Consolato Generale d'Italia


The newsletter for the lovers of Italian Culture



Italian Heritage Month


Chiara Marsoner

Alessandra Granelli

Antonio Talarico 

Events in Boston
Suzanne Heller
Vienna 2ways
Museum of Science - Pompei
Cuneo Memorial
Mass 150Italy
Columbus Day
BC - Jesuit Musical Tradition
Italian Trade Commission
Italian Song
Giovanni Pascoli
Il Volo
Colori d'Italia RI
Lauro de Bosis Lectures
Divorzio all'Italiana
Così fan tutte
Bosotn Youth Symphony Orchestras
Stabat Mater
Poli performs Chopin
Join Our Mailing List



Il 9 ottobre 2011 si svolgerà il terzo Censimento dei cittadini italiani residenti all'estero, secondo le specifiche modalità previste dalla legge n. 4/0/88 (Anagrafe e censimento degli Italiani all'estero) come modificata dalla legge n. 104 del 2002.  

Si pregano pertanto tutti i connazionali residenti in questa circoscrizione ed iscritti all'AIRE di aggiornare - ove necessario - indirizzi e posizione anagrafica, scrivendo a, inviando le informazioni via fax al numero 617 7229407, ovvero telefonando al 617 7229225 (Sig.ra Maria Rossano). 

Click here for additional information.



Si avvisa che a seguito di nuove disposizioni questo Consolato Generale deve richiedere il Nulla Osta alla Questura competente prima di rilasciare un passaporto, anche per tutti i residenti AIRE. Si prega pertanto di contattare l'ufficio passaporti al 617 7229201 ex 23 o di scrivere a  al fine di poter avviare la pratica per il rilascio del nuovo passaporto, prima di venire in Consolato per ottenere il documento.



Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.


Contatti utili: 


617 722 9225



617 722 9220



617 722 9205



617 722 9303



617 722 9225



617 722 9223



617 722 9201 ex 12





on the next Newsletter!


The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and

communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.

If you are interested please contact; with details of the event by the 20th of each month.


La newsletter è un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a;  


Youth & Music Special

Italy Summer Camp - Summer 2012

Musica Vesuviana


Musica Vesuviana is a summer music school/ camp open to all American and European students who will be in
grades 8-12. The program is open to instrumentalists and vocalist and
we offer ensemble and customized /individual instructions
(Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Improvisation, Scat Vocals, Classical and Electric
Guitar, Electric Bass, Vocals, Strings
(Violin, Cello, Viola), Winds, Brass and Drums. It is a great opportunity to learn World Music, Italian Language and Italian culture.
For more information, please contact:

Click here to download the brochure.

Useful information and news

Terzo Censimento

Il 9 ottobre 2011 si svolgerà il terzo Censimento dei cittadini italiani residenti all'estero, secondo le specifiche modalità previste dalla legge n. 4/0/88 (Anagrafe e censimento degli Italiani all'estero) come modificata dalla legge n. 104 del 2002.


Il terzo Censimento dei cittadini italiani residenti all'estero si svolgerà ricavando i dati personali degli iscritti negli schedari consolari alla data del 9 ottobre.

Si pregano pertanto tutti i connazionali residenti in questa circoscrizione ed iscritti all'AIRE di aggiornare - ove necessario - indirizzi e posizione anagrafica, scrivendo a, inviando le informazioni via fax al numero
617 7229407, ovvero telefonando al
617 7229225 (Sig.ra Maria Rossano)
Entro il 7 Ottobre 2011

Ottobre e' un mese speciale per gli Italiani durante il quale festeggiamo con orgoglio e passione il nostro retaggio.

Tanti sono gli eventi che ci accompagneranno nel corso del mese e vi suggerisco di consultare regolarmente il calendario presente sul sito, nella sezione "calendar of the events".

