Consolato Generale d'Italia


The newsletter for the lovers of Italian Culture




Chiara Marsoner

Alessandra Granelli

Antonio Talarico 

Events in Boston
Io non ho paura
Italian Opera Concert
MFA talk
Il Matrimonio Segreto
Museum of Science - Pompei
MFA Afrodite
Memory Traces
SAVE THE DATE: Italian Culture Night
SAVE THE DATE: Pino Daniele
Join Our Mailing List




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Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.


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on the next Newsletter!


The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and

communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.

If you are interested please contact [email protected];  [email protected] with details of the event by the 20th of each month.


La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a [email protected]t;

[email protected]  


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Youth & Music Special

Italy Summer Camp - Summer 2012

Musica Vesuviana


Musica Vesuviana is a summer music school/ camp open to all American and European students who will be in
grades 8-12. The program is open to instrumentalists and vocalist and
we offer ensemble and customized /individual instructions
(Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Improvisation, Scat Vocals, Classical and Electric
Guitar, Electric Bass, Vocals, Strings
(Violin, Cello, Viola), Winds, Brass and Drums. It is a great opportunity to learn World Music, Italian Language and Italian culture.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Click here to download the brochure.

Useful information and news

Cari Amici dall'Italia,

dopo la ricca programmazione culturale di gennaio ed i successi del Falstaff e della celebrazione della Giornata della Memoria, ci aspetta un febbraio altrettanto pieno. Scorrete gli eventi e selezionate quelli di vostro interesse.

Un anticipo su quello che ci attende nei prossimi mesi e, in particolare, su due iniziative cui tengo particolarmente: la "serata italiana" al Children's Museum il 9 marzo, dalle ore 18 alle 20, organizzata in collaborazione con i Professionisti Italiani a Boston (PIB) ed il Centro Attivita' Scolastiche Italiane (CASIT); il concentro di Pino Daniele presso il Berklee College of Music il prossimo 9 giugno alle ore 20:00.

Non dimenticate poi che le mostre "Afrodite e gli Dei dell'Amore" presso il Museum of Fine Arts e "Un giorno a Pompei" presso il Museum of Science chiuderanno a febbraio.

Invito infine chi e' interessato a seguire le curiosita' che legano l'Italia al New England a consultare la rubrica quotidiana ad opera di Alessandra Granelli "Italy - New England", presente sul sito del Consolato


Buona lettura a tutti! 

Giuseppe Pastorelli   


*          *          *


Dear Friends of Italy,

Following the rich cultural programming and the success of Falstaff and the commemoration of the "Holocaust Remembrance Day" in January, we invite you to join us in February at any of many events planned. Browse through the program and choose the events that you are interested in.

There are two forthcoming events in the next several months that I would like to give you advance notice of so that you can save the date:

- The Italian Culture Night at the Children's Museum in Boston on March 9 from 6- 8 PM, organized in collaboration with the Italian Professionals in Boston (PIB) and The Centro Attivita' Scolastiche Italiane (CASIT).

- Pino Daniele concert at Berklee College of Music on June 9 at 8:00pm

A reminder that the "Aphrodite and the Gods of Love" at the Museum of Fine Arts, and "A Day in Pompeii" at the Museum of Science exhibits will close in February.

Finally, I invite anyone interested in following the connections between Italy and New England to visit the Consulate website ( and read the newsletter by Alessandra Granelli.

Happy reading to all!

Giuseppe Pastorelli 

Saturday, February 4 at 10.30am at the North End Branch Library
Io non ho paura 
presented by the Pirandello Lyceum
Io Non Ho Paura/I'm Not Scared, a dramatic and moving Italian film with English subtitles, will be shown on Saturday morning, February 4, at 10:30am (Sharp) at the North End Branch Library, 25 Parmenter St. Boston. At 10:15am, caffe and biscotti will be served. The film is free and open to the public.
This Italian film with English subtitles is a thriller seen through the eyes of a young boy. On one level, the audience is expected to unravel the extraordinary events and on another level, the film examines Italian culture and the role and value of women. The acting and camera work are beautifully accomplished.  
Weather advisory: If the library is open, the film will be shown. Library-(617) 227-8135.
Friday, February 17, 2012 7:00 p.m. Old North Church 193 Salem Street Boston MA, 02113
Italian Opera Concert
presented by North End Music and Performing Arts Center Winter Concert Series




                               Click on image to download brochure

Enjoy this upcoming event which supports a great cause North End Music and Performing Arts Center NEMPAC 
Winter Concert Series opening with Italian Opera Night
North End Music & Performing Arts Center Winter Music Series presents
Italian Opera Concert Italian Arias and Opera Scenes from La Boheme, Tosca, Elisir d'Amore, La Cenerentola, Rigoletto, Clemenza di Tito, and Le Nozze di Figaro. Performed by Professional Boston Opera Singers.

