information, please contact:

Click here to download the brochure.


July 2, through 12 2012, Villa Battistini, Rieti, Italy  


Funded by the Italian Composer Davide Ianni, Composit is a new international summer festival for composers of new music.
For its first edition, the Composit new music festival will take place from July 2nd through 12th 2012 in the enchanting Villa Battistini located in the beautiful hills surrounding the city of Rieti, Italy, 50 miles outside of Rome.

Tristan Murail and Joshua Fineberg, the two leading figures of the spectral movement, will work with participating composers in individual lessons, group seminars and master-classes. Seminars will feature presentations and discussions of the participants' works and master-classes will address issues of contemporary aesthetics, instrumental techniques, orchestration, analysis and computer assisted composition. All courses will be taught in English.

Click here for more information 

Useful information and news

Cari Amici dell'Italia,

quello appena iniziato sara' un marzo ricco di eventi.
Si inizia con la Festa della Donna, il 4 alla Dante Alighieri organizzata dall'associazione Aprutium, e si prosegue con una "prima assoluta": la serata di cultura italiana al Children's Museum, dedicata a tutte le famiglie italiane e italo-americane di Boston e dintorni.

Ci saranno poi musica, cinema e letteratura e, al riguardo, vi segnalo il colloquio che Dacia Maraini terra' a Harvard il 23 marzo.

Anche il Consolato "cambiera' aspetto" grazie ai quadri della collezione di Nando Pellegrino che abbelliranno la sala d'attesa per i prossimi mesi. L'Inaugurazione e' venerdi 2 marzo alle ore 18.00.

Continuate a seguirci sul nostro sito, e se volete rimanere aggiornati sulle curiosita' che legano l'Italia al New England, leggete la nostra mini-rassegna quotidiana "Italy - New England" a cura di Alessandra Granelli.

Buona lettura a Tutti!

Giuseppe Pastorelli


*          *          *


Dear Friends of Italy,

This will be a month rich of events.

We will start with the "Festa della Donna" on March 4th organized by the Aprutium association, followed  by a premiere: an Italian cultural evening at the Children's Museum , dedicated to all Italian and Italian-American families from Boston and surroundings.

There will be music, literature and cinema events, I would like to point out the interview with Dacia Maraini on March 23rd at Harvard University.

Even the Consulate will "change its appearance" thanks to the paintings of Nando Pellegrino's collection which will beautify our waiting room for the coming months. The opening reception will be Friday March 2nd at 6:00 pm.

Finally, I invite anyone interested in following the connections between Italy and New England to visit the Consulate website ( and read the newsletter by Alessandra Granelli.

Happy reading to all!

Giuseppe Pastorelli 

Opening reception on Friday, March 2, 6pm at the Consulate General of Italy in Boston 

The Art of Nando Pellegrino


Chasing the Light 

A painting is a million moments of observation. When I make a painting I am amazed at how the light changes round the subject from moment to moment. The light moves through the object creating multiple illusions of colors. I take my brush from the paint and place the mark on the surface only to see the light has changed. I am intrigued how the colors and hues develop relationship between objects in the painting. I begin to chase the light. The game starts between me and the light of brilliant colors as together we create a literal abstract of depicted landscapes, cityscapes, figures and still lifes. The light moves quickly through the scenery connecting the organic and the architecture. It teases me saying catch me if you can. The painting then becomes connected together through a puzzle of geometric forms created from marks and colors. The end result becomes my magical world of observation. My purpose is to create a threshold that invites everyone into this world.


Rincorrendo la luce   

Un quadro e' fatto di un milione di momenti di osservazione. Quando dipingo mi meraviglio di quanto la luce cambi gli oggetti da un momento all'altro. La luce si muove attraverso l'oggetto creando multiple illusioni di colori. Quando prendo il pennello colorato e lo metto sulla tela mi accorgo che la luce e' gia' cambiata. Mi incuriosisce come i colori e le sfumature sviluppino un rapporto tra oggetti e quadri. Inizio ad inseguire la luce. Comincio a giocare con i colori brillanti della luce ed insieme creiamo paesaggi astratti o realistici, citta', forme e natura morta. Il quadro diventa il legame con un mosaico di forme geometriche, di punti e colori. Il risultato diventa il magico mondo di osservazione. Il mio scopo e' di costruire la porta che invita chiunque in questo mondo.   


