Current Carrier Product Repricing
Product Changes
to be w
Effective September 5, 2012 will be the last day that Reliastar Life Insurance Company of New York will accept applications for ING Guaranteed Death Benefit Universal Life II NY (ING GDBUL II NY).
See this bulletin
for details.
All applications for
25 and 30-year terms must be issued by 9/30/12
Legal & General America
William Penn Life Change UL will be pulled from the market as of September 5. For specified amounts of $1,000,000, Life Choice and Life Step UL's guarantee-to-age 121 premium or policies
will increase after September 5.
Lincoln Benefit Life
Coming Sept. 10th!
True Term Pricing Improvements - up to 15% savings in the $1M band and more significant savings potential at $2M
Penn Mutual
As of Sept. 21st - Guaranteed Survivorship IUL is not longer available.
Aviva Life and Annuity announces life product changes, effective
October 1, 2012
The Transterm Portfolio will be phased out and Transamerica is providing a 90-day window for all sales. All application for Transterm must be received in the Home Office by the close of business on
September 15, 2012. |
The Difference
We show you how to sell,
not what to sell! |
Introducing Eclipse Survivor Pro, the industry's first indexed life product with a Performance Death Benefit Guarantee Agreement*
*The DBGA value is only used for the purpose of determining whether the benefit under this rider is available. It does not represent any value that the policyholder can access. This agreement may be subject to additional costs and/or restrictions.
Credits for Healthy Living
Uncover Opportunities
Beneficiary Review
Beneficiary Review is a service to help clients determine whether current beneficiary designations are in sync with disposition goals.
Click here for
marketing materials |
Are you using
"Insurance Protection Options"?
See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more
Click HERE
to see how! |
Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave
"Click Here" |
Great Reference
Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions

Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients?
For a helpful
Q&A |

Secure-T rates have decreased again!
Help your clients protect tomorrow with Secure-T. With new lower rates, now is the time to act. Help your clients Protect Tomorrow and Embrace Today!
For more information, please contact ALB |
Preliminary Inquiry
This is NOT an application for life insurance. Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.
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A Message from
Mark Milbrod, CLU
Fall into the Sales Season
Without fail, another summer has come and gone in a blink of an eye. The kids are back in school, vacations are through and the stores already have their Halloween displays up. Where did the time go? I can't really say, but I hope everyone is well rested because as the Fall approaches, it is prime selling season.
Let's not forget that September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, which helps put the public in tune with what we offer. We should all be using that as a springboard to start conversations with our clients about the importance of life insurance.
As always, ALB is there to give you the support you need in achieving and exceeding your goals. To that point, we are having our Practice Enhancement Sales Symposium on October 3rd. The half day program that we have planned is designed to have you walk away with numerous sales ideas that you can run with and immediately apply to your existing and prospective clients.
We have put together a group of excellent speakers from several of our partner carriers. Here are some of the topics that will be covered:
- Applying Four Core Practice Elements to enhance your revenue
- How to effectively get Business Owners to listen
- How to apply IUL in the real world
- Selling Life Insurance in a Turbulent Environment
- How to turn LTC Riders into sales opportunities
- Finding Life Insurance Sales in Roth IRA's
The Symposium will be held at The Woodbridge Hilton and in addition to the content listed above, we will conclude with lunch and prize giveaways!
This is an event that you don't want to miss!
With Fall just around the corner, this Symposium is positioned to help you achieve your best Selling Season.
We look forward to seeing you there. |
2012 Life Insurance
Awareness Month
This year marks the ninth anniversary of Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), an effort to raise awareness among consumers and producers about the need for life insurance. The shaky economy has demonstrated how precarious a family's finances can be. According to a recent study, Americans are more concerned with being able to pay their mortgage and other bills today than they were a year ago. Many say they could not be able to last a month without the breadwinner's salary.
Now more than ever, it is vital that consumers protect their financial security. Life insurance has been providing this kind of protection to Americans for more than 200 years. |
Long-Term Care Agreement (LTCA) provides
FOUR KEY benefits all in one agreement
1) Choice of a 4 percent maximum monthly benefit
2) Guaranteed residual death benefit of up to $25,000
3) Maximum monthly indemnity benefits payout
4) Informal care
Life Insurance
Product Portfolio
Click Here
Legacy Secure II
Legacy Choice II
Read the Sales Idea |

Just as quick
at the rest of your life
(LQR is available to you, our partner, located on our Website under the tab "Products & Carriers" Genworth Eapplication)
Genworth offers competitive Univeral Life (UL) insurance solutions for the 65 and under Main Street market.
With Life Quick Request (LQR), those solutions can be as fast and easy to process as Term UL.
Five benefits of Life Quick Request
*Cuts cycle time in half
*Smoother application-process
*Dramatically reduces paperwork
*Placement rates increase by up to 8%
*Commissions are paid sooner |
| |
Select Estate Liquidity Funding (S.E.L.F.) Life Insurance Arrangement
Help clients implement an estate plan in today's uncertain tax environment with this new concept using the unique features of ING IUL-Global Plus to increase the flexibility and effectiveness of various planning techniques.
LOOK! | |
Help your clients celebrate
the gift of giving and
benefit from
favorable tax exemptions
The deadline for the $5 Million federal gift tax exemption is fast approaching and your customers can take advantage of this opportunity.
By using this exemption, the assets removed from their estate can be used for financial objectives while also reducing their estate taxes. They can also maximize their gift by putting the money into an irrevocable trust to purchase a life insurance policy.
Check out THIS customizable
that can help you prsent this opportunity to your clients! | |
Athena Indexed Universal Life
View product enhancements |
| |

Trendsetter LB from Transamerica Living Benefit Plus Death Benefits in One Solution
to see the product bulletin for more details |
| |

Underwriting advantages
foreign national clients
When you work with the foreign national market, choose industry-leading underwriting to help you get the job done.
Here's 5 ways to qualify foreign national clients with Lincoln
You'll enjoy value and customer-focused service
See Coverage Capabilities |
| |

Wealth Transfer Opportunity
Principal Universal Life Protector IV is ideal for guaranteeing coverage for a client's lifetime and leveraging low-cost premiums into a significant legacy. |
Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals. |
Your Comments
Email your questions and comments to our Marketing Communications Mailbox
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Promotion Name |

Front left -
Bernie Connell - Underwriter
Janet Stumpf - Contracting & Licensing
Merin Powell - Case Manager
Jill Kinahan - Case Manager
Michael Inserra (not pictured) - Broker Services Specialist
Back left -
Mark Milbrod - Sales Vice President
Pam Broast - Marketing / Contracting & Licesning
Lori Ayers - Senior Case Manager
Millicent Hopes - Case Manager
Sharon Murray - Case Manager
Jeff Ridge - Case Design
Michael Milbrod - IT Department |
Promotion Name |
Call today to speak with one of our
Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner You've Been Looking For.
Mark Milbrod, CLU
Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.
135 Route 202/206, Suite #7 Bedminster, NJ 07921 (908) 756-9800 Ext. 120
Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs. We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team. With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue. |