Event is FREE and open to the public. Suggested donation is $15.

Event Sponsored by Golden Goose Markets, Italia Unita, Aaron Michelwitz, Susan Antonio and Alfonso Sira
Sunday, February 19 at 2pm at the Museum of fine Arts 



In this Gallery Talk, led by graduate student lecturer Lindsay Alberts, we will explore sculptures and decorative art objects that connect the Italian Renaissance to ancient Rome. Italian art in the period from roughly 1400 to 1600 was so deeply fascinated with looking to ancient models that the period itself is now known as a "rebirth," or "Renaissance," of Classical ideas and inspirations. We will discover portraits, plates, and even miniature statues in the Renaissance galleries that are strikingly similar to objects found in the ancient Roman galleries, and we will discuss the variety of ways in which these visual similarities reflect political, social, and intellectual connections between Renaissance Italy and ancient Rome. 

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Sharf Visitor Center 
Admission Free with Admission - No Ticket RequiredThis event is free with cost of admission.

Click here for additional information 

Sunday, February 19 at 3PM to 6PM at Spinelli's Zumix Firehouse, 262 Sumner Street, East Boston 



Whether you call it Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday it will no doubt be a celebration for which Italians call CARNEVALE! This tradition has long been celebrated throughout Italy where the streets come alive with costumes, masks and masquerade balls.
The event will consist of skits, jokes, masquerade and fun!  Italia Unita Youth Artistic leader Pascal Gangi will have on display paper mache art, while an ongoing slide show of "Carnevale" around Italy will be highlighted throughout the day. You may dress up or put on a complimentary mask at the event while Italia Unita's artistic group entertains you. If you feel like putting on your dancing shoes, you can join in on the fun!
Bring your sweet tooth because we are serving traditional Carnvevale desserts such as Pignolata (a Sicilian specialty) and Chiacchiere literally translates into "chatter", "chit-chat", or "gossip", but in this context it is a strip of sweet pastry dough fried and coated with powdered sugar.

So bring your masks or dress up in Carnevale mode for an afternoon of fun and Italian culture. Donation admission is $10.

Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 617-561-3201

Thursday, February 23 until Sunday, February 26 at the Boston University Theater, Main Stage



Composer: Domenico Cimarosa - Librettist: Giovanni Bertati

after The Clandestine Marriage (1766) by George Colman the Elder and David Garrick.

Conductor: William Lumpkin

February 23, Thursday at 7:30 

February 24, Friday at 7:30
February 25, Saturday at 7:30
February 26, Sunday at 2:00

Boston University Theater, Mainstage

This farcical domestic comedy features arranged marriages, dowries, feuding sisters, tangled circumstances, banishment to convents, and misdirected romantic aspirations. Inspired in part by Hogarth's "Marriage A-la-Mode," it lives as a musical bridge between Mozart and Rossini, with both beautiful lyrical melodies, and brilliant challenging ensembles.

Click here for additional information

Until February 12, 2012 at the Museum of Science in Boston 

A Day in Pompeii

On August 24, AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the ancient Roman city of Pompeii under volcanic ash for over 1,700 years. On Sunday, October 2, 2011, visitors to the Museum of Science, Boston will explore the life and death of this thriving city in A Day in Pompeii. The 13,000-square-foot touring exhibit immerses visitors in the richness of one of the greatest archaeological treasures ever unearthed.

On exhibit October 2, 2011 - February 12, 2012, A Day in Pompeii features over 250 priceless artifacts. They include 13 wall-sized frescoes, over a dozen pieces of gold jewelry, marble and bronze statuary, gold coins, and other dazzling examples of ancient Roman artistry. Other artifacts from frying pans, fishhooks, and merchants' scales to ceramics, oil lamps, graffiti stones, and carbonized bread capture aspects of daily life. Visitors can also experience the power of volcanoes from interactive displays and learn about their victims by exploring the body casts that have immortalized them.

"Few ancient cities have been found so unchanged," says Paul Fontaine, Museum of Science vice president of education. "Our visitors will discover that what a volcano destroys it can also save. The clues that scientists and archeologists have uncovered, while helping establish modern archeology, also offer a glimpse of ancient life, from art and architecture to water engineering and entertainment, revealing remarkable ties between ancient and modern cultures. And in a very personal way, the body casts connect us directly to human beings who lived 2,000 years ago."


