Revised ALB Logo with encircled R
In This Issue
Current Carrier Product Repricing & Product Changes
June Workshops
Sales Leaders Summit
Mutual of Omaha
Lincoln Benefit Life
Legal & General
Non-Medical Wave
Growth of Money
Business Valuations
Protective Life
Preliminary Inquiry
American General
Genworth Financial
AXA Equitable
Lincoln Financial
Agent/Broker Use Only
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Current Carrier Product Repricing & Product Changes


MetLife - Effective June 25, 2012 - Updates and Reprice of Guarantee Advantage UL and Legacy Advantage Survivorship UL Policies - Click Here


Prudential - Effective June 11, 2012 - Repricing Rules - Term Elite & Term Essential - Click Here


Principal Financial Group - Effective July 23, 2012 - Adjustments to Principal Universal Protector IV - Click Here for Transition guidelines


Transamerica - Effective June 8, 2012 - Suspended sales of TransACE Survivor 2010 (including the June 2, 2012 edition) - SEE ATTACHMENT



SEPTEMBER 15, 2012.




Will resume


September 2012


The Difference 


We show you how to sell,

not what to sell!



Trump Ocean Club

Sales Leaders Summit


Capitas Financial will host the next Sales Leaders of the Year conference

at the exclusive

Trump Ocean Club in Panama City in

Feb. 2013!


 Call Mark Milbrod for  more details!


Mutual of Omaha Logo

 Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL) and GUL Plus


 Check out the choices you can offer your clients

Lincoln Benefit Logo 


Have you heard the news?

(Effective 6/25/12)


Legacy II Series premiums have improved



MetLife Reverse Mortgage 



Introducing MetLife Provider Universal Life

(Effective 6/25/12) 




Banner William Penn Logo



Individual term life for organizations that already have group term plans.  Carve out the executives, partners and employees who earn more than $50,000....and show how A-LIST TERM can save money and improve benefits.



Signature Term 


$250,000 term available w/o exams, labs (on most cases) up to age 65,

 all terms. 




Are you using
 "Insurance Protection Options"?


See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more


Click HERE

to see how!


Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave



"Click Here"


 Great Reference



Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions





ALB Logo


Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients? 


For a helpful



Protective Life Logo

Re-Introducing Protective Survivor UL


Effective June 25, 2012, Protective Survivor UL

will replace the

Protective Centennial Survivor G UL product. 


Go here!

Preliminary Inquiry


This is NOT an application for life insurance.  Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.


Click Here


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July, 2012


4th of July 

Office Closing - Wednesday, July 4th -

In observance of Independence Day

A Message from

Mark Milbrod, CLU


Are You Happy With

Your Fireworks?


As we celebrate the birth of our great nation, we quickly associate the day with a colorful assortment of fireworks.   Fireworks are one of those things that we look forward to with anticipation.  They provide a level of excitement because as you look up, you really don't know what's coming next, but somehow we always seem to enjoy the outcome. 


With the July 4th holiday, we, as Sales Professionals, look back on the half way mark of our years. How much premium was written? How many polices were sold? How many lives did we touch?   We think about how many "fireworks" we set off in that time.   Was that level of excitement there as well?  


We have put together a unique Fireworks Display designed to increase your revenue streams in Four Core Practice Areas; Policy Valuation Modeling, Business Valuation Modeling, Asset Repositioning & Legacy Planning.


4 Core Elements

These Four Core Practice Elements can provide you with the "FIREWORKS" needed to get to that level of excitement with your clients and help you open up a number of New Sales Opportunities.   Whether you are currently looking for business in these areas or not, you will see how easy it can be.     This is achieved in a very simple way and can lead to sales relating to: Buy-Sell Planning, Deferred Compensation, Grandparent Legacies, IRA Maximization, Deferred Survivorship Planning, Inforce Management and many others to long to list.  


Basically, these techniques will show you how to transition your current clients into other revenue streams that in the past were unsuccessful.  In addition, it can show you how to open countless opportunities for new prospective clients.


So, it comes down to one question..... Are you happy with your fireworks display?