L'8 ottobre la citta' di Boston onorera' il primo poliziotto italo-americano, Andrew Cuneo. Il giorno successivo, domenica 9 alle 10.30, Sua Eminenza il Cardinale O'Malley celebrera' una messa per i 150 anni dell'unita' d'Italia nella Chiesa di San Leornardo ad Hanover Street e poco dopo, alle 12.30, partira' la parata del Columbus Day, che quest'anno si tiene nel North End. Sono sicuro che non farete mancare la vostra presenza ed il vostro calore a questi tre importanti eventi!

Vi saranno poi mostre (Pompei, Afrodite, Boston-Vienna 2 ways), concerti (Zucchero, Il Volo, Newpoli), convegni (Vasari, sul trasferimento tecnologico tra Italia e Stati Uniti) e colloqui (Oliviero Toscani), cui vale veramente la pena di partecipare. Vi invieremo alcuni reminder nel corso del mese per aiutarvi a ricordare...

Un'ultima annotazione. Il 9 ottobre si terra' il terzo censimento degli Italiani residenti all'estero. L'operazione verra' effettuata sulla base dello schedario consolare: se dovete aggiornare la vostra posizione anagrafica od il vostro indirizzo fatelo entro il 7 ottobre contattando la Sig.ra Maria Rossano (617 7229225), o scrivendo ad


Buona lettura a Tutti!

Giuseppe Pastorelli 


*          *          *


October is a special month for Italians during which we passionately and proudly celebrate our heritage.

There are many events that will accompany us during the month and I suggest you to regularly consult the calendar on the in the "calendar of the events" section.

On October 8 the city of Boston will honor the first Italian-American policeman Andrew Cuneo. The following day, Sunday 9 at 10.30 am, His Eminence Cardinal O'Malley will celebrate a Mass for the 150 years of Italy's Unification at the Saint Leonard Church on Hanover Street; soon after at 12.30 pm the Columbus Day Parade will take place in the Streets of the North End. I am sure that you will not miss these three important events!


Furthermore there will be exhibitions (Pompei, Aphrodite, Boston-Vienna 2ways), concerts (Zucchero, Il Volo, Newpoli), conferences (Vasari and also "the technological exchange between Italy and United States") and discussions (Oliviero Toscani), which are really worth to participate. We will send you reminders during the month to help you remember...


One final note. On October 9 the third census of Italians residing abroad will be held. The Census will consider personal data of those registered in the Consular registers: if you need to update your marital status or your address please do so before October 7 by contacting Mrs. Maria Rossano (617 722 9225), or by sending an email to


Happy reading to all,

Giuseppe Pastorelli


September 17 until October 22 at Martha Richardson Fine Art, 38 Newbury Street, Boston and at Bellezza Home & Garden, 1021 Boylston St. (Rt. 9 West), Newton.

Suzanne Heller, Watercolors from Adventures of an Italian Food Lover


Martha Richardson Fine Art, Boston and Bellezza Home & Garden, Newton, are pleased to announce the September 17th opening of a joint exhibition: Suzanne Heller, Watercolors from Adventures of an Italian Food Lover. These striking watercolors of Italian personalities, landscapes and foods, as well as a selection of Italian hand-painted ceramics, will be on view in both locations through October 22.


This joint exhibition grew out of the initial collaboration between two sisters, an artist and an author. Adventures of an Italian Food Lover, with Recipes from 254 of My Very Best Friends, a cookbook/travelogue written by Faith Heller Willinger, is enlivened by the enchanting watercolors painted by her sister, the artist Suzanne Heller. Over a two-year period, the sisters traveled throughout Italy visiting artisanal farmers, wine makers, chefs, cheese makers, etc.. While Willinger interviewed them and gathered recipes for her book, Heller painted their portraits, their produce and wines, and the surrounding countryside.


Click here for more information.

Friday, September 30 - Saturday October 22 

Opening Reception Friday, October 7 at 5.30pm until 9.00pm

at the Laconia Gallery, 433 Harrison Ave., Boston MA 

Boston-Vienna 2ways 
Art exhibit. 