Click here for additional information about the exhibit.

Until February 20 at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Torft Gallery  184
Aphrodite and the Gods of Love - MFA
Known today as the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, or Venus as she was known to the Romans, was one of the most powerful ancient Greek divinities and a favorite subject in ancient art. This is the first exhibition about the powerful goddess that both ancient writers and artists described as complex and even dangerous. Through the presentation of 150 Greek and Roman works of art, "Aphrodite and the Gods of Love," which includes spectacular loans from Rome and Naples, reveals the most popular ancient goddess in her roles as adulterous seductress, instigator of sexual desire, mother to mischievous Eros and sexual outliers Hermaphrodite and Priapos, patroness of brides, and much more.logo 150
Click here for more information about the exposition.
Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston 


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To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and the MIT Mobile Experience Lab, in partnership with COMITES (Committee of Italians Abroad) of Boston, has developed Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston. Boston's Italian community dates back to 1860, when the first immigrants came to the United States seeking better conditions than those of their homeland. For the past 150 years, Italian-Americans have played a prominent role in the city of Boston, having distinguished themselves in various disciplines including business, government, medicine, technology, humanities, and academia. Through geo-located video interviews, the Memory Traces project explores the Italian experience in Boston. These recollections from selected representatives of fi rst generation and American born Italians help preserve their heritage for future generations. The use of new media has enabled this interactive documentary.  The Memory Traces project website features the stories overlaid on a map of the city. Stories can be fi ltered by person, time period, and a selection of themes that capture the

logo 150 messages of the stories. A mobile application provides the opportunity for others to follow these memory trails through the city of Boston. 



Friday, March 9, 2012, 6pm-8pm  Boston Children's Museum 300 Congress Street Boston 02210 

Italian Culture Night 


Click on Image to enlarge it


Join us at the Boston Children's Museum for a night of music, dance and art! 
Tarantella Lessons
Carnival Masks
Mosaic Making
Guitar, Fisarmonica and Tamburello

The Italian Culture Night at the Children's Museum in Boston on March 9 from 6- 8 PM, organized in collaboration with the Professional Italians in Boston (PIB) and The Centro Attivita' Scolastiche Italiane (CASIT) 

R.S.V.P. by March 2nd [email protected] or 617-722-9302 

Ministero Affari Esteri


Saturday, June 9, 2012, 8:00 p.m.  Berklee Performance Center
136 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02115

Pino Daniele 
performs in Boston for the first time


Click on Image to enlarge it


While on an international tour of North America. Daniele is an influential Italian jazz-fusion guitarist. He has released 30 studio albums since 1975. Born in Naples, Italy on March 19, 1955, self-taught guitarist Pino Daniele recorded his first album at the age of 22. From the beginning of his career, it was evident that his passion lay in rock and blues. Greatly influenced by his own cultural background, his music was a successful fusion of tradition and modernity. 

His solo debut, Terra Mia, sung in Neapolitan, was the first example of what Daniele called "tarambl�," a combination of tarantella, rhumba, and blues. In 1979 his self-titled sophomore record was released, followed by Nero a Met� in 1980, and that same year Daniele was invited to open for reggae superstar Bob Marley for his show in Milan. During the next few years the artist continued exploring his various Mediterranean, African, and Western inspirations-found in albums like Common Ground, a collaboration with American folk singer Richie Havens, and the Middle Eastern-influenced Bonne Soir�e-as well as writing soundtracks for films by Massimo Troisi.  


In 1989 Daniele took a step toward greater commercial success with the release of the pop record Mascalzone Latino, followed by another deluge of albums, including 1991's Un Uomo in Blues, 1993's Che Dio Ti Benedica (which had two tracks produced by Chick Corea), 1995's Non Calpestare I Fiori Nel Deserto, 1997's Dimmi Cosa Succede Sulla Terra, and 2000's Medina. 

Two years later the singer teamed up with fellow Italian stars Francesco DeGregori, Ron, and Fiorella Mannoia for a tour, captured on the appropriately titled In Tour. In 2005 Daniele released Iguana Caf�, another studio record. Between 2005 and 2010, Daniele released three more studio albums: Il Mio Nome e Pino Daniele e Vivo Qui, Ricomincio da 30, and Electric Jam. In 2010, Daniele released his 13th studio album, Boogie Boogie Man.
On June 24, 2011, in Salerno, Italy, Pino Daniele performed side by side with the English blues rock superstar Eric Clapton. A benefit for children's causes in Italy, the concert sold out to capacity at the Stadio di Cava de' Tirreni.


 For more info please follow the link  

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201

Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected]