Chiara Marsoner
Alessandra Granelli
Antonio Talarico
Maria Chiara Saporito & Sonia Vaglio
Si comunica a tutti i Connazionali registrati che, in caso di cambio di residenza, e' necessario comunicare al piu' presto il nuovo indirizzo al Consolato. L'adempimento, oltre ad essere previsto dalla legge, � indispensabile per poter ricevere il plico elettorale in occasione delle consultazioni elettorali ed al fine di
evitare la cancellazione per irreperibilita'.
Si avvisa che a seguito di nuove disposizioni questo Consolato Generale deve richiedere il Nulla Osta alla questura competente prima di rilasciare un passaporto, anche per tutti i residenti AIRE. Si prega pertanto di contattare l'ufficio passaporti al 617 7229201 ex 23 o di scrivere a passaporti.boston@esteri.it al fine di poter avviare la pratica per il rilascio del nuovo passaporto, prima di venire in Consolato per ottenere il documento.
Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.
Contatti utili:
617 722 9225
617 722 9220
617 722 9205
617 722 9303
617 722 9225
617 722 9223
617 722 9201 ex 12
on the next Newsletter!
The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and
communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.
If you are interested please contact consolatogenerale.boston@esteri.it; consgen.boston@esteri.it with details of the event by the 20th of each month.
La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a consolatogenerale.boston@esteri.it;
Useful information and news
Cari Amici dell'Italia,
aprile e' stato un mese ricco di eventi, ma anche maggio vedra' l'Italia protagonista a Boston e in altre citta' del Massachusetts.
Vi saranno importanti momenti musicali ("ECCE e l'Arsenale, la cantante jazz Roberta Gambarini, il Trio Napolicanto) e di approfondimento (quale l'incontro con Dino Rappuoli del 26 maggio prossimo) e si iniziera' a festeggiare la Festa della Repubblica con le iniziative organizzate dal Comites e dalla Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane e italo-americane del New England, che ringrazio per l'impegno.
Su altri due altri eventi desidero attirare la vostra attenzione: il 13 maggio il Consolato e la Dante Alighieri organizzano il convegno "150 anni: Riflessioni sull'unificazione italiana", inserito nella programmazione ufficiale per il 150mo anniversario dell'unita' d'Italia sotto l'Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica; sempre alla Dante Alighieri, il 22, viene inaugurata la bella mostra "Puccini e Lucca nel Mondo", che vedra' altresi' alternarsi per una settimana concerti e letture. Vi informo inoltre che visto l'interesse di pubblico la mostra in Consolato dell'artista Franca Di Pietro "Notes on an American Journey" e' stata prorogata sino a giugno.
Per chi vuole seguire giornalmente fatti e curiosita' che legano l'Italia a questa terra vi ricordo infine la rubrica "Italy-New England: do you know that?", presente sul sito del Consolato.
Buona lettura a tutti! Giuseppe Pastorelli
* * *
Dear Friends of Italy!
April was a month full of events, but May too will see Italy featured on many occasions in Boston and other cities of Massachusetts.
This month includes important musical events ("ECCE e l'Arsenale", jazz singer Roberta Gambarini , "Trio Napolicanto") and workshops (such as the meeting with Dr. Dino Rappuoli on May 26) and the beginning of the celebrations of the Italian National Day with programs organized by Comites and the Federation of Italian and Italian-American Associations of New England, whom I thank for their efforts.
Two other upcoming presentations to which I would like to draw your attention are: "150 years: Reflections Italian Unification" (May 13) included in the official program for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italy's unification, under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic at the Dante Alighieri Society, which has also organized, starting from May 22, the exhibit "Puccini e Lucca nel Mondo", which will also feature concerts and lectures for an entire week.
I am also pleased to announce that, due to public interest, the Exhibit "Notes on an American Journey", with paintings by Franca Di Pietro now on display at the Consulate, has been extended till June.
I want to remind you, once again, that the daily "Italy-New England: do you know that?" which can be found on our website will keep you updated on events and interesting information that tie Italy to New England.
Happy reading to all!