"During a time when art transcends national borders and when artists become cosmopolitan explorers of culture. I am proud to announce that Fabrizio Bellanca of Rome is the founder of the exhibition "Boston-Vienna 2ways". This journey into the heart of contemporary art of Boston and Vienna is an exchange between Europe and the United States that offers the opportunity to think about different identities and cultural heritages. 
Bellanca's work represents Italy's experimental side, one for all the world to see. Many paintings portray cities like Boston, New York and Vienna, where the foundation of their architecture and the physiognomy of their people become a source of inspiration for the artist. He uses a combination of art and technology; in his works, metallic shadows and brushes of color give new birth to the consistency of reality. The Consulate General of Italy in Boston supports this project, with the hope that contemporary Italian art will assume even a larger role in the international level. We will continue to promote new initiatives that strengthen the dynamic and innovative image of our country. I hope that the public will appreciate the exhibition and I would like to take the chance to give a warm welcome to all the artists that are participating."

Giuseppe Pastorelli, Consulate General of Italy in Boston.
 Ministero Affari Esteri
Gallery hours: Friday-Sunday 12:00 PM-4:00 PM. 
Free and open to the public.  

Click here for additional information 

Opening on Sunday October 2, until February 12, 2012 at the Museum of Science in Boston 

A Day in Pompei

On August 24, AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the ancient Roman city of Pompeii under volcanic ash for over 1,700 years. On Sunday, October 2, 2011, visitors to the Museum of Science, Boston will explore the life and death of this thriving city in A Day in Pompeii. The 13,000-square-foot touring exhibit immerses visitors in the richness of one of the greatest archaeological treasures ever unearthed.

On exhibit October 2, 2011 - February 12, 2012, A Day in Pompeii features over 250 priceless artifacts. They include 13 wall-sized frescoes, over a dozen pieces of gold jewelry, marble and bronze statuary, gold coins, and other dazzling examples of ancient Roman artistry. Other artifacts from frying pans, fishhooks, and merchants' scales to ceramics, oil lamps, graffiti stones, and carbonized bread capture aspects of daily life. Visitors can also experience the power of volcanoes from interactive displays and learn about their victims by exploring the body casts that have immortalized them.

"Few ancient cities have been found so unchanged," says Paul Fontaine, Museum of Science vice president of education. "Our visitors will discover that what a volcano destroys it can also save. The clues that scientists and archeologists have uncovered, while helping establish modern archeology, also offer a glimpse of ancient life, from art and architecture to water engineering and entertainment, revealing remarkable ties between ancient and modern cultures. And in a very personal way, the body casts connect us directly to human beings who lived 2,000 years ago."


Click here for additional information about the exhibit.


Thursday, October 6 at 5.30pm at MIT Boston, Room location: 26-100

MIT: The Message Against The Medium: 
Oliviero Toscani speaker


MIT-Italy Program Artist in Residence Series

Once or twice a year lectures and talks by oustanding Italian writers or artists organized by the MIT-Italy Program in order to showcase Italian culture

Oliviero Toscani is a world renowned photographer whose portfolio spans from fashion photos for Vogue to controversial ads for Benetton and other famous brands centered on controversial subjects--from diversity, death penalty and AIDS to anorexia.

Toscani will discuss the relationship between creativity and power drawing from his extensive experiences.

Free and open to the general public 

Sponsors: MISTI, MIT-Italy Program, Center for International Studies

For more information, contact: - 617.452.2693 

Saturday October 8 

at 10.00am at the Paul Revere Mall (Prado) on Hanover 

Street, North End of Boston, Massachusetts.


Memorial Honoring Patrolman Andrew B. Cuneo

Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis and the Boston Police Department request the honor of your presence at the dedication of a Memorial Honoring Patrolman Andrew B. Cuneo, the first Italian Boston Police Officer and the first Italian Boston Police Officer 
killed in the line of duty.


The dedication will take place on Saturday October 8, 2011,  at 10 a.m. at 
the Paul Revere Mall (Prado) on Hanover Street, North End of Boston.

