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Candle Lighting:  4:35PM

January 6, 2012 / 11 Tevet 5772 

PJ Library Logo 
The PJ Library� is an international award-winning Jewish family engagement program designed to strengthen the identities of Jewish families and their relationship to Jewish community. The PJ Library and the Jewish Federation of Delaware offer free, high-quality Jewish books and music each month to children between the ages of six months and five and a half years.

Click here to learn about the PJ Library Storytime at Barnes and Noble, Sunday, February 12, at 3:30 PM.



6:15 to 9:00 PM
Saturday, January 7
Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth

7:00 to 10:00 PM
Saturday, January 7
Painted Bride Art Center 


Hebrew Reading Crash Course
10:00 - 2:00 PM
Sunday, January 8
Congregation Beth Shalom
7:00 - 9:30 PM
Thursday, January 12
Siegel JCC


Shabbat Speaker:  

Mordecai Liebling

Social Justice:

The Legacies of Rabbi A.J. Heschel & Reverend M. L. King Jr.

6:30 PM
Friday, January 13
Temple Beth El 

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday, January 15
Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth
(302) 762-2705 for reservations  




Shalom Delaware Cover  

Click here to access  

the Jewish Community Guide  

to Life in Delaware and the Brandywine Valley. 




We hope you've received the January 2012 edition of the Jewish VOICE by now and have read about the myriad ways Federation is making a difference in Delaware and the Brandywine Valley, in Israel and around the world.


Our local agencies and synagogues have exciting programs and events planned this month - please take a look at the Upcoming Events section in the left column below or visit the Community Calendar on Federation's website at ShalomDelaware.org.


Best wishes for happy, healthy and prosperous 2012.


Shabbat Shalom
SJK signature
Seth J. Katzen
Chief Executive Officer   
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Mega Challah Bake is Back! 
Mega Challah Bake
Sunday, January 22 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Siegel JCC,eleven Jewish community organizations have joined together to plan an afternoon of Challah baking at the 2nd Annual Mega Challah Bake.
No experience is necessary!
Click here to register for this event.  
Super Sunday
Fed Shabbat  
The mission of the Jewish Federation of Delaware is to mobilize the Jewish community to address issues, meet needs and build an agenda for the future.

Our vision is to bring people together into a community coalition, grounded in Jewish teachings and heritage, to strengthen the State of Israel, the global Jewish family and local organizations in order to further the survival of the Jewish people.