Giuseppe Pastorelli
Starting on Sunday, May 1 at Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI
Stop. Run. Play. Photographs by Susan Duca
Susan Duca's photo-essay follows a group of Italian children attending a public school in Florence, Italy through eight years of growing, playing, learning and relating. Her work captures the energy, affection and free-spiritedness of her young subjects and creates a visual diary of the social and physical connections that may be waning in American educational systems, but appear to thrive in Italian schools. Exhibit on display during Museum hours; see website or call for full information.
Price: $10 adults, $8 seniors, $6 students/military with valid ID, by donation Sat 10 am-12 pm; free for Museum members
Phone: (401) 848-8200
Click here for additional information
Starting on Sunday, May 1 from 4pm to 7pm
at AS220 Project Space, Providence, RI
In Italy: New photographs by Roger Carl Johanson
"In Italy" is a new series of photographs by Roger Carl Johanson that provides a small glimpse of Florence, Venice and Rome. These traditional black and white photographs, instead of illustrating a specific story from these cities rich with cultural history offer quiet moments which a viewer may become lost in their own dream story
Click here for additional information
Tuesday May 3 at 7:30pm
at Fenway Center, 77 St.Stephen Street Boston
ECCE and L'Arsenale
Northeastern University presents Ensemble l'Arsenale, a chamber music ensemble from Treviso, Italy, and Ecce, a Massachusetts-based chamber music ensemble, in a concert featuring music by contemporary composers. The program includes What the Wave Meant (2007) by Nicolas Tzortzis, and Self, Analyzed (2010) by Travis Alford (both winners of the ECCE/Aresenale 2011 call for scores) as well as music by Lorenzo Tomio and Filippo Perocco.
Founded in Treviso by young musicians and composers under the artistic/musical direction of Filippo Perocco, L'arsenale (www.larsenale.com) aims to bridge the divide between writing music and making music, between conceiving a sound and the gesture needed to produce that sound, between the lifetime of a sound and the space it lives and dies in. A special feature of the group is its flexibility, easily changing personnel in its keenly attentive explorations of the new work coming from young composers in the vast field of contemporary music.
ECCE (www.eccensemble.com) was founded in 2005 with the mission of supporting the creation and performance of contemporary music through concerts, symposia, and outreach events. ECCE's goal is to help revitalize the connection between contemporary music and diverse communities, and to promote new forms of engagement with modern music.. Since its creation, ECCE has committed itself to the most adventuresome programming with special emphasis on contemporary European repertoire not often heard in the states. ECCE performers have worked closely with composers such as Fabien Levy, Louis Karchin, Helmut Lachenmann, George Tsontakis and David Rakowski in realizing powerful interpretations of their music.
Tickets are FREE, reserve seats at tickets.neu.edu
Click here for more information
Tuesday May 3 until Tuesday May 24
Rassegna Cinematografica 2011 - Presentata da Comites e Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane
Tuesday May 3, 7:30pm
Hosted by Associazione Gizio 226 North Street, Boston
Movie: "Natale a Beverly Hills"
Wednesday May 11, 7:30 pm
Hosted by Juventus Club 270 Broadway, 2nd floor - Revere Movie: "Un'estate Ai Caraibi"
Tuesday May 17, 7:30pm Hosted by Orsogna Women's Movie: "Sharm El Sheikh Un'estate Indimenticabile"
Tuesday May 24, 7:30pm
Hosted by COMITES 11 Tileston Street, Boston Movie: "Viva l'Italia"
Thursday May 5 at 6:30pm at the Mandarin Oriental Boston
BYSO Celebrate, Federico Cortese Music Director AN ALLURING NIGHT OF MUSIC AND ELEGANCE WITH THE BOSTON YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS. Join the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras as we celebrate our young musicians and the communities that support us! We are excited to commemorate our children, our achievements and our future with our inaugural spring celebration. Proceeds from this event will support financial aid awards given to our students each year.