Patrolman Andrew B. Cuneo was appointed May 6, 1906 and was killed in 

the line of duty on Hanover Street on August 13, 1921. Participating in the dedication will be descendants of Patrolman Andrew B. Cuneo, the

Consule General of Italy Giuseppe Pastorelli, and Italian Carabinieri.

Sunday, October 9 at 10.30 am at the St. Leonard Church, Hannover Street, Boston
150th Anniversary Mass by
H.E. Cardinal O'Malley

St. Leonard's Church, founded in 1873,is the first Roman Catholic Church in New England built by Italian immigrants. St. Leonard's is known to many visitors for its Saint Anthony shrine located in the downstairs church, the oldest shrine dedicated to the saint in Boston. 
In this Church Cardinal Seàn O'Malley will honor in the Sunday Mass the 150th anniversary of Italy. 
Sunday, October 9 starting at 12.30 pm in the North End/Waterfront, Boston   
Columbus Day Parade

On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Columbus Day will be celebrated in Boston's North End / Waterfront with several events.

From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park will have their annual family-friendly activities at Christopher Columbus Park. See the poster below.

At 1:00 p.m., there will be a brief ceremony and wreath laying at the statue of Christopher Columbus with Mayor Menino, kicking off the parade which will then march through the North End streets. One change this year is that the parade will start at Christopher Columbus Park instead of City Hall Plaza.

The annual Columbus Day parade is organized by the Columbus Day Committee and alternates between the North End and East Boston. 


This year, the 2011 parade is in the North End and will be held in honor of the late Michael Nazzaro, Jr. Starting at Christopher Columbus Park, the parade will end on Endicott Street.


Click here for additional information

Tuesday, October 11, 12.30pm - Harvard Medical School Warren Alpert Building, 563, 200 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA.

Clostridial neurotoxins: entry into neurons and blockade of the neuroexocytosis nano machine


Hosted by: Dr. John Collier, HMS Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology. Speaker: Cesare Montecucco, University of Padua, Italy

No Registration required. Free event

Additional information Coffee and snacks served at 12.15pm outside the room. For more information Contact Shannon Humphreys:

Thursday, October 13, 7.30pm - 9.30 pm at St. Mary's Chapel - Boston College 

Making History-Making Music: 
Jesuit Musical Tradition in Italy & England




Music by Carissimi, Victoria, and William Byrd. Ensemble Plus Ultra (UK), directed by Michael Noone.

Contact Boston College Music Department Contact's Phone: 617-552-6004 Contact's Email:

Admission is Free


Thursday, October 13 and Friday October 14, starting at 9am at the Cambridge Innovation Center, 3rd floor Conference Room Asuncion, One Broadway Cambridge, MA

U.S. & Italian Strategies for Turning Academic Research into Business.

An Italian Trade Commission International Seminar to Support U.S. - Italy Technology Transfer


The Italian Trade Commission invites you to an international training seminar that aims to provide concrete tools and examples to support 

your entrepreneurial efforts to commercialize university research by creating a start-up company. Target Audience: Academic Science 

Researchers with the potential or interest in translating their research 

work by creating a research spin-off / start-up company in Massachusetts or in Italy (or a partnership between the 2 regions). Discussion topics will 

cover public funding and private investment opportunities in MA and Italy,example local university models, and a showcase of successful international case study start-ups. 

Click here to download the program.Ministero Affari Esteri

Sunday, October 16 at 5:00pm at the Dante Alighieri Society, 

41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA

A tribute to Italian Song  

Popular Songs and Classics from the San Remo Festival


Italian Heritage Month - October, 2011

Free Admission (Suggested Donation)

Coffee & Light Refreshments Will Be Served



For Information Contact: - Tel: (781) 219-7820

OR Dante Alighieri Society - Tel: (617) 876-5160 - Fax: (617) 661-3797


Click here to download the flyer of the event.

Monday, October 17 at 5.00pm at

Boston Public Library, Orientation Room, 

700 Boylston Street, Boston

Last Voyage: Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli


On the occasion of the 

XI Week of Italian Language in the World

The Consulate General of Italy in Boston in collaboration with The Boston Public Library proudly presents:

"Last Voyage: Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli"

translated by Deborah Brown, Richard Jackson & Susan Thomas
presentations by Prof. Fiora Bassanese, UMass Boston

and Boston Poet Laureate Sam Cornish.