We want to assist you with achieving that level of excitement with an arsenal of Sales Opportunities that are guaranteed to position you well to finish out your best year ever.


Contact us to find out how we can help.


Happy Selling!





Nationwide YourLife No-Lapse Guarantee UL

Wealth transfer with the LTC rider


Check it out!





Prudential Logo 


Term Elite & Term Essential


Click Here


Fast Facts




American General 3.28.12 


 AG Secure Lifetime GUL  



See how AG Secure Lifetime GUL

Stacks Up




 Genworth Logo

 Life Quick Request makes submitting tickets online

as easy as 1-2-3


1) You collect basic information from your client and sumbit it through our link


2)  Genworth works with us to gather the remaining information and complete the application


3)  You deliver the policy and get paid faster


Call us and we will show you how!





ING Logo 

  Universal Life


New!  ING Universal Life-Guranteed Death Benefit - IS HERE!!! 


On June 25, 2012, the ING family of

companies launched a

new no-lapse universal life product


Get all of the details in this bulletin


Check for State Approvals

ING UL-GDB has been filed in all jurisdictions, except NY.





What can you get for $100?


These days not much, except when you do business with Aviva




Good Health Credit Program


See how credit can move Substandard cases to Standard Rates!


Learn More




MetLife Reverse Mortgage 

"Did you know...."


*  Metlife has made several important changes to its Preferred criteria for blood pressure and total cholesterol/ratio limits that will allow more middle-and older-age applicants to qualify for preferred classes.


Met life is proud to offer members of the United States military life insurance coverage.  As a member of the United States military your clients may be eligible for life insurance-with no war restrictions or war-zone exclusing riders-even if you have orders to deploy to a war zone.


MetLife's Guarantee Advantage Universal (UL) policy, when issued without the Coverage Continuation Rider (CCR), is structured as a current assumption policy that provides a death benefit and can accumulate cash value, even in the earlier years of the policy.


MetLife Promise Whole Life and MetLife Promise Whole Life 120 provide a broad platform that offers more solutions for your clients' needs.  The two products each have their own design features that complement each other providing product depth that will meet additional whole life needs.


MetLife has the Capacity Plus Program.  For your clients whose financial needs call for more life insurance than most companies can deliver, MetLife offers Capacity Plus.  $154 million worth of capacity, to be precise.



 Transamerica Logo



 June 8, 2012

TransACE Survivor 2010 was suspended


View Additional Details and Relevant Dates



Introducing the New Trendsetter� Term Portfolio 


Grow your sales with Trendsetter's competitive pricing, available low face amounts and non-med options (up to $249,999 on Trendsetter Express). Both Trendsetter products are available in 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 year terms. Trendsetter offers protection, value and convenience with the strength of the Transamerica brand.

Transamerica is pleased to announce the return of our Trendsetter� term portfolio with the Trendsetter Super Series and the all-new Trendsetter Express, available for sale on June 18, 2012, with policy issues beginning on June 19.



 Lincoln Financial Logo

Single, Divorced, Widowed Clients?   


Lincoln MoneyGuard client snapshot


UL Protector IV

(Rate Change Effective July 23, 2012)


Transition Guidelines for 2012 UL Protector IV





Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.






Your Comments


Email your questions and comments to our Marketing Communications Mailbox



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Promotion Name

ALB Group




  Front left -

  Bernie Connell - Underwriter

  Janet Stumpf - Contracting & Licensing

  Merin Powell - Case Manager

  Jill Kinahan - Case Manager

  Michael Inserra  (not pictured) - Broker Services Specialist


  Back left -

  Mark Milbrod - Sales Vice President

  Pam Broast - Marketing / Contracting & Licesning

  Lori Ayers - Senior Case Manager 

  Millicent Hopes - Case Manager

Sharon Murray - Case Manager

  Jeff Ridge - Case Design

  Michael Milbrod - IT Department

Promotion Name

Call today to speak with one of our Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner
 You've Been Looking For.


Mark Milbrod, CLU

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

135 Route 202/206, Suite #7
Bedminster, NJ  07921
(908) 756-9920


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs.  We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team.  With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.