This celebration will include: � Unique food stations by the Mandarin Oriental � Cocktails by the Mandarin Oriental � Silent Auction (with over 30+ items) � Performance by BYSO Musicians Ticket Price: $150 - Cocktail Attire Host Committee: Yo-Yo Ma, Mayor Thomas M. Menino, First Lady Angela Menino, Stephen Lang Please click here for additional information |
Friday May 6 until Tuesday May 10
at the Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont Street, Boston
Maria Padilla, by Donizzetti - Opera Boston
Don't miss your chance to hear soprano Barbara Quintiliani's return to the Boston stage in Maria Padilla, reprising her triumphant performance at the 2009 Wexford Festival: "the evening belonged, thrillingly and unequivocally, to Barbara Quintiliani as Maria" (Opera News). Maria, determined to rise to power and to preserve her honor, forces her lover-King Pedro the Cruel of Castile-to secretly marry her, despite his impending politically-motivated marriage to another, or she will kill herself. The score abounds with dramatic moments-including Donizetti's only mad scene for tenor-and colorful orchestral writing. Sung in Italian with English titles
Performances: Friday, May 6, at 7:30 pm - Sunday, May 8, at 3:00 pm - Tuesday, May 10, at 7:30 pm
Click here for more information
Friday May 6 at the DCR's Steriti Memorial Rink, 561 Commercial Street Boston
The North End Community Health Center presents: Taste from the North End
For additional information please call 617.643.8106
Sunday, May 8, 3pm to 5pm
at Mackenzie Auditorium at Mass Bay Community College, Wellesley, MA
Wellesley Symphony - Afternoon of Italian Opera
Max Hobart and the WSO presents an afternoon of Italian opera featuring Andrea Matthews, soprano, and Ray Bauwens, tenor. Rossini's Overture to "Il Signor Bruschino", Puccini selections from La Boheme, Madama Butterfly, and Turandot, Mascagni's Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana and Mendelssohn's Symphony #5 in D "Reformation." 2:15 pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes Price: Adult: $20, Seniors/Students: $15, children under 12: free Phone: (781) 235-0515
Tuesday May 10 until May 15
at Black Box Theatre, The Paramount Center
Celebrity Series of Boston Presents:
Compagnia TPO, Farfalle
Celebrity Series of Boston will present Italian visual theatre company Compagnia TPO's Farfalle (Butterflies) May 10-15 at The Paramount Center Black Box Theatre, 559 Washington St., Boston. Performance dates and times are: Tuesday, May 10, 4pm - Wednesday, May 11, 4pm
Thursday, May 12, 12pm - Friday, May 13, 12pm & 4pm
Saturday, May 14, 11am, 2pm & 7pm - Sunday, May 15, 11am, 2pm & 5pm
Compagnia TPO's Farfalle (Butterflies) is visual theatre of the senses, an immersive experience that brings together theatre and contemporary art and creates an innovative, magical relationship between children and performers. The technological centerpiece of the show is the CCC or "Children Cheering Carpet," a special sensor-covered mat which interacts with dancers and the audience in real, enchanted time. The wondrous, other-worldly "sensory gardens" of Farfalle, take audiences on a magnificent journey through a literal and symbolic story of a butterfly's life cycle. This is beauty that kids can touch, beauty they can live in. You and your family have never experienced anything quite like it before.
General admission tickets for Farfalle are $25 and $35, and are available by calling CelebrityCharge at (617) 482-6661 Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., online at www.celebrityseries.org or at the Paramount box office, 559 Washington St., Boston.
This performance marks Compagnia TPO's Celebrity Series debut.
