New Article
Explores Making
Life Insurance More
Relevant to Women |

Adjustable Term Insurance Rider (ATR)
review and clarification
for the Rider |

If you're worried about
where caps are going
consider a company whose life insurance caps aren't changing for 2012. |
Long Term Care
Please Read!
Before taking any Annuity or Long Term Care applications, please make sure you have completed any and all requirements for the carrier and/or State that you are writing business in.
If you have questions, please call us and we will find out for you. |
SUL Rate Adjustment
Rate adjustment for Principal Survivorship Universal Life Protector (Principal SUL Protector) will be implemented in late January. (Pricing increase on SUL single-pay scenarios.)
As with all product changes, there will be a 30-day transition window starting January 23, 2012 where they will accept applications for both their current and new SUL rates. |
Are you using "Insurance Protection Options"?
See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more
Click HERE
to see how! |
Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave
"Click Here" |
Great Reference
Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions

Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients?
For a helpful
Q&A |

The National Cancer Institute estimated that for 2011, 70,230 people in the United States wold be diagnosed with melanoma and 8,790 would die from it.
A melanoma diagnosis doesn't automatically mean declined coverage. At Legal & eneral America, we include all the facts to assure the best offer. |
Do you have any clients that have older age convertible term?
Don't miss out on the opportunity below!
Learn MORE |
Preliminary Inquiry
This is NOT an application for life insurance. Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.
Click Here |
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February 2012 ALB Office Closings
Monday, February 20 - Presidents Day
A Mesage From
Mark Milbrod
Underwriting - The Real Case Maker
A day in the life of a Brokerage General Agency is anything but boring. We work with many types of cases from a large cross section of producers. Some look to us for product while others look for concepts to bring to their clients.
Regardless of the approach, in the end, it all comes down to underwriting. Underwriting makes the difference between closing a piece of business or not. Granted, underwriting starts at the field level and there's something to be said for the old adage of "Under Promise & Over Deliver." That is probably a more profound statement when it comes to life insurance sales. If you are with a client that has issues such as Diabetes, Build, High Blood Pressure or a Motor Vehicle Report as tall as the Empire State Building, why would you quote Preferred Best??? But that happens more often than not and we encourage our producers to ask the right questions and give them special tools to be used at point-of-sale to allow them to set the expectation level of the client to real life premium levels at the point of sale.
In today's marketplace, it's all about knowing where to go when you have a case that falls below the normal radar screen. Carriers today have changed their underwriting methodologies and have liberalized their guidelines for many impairments that a few short years ago would have been viewed negatively in terms of underwriting. This is due to many factors, but primarily to the great deal of data that is available in the world of medicine today. With modern advances and treatments that are increasing individual mortality, it is only fair that the underlying guideline for these impairments be adjusted.
We are seeing a number of changes being made across the industry that are positively affecting underwriting decisions. Something as simple as Cholesterol Limits, Blood Pressure Control or Family History liberalizations have had significant impact. On a larger scale, there have been great strides in underwriting cases with more complex issues such as Diabetes, Coronary Disease and even Cancer. It is not uncommon today to see Standard to Preferred Offers with some of these types of cases.
We work closely with Dedicated Underwriting Teams at our carriers and know how to leverage those relationships on your behalf. Although they each have their own internal underwriting guidelines, we know where to go to get you the best offers for your clients.
Let's be realistic. There are just some cases that no matter what you do, they're just not going to work. But what I will say is that when you have a case that you have had poor underwriting experience with or a new case with some questionable health issues, it is worth a phone call to see if we can help you navigate through a case and possibly be able to make something happen. Most new brokers we work with mention clients that they have that "are not insurable." When we put it through our litmus test, often times, those same cases are insurable. As a matter of fact, those cases are the ones with the Diabetes, Cardiac or Cancer histories that can get those Standard - Preferred offers. It all comes down to underwriting...
After all, Underwriting is the Real Case Maker!
The ALB Worskhop Difference...
"We show you how to sell,
not what to sell!" |

Be our guest for a FREE
"Business Owner and Executive Solutions Seminar"
After this seminar, you will...
*Identify the wealthy baby-boomers
*Understand the structure or methodology to help "bridge the gap" between the largely untapped business owner/excecutive marketplace and real sales opporutunities
*Earn 1 CE Credit
Business Owner & Executive Solutions offer you and your clients the complete package -
the expertise, the products, the administrative services.
Wednesday, February 8th
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Seating is limited so please reserve your spot as early as possible.
Contact: Pam Broast
(908) 756-9920 |

Legacy Protector SUL Rate Change Effective
February 18, 2012
Minnesota Life announces a rate adjustment on Legacy Protector SUL, our second-to-die, fixed interest rate universal life product.
In our pursuit of making decisions in the best long-term interest of our policyholders, and in demonstrating prudent and disciplined product management supporting our high financial ratings, Minnesota Life has conducted a comprehensive analysis of our Legacy Protector SUL. While we take a long term approach in managing our life insurance products, the combination of current market conditions and the low interest rate environment makes it necessary to increase rates on our Legacy Protector SUL product. This increase will have the greatest impact in the single-pay marketing for young insureds. This rate change is effective on all applications taken after February 17, 2012. This rate change will not apply to any inforce contracts.
To assist with this change, Minnesota Life will provide a transition window. Please review the following guidelines:
Current LPSUL rates will apply if;
- The Application is signed February 17, 2012 or earlier, and
- The Application is received in the Minnesota Life home office by March 2, 2012
New LPSUL rates will apply if;
- The Application is signed February 18, 2012 or later, or
- The Application is received in the Minnesota Life home office on March 3, 2012 or later