With poem readings by the translators.


Light refreshments will be served

Please R.S.V.P. by October 10, 2011
Click here to download the flyer of the event.Ministero Affari Esteri 


Tusday, October 18, 7.30pm at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston

Il Volo


In May 2009, three fresh-faced teenagers, Piero Barone (17), Ignazio Boschetto (16), and Gianluca Ginoble (16), appeared on the popular Italian talent show "Ti Lascio Una Canzone" and dazzled television viewers with their flawless rendition of the Neapolitan standard "O Sole Mio." The boys, who won the competition easily, decided their group needed a name. "Il Volo," meaning "flight," was chosen to signify the feeling that these three young tenors were about to spread their wings and fly. 

They may be young, but IL VOLO's mission is clear: "We want to share our love for this music with people all over the world, including kids our own age." That they say "would be our dream come true."
Click here to purchase your tickets

Wednesday, October 19 at 8.30pm at The Behive, Boston



Newpoli is a group of exceptionally talented musicians, all alumni from Berklee College of Music and New England Conservatory, that performs Southern Italian Folk Music, mainly from the regions of Campania and Puglia, integrating a wide variety of styles such as Tarantella-Pizzica, Tammuriata, Villanella and the Neapolitan Canzone, encompassing music from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Because Italian Folk music, with the exception of a small number of Neapolitan songs, has not received its deserved attention and recognition, neither in Italy nor abroad, Newpoli, guided by their passion for playing and researching these seldom played traditional styles, introduces to the audience, often for the first time, the joy and beauty of this music while recounting the ancient stories and rituals described in the lyrics.

The group has been enthusiastically received everywhere, as the audience, notwithstanding the language barrier, is mesmerized by the vitality, energy and spice of their music. They have performed throughout New England, at venues such as the Berklee Performance Center, Ryles Jazz Club, The Middle East, Dante Alighieri Society of Cambridge and First Night. They have been interviewed and featured twice, in 2006 and in 2008, by RAI International, the Italian International public television. They released their debut CD in March 2008.

Formed in October of 2003, the group consists of two singers, Carmen Marsico and Angela Rossi, a Tamorra player (traditional Italian percussion), Fabio Pirozzolo, an accordion player, Roberto Cassan, a classical guitarist, Bjorn Wennas, a double bass player, Kendall Eddy and a violinist, Megumi Sasaki.

Thursday, October 20, 5.00p at the Chabot Fine Art Gallery, Providence, RI

Colori d'Italia in a Contemporary Style

This exciting collection brings to the viewer the amazing colors of Italy in a contemporary style. Our artists have captured the intensity and the charm of this magnificent country in various styles created from their palettes. It's a reminder of a unique ambiance - cities that seem to glow with eternal grandeur and landscapes whose features change with the seasons yet remain perpetually entrancing. This collection will certainly inspire the novice and the collector.

Free event. Contact: (401) 432-7783 

Thursday, October 20, 5.00pm at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies - Harvard


(second of three lectures this fall)


Sergio Durante, University of Padua

Nation and Taste: Three Lectures on Music in the Age of Italian Risorgimento

"Giuseppe Mazzini as a music critic"

Free and open to the public.
Friday, October 21 at 8.30pm and Saturday, October 22, 8.45pm at Paramount Center, Boston

Divorce Italian Style (Divorzio all'Italiana) 

Directed by Pietro Germi with Marcello Mastroianni, Daniela Rocca, Stefania Sandrelli 


1961, Italy Ferdinando Cefalu, Mastroianni's down-at-the- heels Sicilian baron, needs a way to get rid of his wife which sidesteps divorce (unthinkably embarrassing!) and avoids murder (too much jail time). A crime of honor would warrant a slap on the wrist, thus the scheming Ferdinando lures his wife's old flame to town and prepares surveillance equipment-even as he continues to woo a new love interest: his teenage cousin (Sandrelli). On the heels of his dramatic turn as La Dolce Vita's self-loathing journalist, Mastroianni revealed a hilarious comic prowess that cemented his stardom. An international smash, Germi's caper film won the Best Comedy award at Cannes as well as several Oscar nominations, a nod to what Dave Kehr describes as the satire's "terrific entertainment, a European corollary to Preston Sturges."