Click here for additional information and to purchase your ticket online
Click here for the complete press release
| Farfalle / Butterflies |
Friday, May 13 at 6.30pm at the Dante Alighieri Society
41 Hampshire street, Cambridge, MA
One Hundred Fifty Years:
Reflections on Italian Unification
Chair: Giuseppe Pastorelli, Consulate General of Italy for New England
Papers: Alessandro Masi, Secretary General, Dante Alighieri Society, Rome, Italy "What Historians Now Say" - Roland Sarti, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst "What Mazzini Would Say Now"
Comment: Spencer M. Di Scala, Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston, President, Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts
Questions and Answers - Refreshments Served
Friday, May 13 10pm to Saturday, May 14 12am
at Scullers Jazz Club, Boston
2:15 pre-concert talk by Leslie Holmes
Roberta Gambarini
2010 Grammy nominee jazz singer, Roberta Gambarini from Torino will be performing at the Scullers Jazz Club.
Price: $25 -Phone: (617) 562-4111
For additional information, please click here
Sunday, May 15 at 3pm
at First Lutheran Church, Boston
Music of Orlande de Lassus
One of the most prolific and influential composers of the 16th century, Orlande de Lassus has long been overlooked in favor of his more famous contemporary, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. But Lassus mastered nearly every style of his time, composing over 2000 works from Italian madrigals and French chansons to masses and motets. Don't miss acclaimed vocal ensemble Exsultemus's captivating survey of the genius of Lassus.
Price: $15, $25, $35; $5 off for students and seniors
Phone: (857) 998-0219
Monday, May 16 at 8pm
at Harvard University
Trio Napolicanto Goes to Harvard
A concert of Napolitan songs in memory of Carla Giordano
With TRIO NAPOLINCANTO'S Gianni AVERSANO, Guitarist, singer, actor and songwriter, Ferdinand PISCOPO, Composer and mandolin player, and Domenico DE LUCA, Composer and guitarist
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and Compagnia di Carla
In one of the most famous Neapolitan songs, Torna a Surriento, the verb "to look" appears seven times. It is an invitation to contemplate beauty, and therefore, to love it. But it is not just an aesthetical one, for the song, at a certain moment, invites us to look more deeply, "guarda 'nfunno", to look to the depths, because the treasure can be found in the depths of things. On the other hand, in a Neapolitan idiom, a hostile feeling is expressed by the sentence "Nun te pozzo ved�," (I cannot stand looking at you.) In saying "te voglio bene" (I love you) it is therefore implied "I am looking at you." And it is with this gaze that the person loves and changes: "I don't mind whether I was born poor or rich, because I languish for, I consist in looking at you," as a beautiful villanella from the XV century reminds us." Beauty is the splendor of truth," as in Mandulinata a Napule: "Your eyes are the stars and God is the firmament, and by looking at such a harmony my voice gets tender"; that is, our being takes the shape of what it looks at, if this look recognizes that everything is a sign.And the melancholy that often veils Neapolitan music is not a grieving but a nostalgia for the truth-a longing that opens our heart up to the point of accepting sacrifice, as the beautiful Passione quotes: "This cross I carry for you is not heavy."It is this journey of the eyes and of the heart that represents the file rouge that connects most of the songs of this concert.
The event is open to the public and free of charge.
Click here for additional information |
Thursday May 19, 6pm Cocktails, 7pm Dinner and Concert
at the Westin Waltham, 70 3rd Avenue, Waltham, MA
Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra
Spring Concert - Italian Night at the Opera
Come and join us for a full Italian dinner, mingling with friends and great music as we celebrate a night of Italian Opera.
Italian Night at the Opera Program
Giuseppe Verdi: Overture from Nabucco Vincenzo Bellini: Casta Diva aria from Norma Giuseppe Verdi: La Donna � Mobile aria from Rigoletto Pietro Mascagni: Inermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana Giuseppe Verdi: Dio ti giocondi duet from Otello Giuseppe Verdi: Anvil Chorus from Il Trovatore Giuseppe Verdi: Chorus of Slaves from Nabucco
Gioachino Rossini: Overture from La Gazza Ladra Giacomo Puccini: O mio babbino from Gianni Schicchi Eduardo di Capua: O Sole Mio Neapolitan song Amilcare Ponchielli: Dance of the Hours from La Gioconda Giacomo Puccini: O, Soave Fanciulla from La Boh�me Giuseppe Verdi: Libiamo ne'lieti calici aria from La Traviata Giuseppe Verdi: Triumphal March & Chorus from Aida
Soloists: Diana McVey, Soprano - Ray Bauwens, Tenor
Saturday, May 21 at 2pm at the Herald Center
Ciao Italia with Mary Ann Esposito
In celebration of the new exhibit America's Kitchens, Heritage will host a cooking demonstration and book signing by Mary Ann Esposito.