 RSVP or 617 722 9302
Ministero Affari Esteri 
Sunday, March 4, 3pm at the Dante Alighieri Society, 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
"The Socio-Political Engagement of Italian Women Filmmakers"
Lecture by Flavia Laviosa - Wellesley College
Associazione e Gruppo di Lavoro Donne D'Abruzzo in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society and the Consulate General of Italy


Italian women directors weave together private spheres and

public events, revisit historical wounds, and explore contemporary realities. As they assemble these elements, as the tiles of a sociopolitical
mosaic, they create a montage of artistic documents and provocative testimonies.This lecture will illustrate the most representative directors whose films have received international recognition.


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For more information please call

Rosetta Romagnoli, Pres. - 617.924.7641

Domenico Susi - 617.742.2791 
Dante Alighieri - 617.876.5160
Sunday, March 4, 3pm Charles Mosesian Theater, Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal Street, Watertown, MA 02472 

An American Journey


Revels acclaimed 40-member ensemble, Revels Repertory Company, brings the story of American immigration to life through music and song in this original 90-minute stage production that finds Italians, Irish and Eastern European Jews on a crowded passenger ship bound for America in 1907, at the height of American immigration.   

Sharing their music and songs, their dances and their dreams, the diverse group of travelers become one as they leave their homelands - but not their cultures - behind, in search of a better life in America, the land of hope and promise.


Buy tickets online or call 617-972-8300 x31
Click here for additional information
Tuesday, March 6, 6:15pm School of Education, 2 Silber Way, Room 130 Boston University 

Translating Pasolini Translating Paul


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click image to enlarge  

Reception immediately following in the School of Education lounge area

Free and open to the public. For more information, contact

Friday, March 9, 2012, 6pm-8pm  Boston Children's Museum 300 Congress Street Boston 02210 

Italian Culture Night 
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Join us at the Boston Children's Museum for a night of music,
dance and art!

Tarantella Lessons
Carnival Masks
Mosaic Making
Guitar, Fisarmonica and Tamburello
The Italian Culture Night at the Children's Museum in Boston on March 9 from 6- 8 PM, organized in collaboration with the Professional Italians in Boston (PIB) and The Centro Attivita' Scolastiche Italiane (CASIT)

R.S.V.P. by March 2nd or 617-722-9302 

Opening on Friday March 16, Kendall Square, 355 Binney Street,

The Salt of Life

a film by Gianni di Gregorio


Chasing the Light In his warm and witty follow-up to the 2010 sleeper hit Mid-August Lunch, writer-director-actor Gianni Di Gregorio has created another sparkling comedy-this time with a dash of the bittersweet. In The Salt of Life, Gianni plays a middle-aged retiree who has become invisible to
all distaff Romans, regardless of age or relation. He contends with an aristocratic, spendthrift mother (again played by Lunch's great nonagenarian Valeria de Franciscis); a wife who is more patronizing friend than romantic partner; a daughter (played by Di Gregorio's daughter Teresa) with a slacker boyfriend whom Gianni unwillingly befriends; and a wild young neighbor who sees him merely as her dog walker. Watching his "codger" friends snare beautiful younger women on the sun-kissed cobblestones of Trastevere, Gianni tries his polite, utterly gracious best to generate some kind of extracurricular love life-with both hilarious and poignant results.


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Click here for more information.

Sunday March 18, 3pm at the Dante Alighieri Society, 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge 

Noritaka Ito 

International pianist

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Respighi - Valse Caressante, Notturno

Mussorgski - Picturestsan Exhibition

Kubo - Aftershock

Beethoven - Appassionata 

 Monday March 19, 4pm-5pm Harvard Business School - Aldrich 107 Cambridge Ma 

Every Thing You Always Wanted to Know About Italy and Europe..But Were Afraid to Ask : MYTHS vs. REALITY


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Please RSVP using the following link:  attendance poll


For any questions, feel free to contact Diego Medicina:



RICHARD H.K. VIETOR - Professor Vietor is the Paul Whiton Cherington Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean for the Asian Initiative. He teaches courses on the international political economy. He received a B.A. in economics from Union College (1967), an M.A. in history from Hofstra University (1971), and a Ph.D. in history from the University of Pittsburgh (1975). He has written 10 books and 90 cases, on energy, regulation and national economic management.  He teaches in the Advanced Management Program. 