"Italy had produced funny caper films before this-notably Big Deal on Madonna Street, released only a few years earlier and also featuring Mastroianni-but I can think of no previous Italian movie that had invited the audience to participate in a murder and laugh about it... It is, of course, a perfect movie." -Stuart Klawans

Saturday, October 22 10am at Coolidge Corner Theatre

Così Fan Tutte

Join us for opening night at London's Royal Opera House! This witty tale of deception and girlfriend-swapping, paired with Mozart's radiant score, has made audiences laugh and sigh for centuries.

This great comedy with an edge brings a classic score by Mozart to a witty story of deception and trust tested to its limit. Can two apparently faithful couples have their affections altered by some apparently harmless deception? Jonathan Miller's ever-popular production updates the 18th-century to today - while fashions and technology may have changed since Mozart's time, human behaviour remains as fickle and manipulative as ever. Royal Opera favorite Thomas Allen returns in a strong cast of singers under acclaimed German conductor Thomas Hengelbrock. The title may suggest that it is the way of women to behave this way - 'such is the way they are' - but then it seems to be true of the men too. In this most sophisticated of operas with the most sublime of scores, no-one escapes unscathed.

Sung in Italian with English subtitles.

Sunday, October 23, 3.00pm at Boston Symphony Hall

Maestro Federico Cortese conducts BYSO 


October 26 until February 20 at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Torft Gallery  184
Afrodite and the Gods of Love - MFA
Known today as the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, or Venus as she was known to the Romans, was one of the most powerful ancient Greek divinities and a favorite subject in ancient art. This is the first exhibition about the powerful goddess that both ancient writers and artists described as complex and even dangerous. Through the presentation of 150 Greek and Roman works of art, "Aphrodite and the Gods of Love," which includes spectacular loans from Rome and Naples, reveals the most popular ancient goddess in her roles as adulterous seductress, instigator of sexual desire, mother to mischievous Eros and sexual outliers Hermaphrodite and Priapos, patroness of brides, and much more.logo 150
Click here for more information about the exposition.

Thursday, October 27 at


7.30pm at the Rode Island Center for 


Arts in Cranston, RI

Saturday, October 29 at 7.30pm at Boston, Berklee College of Music 

Zucchero - Chocabeck Tour  



 In the Reggiano dialect "choka" means "make a noise" and "beck" means "beak". "It was an expression my father used when I was a child. Whenever I asked him if there was anything to eat, rather than tell me there was nothing, he would say "A ghe di chocabeck" - "There's chocabeck". "For ages I thought these "chocabecks" were really good to eat. I'm still looking forward to having some !!!" - Zucchero 2010
Zucchero - Chocabeck
Click here  for additional information 

Thursday, October 27, 6.00pm-7:30pm

Friday, October 28, 9.00am-7:30pm 

Saturday, October 29,  9.00am-7:30pm

at the Arthur M. Sackler Museum Auditorium, 

485 Broadway, Cambridge, MA



On the quincentennial anniversary of his birth, Vasari/500 will unite doctoral students, recent graduates, and an international group of scholars with the aim of reassessing the Tuscan-born artist and writer's central, if deeply contested, role in charting histories of the Renaissance. Thematic panels, special presentations, and a roundtable discussion will allow participants to consider Vasari and his legacy both in depth and across disciplinary boundaries. What is Vasari's place in the humanities today, and how might the study of this figure illuminate our own world as well as that of Renaissance Italy? Vasari/500 aims, then, to be both tribute and re-evaluation; both reflection and prescription.


