Revised ALB Logo with encircled R
In This Issue
American General (Action!)
Lincoln Benefit Life
Protective Life
Minnesota Life
John Hancock
Lincoln Financial
American General
Minnesota Life
Non-Medical Wave
Growth of Money
Business Valuations
Protective Life
Mutual of Omaha
Preliminary Inquiry
Legal & General
Genworth Financial
American General
AXA Equitable
Lincoln Financial
Field Underwriting Tips
Agent/Broker Use Only
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn


Term Life Insurance


Effective March 19,  Principal is reducing rates in the majority of targeted markets.  To assist the transition, please see


Transition Guidelines


American General 3.28.12




Please see important information regarding AML Training. 

Compliance UPDATE


Lincoln Benefit Logo 


Selling on Simplicity


Customers don't have to be savvy investors to benefit from the growth potential of the markets.  Show them how Ultra Index's straightforward design helps them get the right balance of life insurance protection and growth.


Click Here



Protective Life Logo


Protective Life's Secure-T rates have decreased by as much as 20% in some risk classes!




Minnesota Life Logo

Today's people with special needs live full lives, often beyond their parents and guardians.  Many qualify for governmental benefits and other assistance.  But there are strict eligibility rules and no guarantee these resources will be available throughtout life.


Read More 

John Hancock  


Protection UL

(Now available in New York)


Experience the Ultimate in

Design and Performance


For information on the transition dates for Performance UL as well as a chart of

Protection UL premiums in comparison to a

guaranteed UL, please


read the attached PDF.




Lincoln Financial Logo


Lincoln Long-Term Care


March 2012 Reminder




Appointment Bulletin 

American General Logo

AG Choice Index GUL



AG Secure Lifetime GUL

Minnesota Life Logo

Today's people with special needs live full lives, often beyond their parents and guardians.  Many qualify for governmental benefits and other assistance.  But there are strict eligibility rules and no guarantee these resources will be available throughtout life.


Read More 

Are you using
 "Insurance Protection Options"?


See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more


Click HERE

to see how!


Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave



"Click Here"


 Great Reference



Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions





ALB Logo


Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients? 


For a helpful



Protective Life Logo

Special Conversion Opportunity Extended for Protective Life and West Coast Life Term Policyholders



for more details.

Mutual of Omaha Logo

Single parents have a lot of responsibilities


They face the unique financial challenge of caring for children while trying to meet their own needs.  Show your clients how Term Life Answer offer an affordable way of protecting the future needs of their children.


View Flyer

Preliminary Inquiry


This is NOT an application for life insurance.  Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.


Click Here


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April, 2012







Office Closing - Friday, April 6th - Good Friday



A Message From

Mark Milbrod



Uncle Sam





Guess who's back? It's that favorite Uncle of ours and it's time for our favorite time of the year....TAX SEASON.


We are waist deep in tax season and what better time to remind ourselves of the countless sales opportunities that arise out of this time of year.   The best part is that with the focus on taxes, all of our clients are aware of all of the things that effect their financial lives. Whether it's retirement plan contributions, annual gifts, charitable contributions, etc., it is all fresh in their minds. From just the few items listed, I'm sure a few sales opportunities come to mind.


In fact, a tax return is probably our best sales prospecting tool.   As financial professionals, where else can you get a roadmap that leads you directly to all facets of someone's finances.   In terms of centers of influence, namely CPA's, all of this information is fresh in their heads as well for all of their clients.


Wouldn't it be great...

  • If there was a simple turn-key approach that can show you how to talk to your clients about their tax returns and turn that into revenue?
  • to have a platform that you can easily approach CPA's with and enhance your current relationships?
  • to have a platform to approach new centers of influence?
  • to greatly increase your sales revenue for 2012?

This month, ALB invites you to attend our workshop designed to answer YES to all of these questions.   The timing of this workshop couldn't be better.   As the filing deadline approaches, and all of this information is fresh in everyone's head, you will walk out of the workshop with a tested approach that will undoubtedly keep you very busy in the coming months.




ALB Worskhops -

The difference - 

We show you how to sell,

not what to sell!