Lincoln continuously monitors the marketplace pressures to ensure that is product solutions remain viable and balance value to producers, clients and shareholders. As such, we want to inform you of important product changes that will be
effective February 21, 2012.
Universal Life (UL)
Indexed Universal Life (IUL)
Guarantees or Growth Potential? How about BOTH!
Your No-Lapse UL clients have options.
ING GDBUL II or the new ING IUL-GDB with substantial surrender value growth potential. See how they compare in this flyer when you match a specified premium or match a guarantee period.
Aviva Survivorship Builder
(Survivorship UL is not just for estate taxes anymore) |
Coming February 2012 | Do you have any clients or prospects who are:
- Business partners (both related and non-related)
- Grandparents who want to leave a significant legacy to a grandchild
- Couples with children from previous marriages
- Same-gender couples
- People who need tax-advantaged supplemental retirement income
- Parents with special needs children
- Individuals with "tax-heavy" assets such as IRAs and nonqualified annuities in situations where their original needs have changed
- Couples who need guaranteed lifetime survivorship coverage
- People who want to leave legacies to family, friends AND charities
Then have we got a product for you!
Aviva Survivorship Builder, featuring two first-to-die riders. |
Managing your retirement
income and the debt clock
In Manhattan, there is a clock that tracks the National Debt. In the five minutes it will take you to read this
the debt recorded on that clock will increase several million dollars. |
| |
Has it hit you yet?
The liquidity Guarantee Rider is better than ever. This rider provides qualifying customers the flexibility to receive a portion of their premiums back - up to 100% in some cases - if their needs should change and they decide to surrender the
policy1. The improved rider will give even more customers the opportunity to have the feature on their policy and provide them with earlier access to the benefits.
1The Liquidity Guarantee Rider is not available with flat extras or ratings over Table 4. Percentage of premium available varies by issue age, class, face amount, policy year, and the amount and timing of premium payments. The amount is capped at 50 percent of the policy face amount and is reduced by withdrawals, policy debt, and charges incurred for other riders on the policy. Receipt of benefits and benefit amounts are subject to the terms of the policy.
All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Lincoln Benefit Life Company.
Loans or partial withdrawals can reduce the policy's cash value and death benefit, can increase the possibility of policy lapse, and may result in a tax liability. Consult a tax advisor for additional information on the tax treatment of loans or withdrawals from a life insurance policy.
Neither Lincoln Benefit Life nor its agents and representatives can give legal or tax advice.
Legacy SecureSM II and Legacy ChoiceSM II are flexible premium universal life insurance policies issued by Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE, a wholly owned subsidiary of Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL. Legacy SecureSM II is available in most states with contract series UL1010 and rider series UL1011, UL0612, UL0619-1, UL0416, UL0615, UL0614, and UL0613. Legacy ChoiceSM II is available in most states with contract series UL1020 and rider series UL1021, UL0619-1, UL0416, UL0615, UL0614, and UL0613. | |
MetLife UL/SUL Premium Funding Limits
(Please pay special attention to cut off dates)
Effective March 30th, MetLife will implement premium caps on Guarantee Advantage UL and Legacy Advantage SUL policies. These new issue rules will lmit premium to EIGHT TIMES the target premium in all years. In anticipation of the change, on February 24th, the illustration system will be restricted and will no longer illustrate premium in excess of eight times target. This applies to any premium receipt whether planned premium, lump sum or 1035x. This will affect new business only and not inforce policies.
Any policies with premium in excess of eight times target must be illustrated prior to February 24th. Applications must be submitted by March 30th to have funding in excess of these limits. Policies illustrated after February 24th or received after March 30th will be rejected.
UL Premium Caps
Premium Caps on Guarantee Advantage UL and Legacy Advantage SUL (FAQ) |
| |
Effective January 18, 2012,
the Florida Department of Financial Services will be making changes to its Application Licensing System, which may impact producers appointed in Florida.
Specifically, as of the date above, producers appointed in Florida will be required to validate/update their addresses (i.e., email, home, business and mailing) in order to have their appointments renewed. Any producer who has an invalid address on file with the Florida Department of Financial Services (Division of Agent and Agency Services) as of 5:00 P.M. EST on January 18, 2012 will not be able to have their appointment renewed by John Hancock Life Insurance Company U.S.A. (not licensed in New York) until a valid address is provided.
For further details, please refer to the
Florida State Bullentin |
| |

"2012 Tax Facts at a Glance"
Handy 2012 guide includes
income, estate and gift tax rates.
You can also find information on Qualified plans, IRA's and more.
TransACE Product Update
Look Here! |
| |
Available in New York on February 27,2012: Re-priced PruLife Univsal (UL) Protector and PruLife SUL Protector! The repriced PruLife SUL Protector and PruLife Universal Protector are more attractive than ever. These compelling products give your clients appealing option: |
- Price - Rates are top quartile up to age 65 with UL Protector, and up to age 70 with SUL Protector, especially with our Age Last Birthday (ALB) Advantage.
- Lifetime Guarantees - We remain committed to the No-Lapse Guarantee (NLG) marketplace, even as other companies are exiting or raising rates.
- Attractive single-pay options - No limitations or restrictions.
- Age Last Birthday (ALB) Advantage - Rates are based on your clients' age last birthday, not their next or nearest birthday. We're one of the few insurance companies able to offer this unique feature to our applicants.
- Exceptional Capacity - Especially with SUL Protector, we can offer $35 million retention and $65 million automatic issue limit on most second-to-die policies and facultative capacity of up to $100 million with SuperPool access.
For the transition rules, please click here. |
Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals. |
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Call today to speak with one of our Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner You've Been Looking For.
Mark Milbrod, CLU
Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.
135 Route 202/206, Suite #7 Bedminster, NJ 07921 (908) 756-9920
Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs. We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team. With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue. |