Star of America's longest-running cooking program, "Ciao Italia with Mary Ann Esposito", Mary Ann has shown home cooks how to prepare authentic Italian cuisine in their own kitchens for over 21 years. She is also the creator and host of PBS series Ciao Italia and author of eleven successful cookbooks, includingCiao Italia Slow and Easy and Ciao Italia Pronto! She lives in Durham, New Hampshire. Join us for this deliciously entertaining program.
Fee which includes food tastings is $25 for Members and $30 for Non-Members of the museum. Purchase tickets online or by calling 508.888.3300 ext. 102.
Please click here for additional information
Sunday, May 22 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Bocce Tournament - Torneo di Bocce
Location Langone Park (North End) - Boston
Monday May 23 until Sunday May 28
at the Dante Alighieri Society of Boston
Puccini e Lucca nel Mondo
The Dante Alighieri Society, The Boston Chapter of the Associazione Lucchesi nel Mondo and the Fondazione Giacomo Puccini proudly present "Puccini e Lucca nel Mondo," an exhibit on the composer Giacomo Puccini.
The exhibit will be at the Dante Alighieri Society Hall, 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge Massachusetts, from May 22 -29, 2011.
Event calendar
Sunday, May 22 at 4pm Grand Opening ceremony; admission $50.00.
Program for the ceremony:
Keynote speaker Gabriella Biagi Ravenni
Pianist Matt Aucoin, tenor Brian Landry, and sopranos Barbara Quintiliani and Lisa Tamagini will perform a selection of arias from Puccini's operas.
Refreshments, wine and canapes will be served.
Reservations to the Grand Opening: Please make checks payable to ALNM - Boston Chapter and send by May 8 to: George Matelli - 40 Squire Rd - Winchester, MA 01890 or Franca Richard - 54 Sunset Rd - Winchester, MA 01890
Monday, May 23 to Sunday, May 29 from 1pm to 7pm:
The exhibit will be free and open to the public.
Tuesday, May 24, 7pm
"Puccini at the Pictures," a lecture with piano accompaniment by Prof. Deborah Burton. Free admission.
Saturday, May 28, at 8pm
"Oh Soave Fanciulla," a performance by sopranos Margaret Felice, Christine Teeters, Rebecca Teeters, Natalie. Polito and Jennifer Hoffman from the Boston Opera Collaborative. Free admission.
Click here for additional information
Friday May 26 at 6.30pm
at MIT Department of Chemical Engineering, Room 66-110, 25
Ames Street,Cambridge 02139
Partnership between academia and industry in drug discovery and development
Dr. Rino Rappuoli, PdD Global Head of Research Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
Professionisti Italiani a Boston organizza un incontro con il Dr. Rino Rappuoli, Responsabile Globale della Ricerca Vaccini di Novartis, che parlera' di "Partnerships between academia and industry in drug discovery and development".
L'ingresso all'evento e' gratuito.
Vi preghiamo di registrarvi a rappuolipib.eventbrite.com
Seguira' un cocktail di networking, gentilmente offerto da "Back Bay - Life Science Advisors" e " Choate Hall & Stuart, LLP"
Click here to view the flyer of the event
Sunday May 29 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
"Piazza Italia Exhibit" - A reproduction of a typical Italian Piazza
Christopher Columbus Park at Long Wharf - Boston
- Various Exhibits - Children Area
- Entertainment, Popular, Modern & Classical Music
- Italian Cafe'
June Preview - June 9-11 in Portland, ME
Italian Life Expo
Visitors will savor and celebrate all things Italian at the first-ever Italian Life Expo at Portland's Ocean Gateway Center this coming June 9-11. The goals of this inaugural event are to foster international exchange and pursue greater links between Maine, New England and Italy.
Click here to view the press release
Consulate General of Italy in Boston
Tel. 617-722-9201
Fax 617-722-9407