Be our guest for a FREE

"Using Client Tax Returns to discover

Their Planning Needs"


After this seminar, you will... 


*Understand why Exploring a Clients's 1040 is important
*Identify Planning Uncovered by Looking at Clients 1040's
*Know the Tools to Use
*Earn 1 CE Credit





            Wednesday, April 18th           

9:00 - 11:00 AM

Seating is limited so please reserve your spot as early as possible.

Contact: Pam Broast

(908) 756-9920


Banner William Penn Logo 


  Life Choice UL


Life Choice UL Overview (Banner)


Life Choice UL Overview (Penn)




 Genworth Logo

Important Colony Term UL Product Changes


Click Here to review the

Product Bulletin


Click Here for Transition Rules





American General Logo 


Introduces Secure Survivor GUL


This second-to-die insurance has options...


  • Powerful guarantees and flexibility
  • A new return of premium option
  • Clients can manage their legacy without risk





Introducing Aviva

Survivorship Builder

(Aviva Life and Annuity Company of New York is proud to announce the launch of an innovative survivorship universal life product.)


Click here for Details


 Wellness for Life


What if your clients could save money simply by seeing the doctor?


Agent's Guide




Sales Idea


Deliver client solutions to advance planning objectives,

with higher early cash value by adding the 

CVPlus Rider to the Athena ULAthena Indexed UL 

and the IL Optimizer� II policy.




MetLife Reverse Mortgage 

Introducing MetLife

Promise Whole Life 120


*Very competitive premiums

*Attractive long-term cash value

*Minimum face amount of $250,000




ING Logo 

 Retirement Planning


New!  A Dynamic Duo:


IRAs/Qualified Plans and Life Insurance 



 Transamerica Logo


 Experienced Underwriting for

Special Markets


There are a number of insurance markets and demographic groups that can be profitable prospects for your business, including foreign nationals, large cases, private pilots and professional athletes.  Transamerica's Underwriting team understands these markets and how to accurately assess them for competitive pricing.


Learn More



 Lincoln Financial Logo


 IRS Form 4506T-EZ


IRS Form 4506T-EZ is used to request an individual's tax returns and gives the IRS permission to send electronic tax transcripts directly to Lincoln within 24-48 hours of the request.


Using the 4506T-EZ will significantly speed up the underwriting process on cases where there is a financial underwriting question or discrepancy.


Producers, clients and underwriters will all benefit from the new process that will make it easy to obtain needed financial information fast and privately with no additional inconvenience to the client!


The 4506T-EX is a required formal application submission form and must be included with:

  • All applications for Life insurance received April 16, 2012 and forward
  • All applicants age 26 and above


Field Underwriting Tips

Quality and accurate field underwriting begins with you. 

Your cases will move through faster and easier by following a few simple steps in field underwriting:


Steps to Help Your Case Move Through Underwriting:


1) Complete the correct application for the appropriate product

2) Answer all the questions on the application.  Please do not leave anything blank, crossed out or marked "N/A"

3) Complete all additional require forms and questionnaires as applicable

4) Complete this form for ALL NEW BUSINESS

5) When submitted payment with application, post dated, third party or employer checks will not be accepted

6) For face amounts of $100,000 and up, please inform your client they will need a paramed exam:

     a) Set up the Paramed (ALB can do this for you)

     b) Inform the client they will need to be able to provide their current and past medications including dosage

     c) A blood test and urine test will be necessary

     d) Please note the physician name (s) and phone number (s)

     e) Please note any health conditions or family history about your client

7) Complete the necessary paperwork to determine if your client qualifies for table credits

Prudential Logo 

"With Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea and at 66 years of age, John faced a challenge to be underwritten without a rating.  Pru's favorable underwriting for those with Sleep Apnea who are compliant with their CPAP made all the difference.  This allowed Pru to offer him Preferred Best rate class, which gave him the competitive rates he desired."


Read here





Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.






Your Comments


Email your questions and comments to our Marketing Communications Mailbox



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Promotion Name

Call today to speak with one of our Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner
 You've Been Looking For.


Mark Milbrod, CLU

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

135 Route 202/206, Suite #7
Bedminster, NJ  07921
(908) 756-9920


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs.  We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team.  With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.