DANTE ROSCINI - Dante Roscini is a senior lecturer in the Business, Government and the International Economy unit at Harvard Business School. Mr. Roscini holds an M.B.A. from Harvard degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Rome. He spent twenty years in investment banking as Head of European Capital Markets for Goldman Sachs, Head of Global Equity Capital Markets and Head of the European Capital Markets and Financing Group for Merrill Lynch. In his last position he was Country Head of Italy, Chairman of European Capital Markets for Morgan Stanley and a board member of Morgan Stanley International Bank. He is currently a member of the board or advisory board of several European companies.


FERNANDO NAPOLITANO - Fernando Napolitano is a prominent Italian businessman and champion of Italy's robust SME and start-up sector. As the founder of the Italian Business & Investment Initiative (, his primary objective is to facilitate the creation of meaningful synergies between Italy's entrepreneurs and top U.S. venture capitalists, policy makers, academics and other key opinion formers. A 20 year veteran of Booz Allen Hamilton, Fernando most recently served as Senior Vice President and Managing Director in Rome. Fernando currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Enel S.p.A., the largest utility in Europe by earnings, and as a member of the international Advisory Board of Innogest SGR S.p.A., Italy's largest venture capital fund. He is also Chairman of Fulbright BEST (Business Exchange and Student Training), a scholarship program for Italian PhD students in science and technology that promotes the advancement of innovative research in cooperation with the US Embassy in Rome.



LEONARDO MAUGERI Leonardo Maugeri is one of the world's foremost experts on oil, gas, and energy. He has been one of the most distinguished top managers of Eni (the Italian Oil&Gas giant, ranked nr. 6 among the largest international oil companies), where he held the positions of Senior Executive Vice President of Strategies and Development for about ten years (2000-2010), and eventually Executive Chairman of Polimeri Europa, Eni's petrochemical branch (March 2010-June 2011). Maugeri is also well-recognized worldwide for his books and seminal articles about energy, as well as for his part-time activity as a lecturer in some of the most prestigious universities and think-tanks. He is currently a Senior Fellow at Harvard University, John Kennedy School, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.











Friday March 23, 5:30pm Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall (Lecture in Italian) 

De Bosis Lectureship in the History of Italian Civilization


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Sunday, March 25, 3pm at Symphony Hall 


Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem




BRAHMS Ein Deutsches Requiem

Boston Youth Symphony
Federico Cortese, Conductor   
With Back Bay Chorale
Scott Allen Jarrett, Music Director

Ana Mar�a Mart�nez, soprano
Weston Hurt, baritone


Also Featuring Young People's String Orchestra and members of the Intensive Community Program
Marta Zurad, Conductor


Experience the Future of Classical Music!
 Click here to purchase your tickets
or call Symphony Hall box office at 617.266.1200 
Tickets are $30 and $25 - For Group Tickets, please call 617.353.5353


March 30 - April 2, Harvard Film Archive, 24 Quincy Street, Cambridge 



The filmmaking career of Carmelo Bene (1937 - 2002) lasted from 1968 to 1973, six years out of a lengthy time spent in the theater that made Bene one of the most celebrated figures of the Italian avant-garde in the second half of the 20th century.  


Click here for the complete film calendar


General Admission Tickets $9, $7 Non-Harvard Students, Seniors, Harvard Faculty and Staff.  Harvard students free  Special event tickets (for in-person appearances) are $12.  Tickets go on sale 45 minutes prior to show time. The HFA does not do advance ticket sales. 



Friday, April 20, 8pm at Boston Symphony Hall

European Union Youth Orchestra 
Vladimir Ashkenazy, conductor
Yefim Bronfman, piano soloist

The European Union Youth Orchestra's vitality and brilliance have created much buzz in Europe and, under the baton of Maestro Ashkenazy, have earned favorable comparisons with the leading orchestras of Europe. Players are selected each year from over 4,000 candidates between the ages of 14-24 drawn from all 27 member countries of the European Union. In short, they are some of Europe's finest young performers. The orchestra is conducted by Music Director Vladimir Ashkenazy, and is joined for this performance by the magnificant pianist Yefim Bronfman.