This symposium is organized by Francesca Borgo, Caitlin Henningsen, Shawon K. Kinew, and Daniel Zolli, doctoral students in the History of Art + Architecture, Harvard University. It is made possible by generous support from the Lauro De Bosis Committee and the Department of History of Art + Architecture, Harvard University in collaboration with Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies; 

Harvard Art Museum and the Consulate General of Italy in Boston.

logo 150 

Free and Open to the public.


Click here for additional information. 

Friday, October 28, 8.00pm and Sunday October 30 at 3.00pm at New England Conservatory: Jordan Hall

Handel and Haydn Society Presents
Pergolesi Stabat Mater


Italian baroque specialist Rinaldo Alessandrini leads a program of Baroque jewels, with Pergolesi's achingly beautiful Stabat Mater at the heart of the concert. Alessandrini also performs Bach's Harpsichord Concerto in D Major.


Rinaldo Alessandrini is a major conductor and harpsichordist specializing in Italian Baroque music. After musical studies including serious research in Italian music from 1550 to 1750, Alessandrini embarked on his career as a harpsichordist, both as a soloist and as continuo player/leader of Concerto Italiano, a vocal and instrumental ensemble he founded. During the 1980s and 1990s Alessandrini and Concerto Italiano established themselves as the leading ensemble for Italian Baroque music from the music's home country.

Alessandrini believes that, regardless of musical era, there is a set of "essential, but often elusive, expressive and cantabile elements of fundamental to Italian music." His aim is to find those qualities in music of the Italian Baroque period, which he regards "the most fertile and innovative in all Italian music."

He and Concerto Italiano have toured extensively in Europe, including many of the major musical festivals, especially the ones with interest in the era. He and the ensemble record for various labels and have won awards such as the Cini Foundation Vivaldi Prize, the Choc de la Musique, Grand Prix de la Nouvelle Académie du Disque, the Deutsche Schallplattenpreis, the Diapason d'Or (in three successive years), the Cecilia Prize, the Gramophone Award, the BBC Music Magazine Prize, and the Grand Prix de l'Academie Charles Cros.

Alessandrini also conducts Italian Baroque opera widely. His is considered one of the world's leading specialists in the operas of Monteverdi, and also revives lesser-known Italian opera composers such as Cavalli and Vinci. He includes the Italian operas of George Frideric Handel in his conducting repertoire, and he and Concerto Italiano have recorded harpsichord concertos of Johann Sebastian Bach. These Gramophone Award-nominated performances are hailed for paying special attention to the direct Italian inspiration for the concertos. Other acclaimed CDs include his two volumes of One Hundred Fifty Years of Italian Music, featuring harpsichord music on the first disc and organ music on the second.


Sunday October 30, 2.00pm a the Newton Library

Roberto Poli Performs Chopin



Poli has studied the music of Fryderyk Chopin comprehensively through manuscripts and original editions and has performed his music throughout the world.

Born in Venice, Italy, Roberto Poli has been described as an eloquent communicator both on and off stage, and is considered a rising exponent of the music of Fryderyk Chopin, which he has comprehensively studied through manuscripts and original editions and widely performed throughout the world. The center of Mr. Poli's current activity is the recording of Chopin's complete works. The project, supported by the London-based label Piano Classics, includes the release of seventeen volumes over the course of the next six years. The first volume was released worldwide this past June, and the second volume is scheduled to appear at the end of 2011. Mr. Poli's activity as a prolific writer began with the publication of his first critically acclaimed book, The Secret Life of Musical Notation (Amadeus Press, 2010), a volume based on years of research and performance in which he presents original groundbreaking insights. Mr. Poli teaches a group of selected students at The Rivers School Conservatory in Weston, MA, where he is also the artist in residence, and the New England Conservatory's Preparatory School in Boston.


Seating at concerts is limited and is provided on a first come, first served basis. For more information call the Newton Free Library at 617-796-1360. All programs are free and open to the public, parking is free. The Newton Free Library is handicap accessible. 

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201

Fax 617-722-9407