COPLAND An Outdoor Overture
LISZT Piano Concerto No. 2
RICHARD STRAUSS An Alpine Symphony 


Click here to purchase tickets for the performance

For more info please follow the  link  


Sunday, April 22, 8pm at Symphony Hall

Maurizio Pollini

Maurizio Pollini is a pianist of power and precision who brings out the panoramic architecture of old and new music alike. The intellect of his musical concept is unexcelled and his warmth and humanity are perpetually in perfect alignment with his muscular, steely technique. Pollini is a giant.

Prelude in C-sharp minor, Opus 45 
Ballade No. 2 in F Major, Opus 38 
Ballade No. 3 in A-flat Major, Opus 47 
Four Mazurkas, Opus 33 
Mazurka in G-sharp minor 
Mazurka in D Major 
Mazurka in C Major 
Mazurka in B minor 
Scherzo No. 3 in C-sharp minor, Opus 39 
Nuages gris (Tr�be Wolken), S.199 
Unstern! Sinistre, disastro, S. 208 
La lugubre gondola (Die Trauergondel), S. 200, no. 1
R.W. Venezia, S.201
Sonata in B minor, S. 178


Click here to purchase tickets for the performance

For more info please follow the link


Saturday, June 9, 2012, 8:00 p.m.  Berklee Performance Center
136 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02115

Pino Daniele 
performs in Boston for the first time


Click on Image to enlarge it


While on an international tour of North America. Daniele is an influential Italian jazz-fusion guitarist. He has released 30 studio albums since 1975. Born in Naples, Italy on March 19, 1955, self-taught guitarist Pino Daniele recorded his first album at the age of 22. From the beginning of his career, it was evident that his passion lay in rock and blues. Greatly influenced by his own cultural background, his music was a successful fusion of tradition and modernity. 

His solo debut, Terra Mia, sung in Neapolitan, was the first example of what Daniele called "tarambl�," a combination of tarantella, rhumba, and blues. In 1979 his self-titled sophomore record was released, followed by Nero a Met� in 1980, and that same year Daniele was invited to open for reggae superstar Bob Marley for his show in Milan. During the next few years the artist continued exploring his various Mediterranean, African, and Western inspirations-found in albums like Common Ground, a collaboration with American folk singer Richie Havens, and the Middle Eastern-influenced Bonne Soir�e-as well as writing soundtracks for films by Massimo Troisi.  


In 1989 Daniele took a step toward greater commercial success with the release of the pop record Mascalzone Latino, followed by another deluge of albums, including 1991's Un Uomo in Blues, 1993's Che Dio Ti Benedica (which had two tracks produced by Chick Corea), 1995's Non Calpestare I Fiori Nel Deserto, 1997's Dimmi Cosa Succede Sulla Terra, and 2000's Medina. 

Two years later the singer teamed up with fellow Italian stars Francesco DeGregori, Ron, and Fiorella Mannoia for a tour, captured on the appropriately titled In Tour. In 2005 Daniele released Iguana Caf�, another studio record. Between 2005 and 2010, Daniele released three more studio albums: Il Mio Nome e Pino Daniele e Vivo Qui, Ricomincio da 30, and Electric Jam. In 2010, Daniele released his 13th studio album, Boogie Boogie Man.
On June 24, 2011, in Salerno, Italy, Pino Daniele performed side by side with the English blues rock superstar Eric Clapton. A benefit for children's causes in Italy, the concert sold out to capacity at the Stadio di Cava de' Tirreni.


 For more info please follow the link  

Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston 


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To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and the MIT Mobile Experience Lab, in partnership with COMITES (Committee of Italians Abroad) of Boston, has developed Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston. Boston's Italian community dates back to 1860, when the first immigrants came to the United States seeking better conditions than those of their homeland. For the past 150 years, Italian-Americans have played a prominent role in the city of Boston, having distinguished themselves in various disciplines including business, government, medicine, technology, humanities, and academia. Through geo-located video interviews, the Memory Traces project explores the Italian experience in Boston. These recollections from selected representatives of fi rst generation and American born Italians help preserve their heritage for future generations. The use of new media has enabled this interactive documentary.  The Memory Traces project website features the stories overlaid on a map of the city. Stories can be fi ltered by person, time period, and a selection of themes that capture the

logo 150 messages of the stories. A mobile application provides the opportunity for others to follow these memory trails through the city of Boston. 


Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201

Fax 617-722-9407