Revised ALB Logo with encircled R
In This Issue
Underwriting Corner
Non-Medical Wave
Sun Life Financial
2011 Tax Reference Guide
Sales Leaders Summit 2012
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Sales Ideas
Tax Reform
Preliminary Inquiry
Lincoln Benefit Life
Mutual of Omaha
Lincoln Financial
New Website Launched
"Underwriting Corner at ALB" 
 Eliminate your stress with AXA Equitable!

Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave



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Great News!  XRAE has updated their pricing engine so that you can now view term pricing for ALL XRAE Partner Carriers.  They are currently working on bringing back UL pricing.  Remember, for each question in XRAE, XRAE has the full set of underwriting rules for most of their carriers.  What the cariers publish in their guides is a LIMITED version of the carrier's underwriting rules.  Therefore, you will often see XRAE produce a result that differs from the carrier's publlshed undewriting guide.  The XRAE result is the true bast case scenario for the information you have entered.  Enter as much information as you can for the most accurage result!


Don't forget the free user webex training every Tuesday if you have questions or want a refresher.  Just go to


for details.  


Help your clients determine how much life insurance they need on their most valued employees




Sun Life Logo


Emergency Travel Assistance Service/Assist America


This innovative benefit protects you by providing access to medical treatment if you, or any dependents, are 100 miles or more from home anywhere in the world and have unexpected urgent care needs due to an accident, illness, or existing medical condition.


(Please contact us

for current state availability)




Rest easy.  ING "Standard to Preferred" approach can mean big things for applicants with moderate sleap apnea. 


Click Here





Underwriting Asthma Common condition can be controlled by medication


Click Here 

"2011 Tax Reference Guide Now Available"


(If you would like a print copy, please let us know)



"AVIVA launches refreshed NLG portfolio"



Click Here for More Info!


Sales Leaders Summit 



Sales Leaders Summit 2012 



The 2012 Sales Leaders Summit meeting will be held at the luxorious St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort in south California in February 2012.


Independent Producer Brochure



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Eye Opening Sales Ideas

"Eye Opening Sales Ideas"


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Check it out!


 Seven new Sales Starters!!!!!


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Tax Reform Gives Premium Financing The "Pilates" Treatment 

 Pilates sessions are famous for increasing physical strength and flexability.  The gift tax provisions of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 (TRA 2010) have this effect on life insurance premium financing.


As a result, premium financing cases that have the potential to be easier than ever in 2011 and 2012. 


Click Here to read more 

Preliminary Inquiry


This is NOT an application for life insurance.  Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.


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 June, 2011 
A Message From ----
Mark Milbrod

Would you like a Complimentary Business Valuation?


What a great way to start a conversation with one of your current or prospective business clients.   A typical business valuation could cost $5,000 - $7,000 or more.  Most business owners will gladly take you up on that offer. 


Often times, businesses don't have a valuation in place or they have a number in mind that has been derived with no real methodology behind it.    Without a proper valuation, business owners open themselves, or should we say, their heirs for a host of planning nightmares.  An undervalued business interest can result in huge tax liabilities and/or business succession and continuation issues. 


ALB has a strategic alliance with one of our partner carriers that will provide Complimentary Business Valuations for your business clients.  These valuations are completed by a dedicated staff of consultants that are able to complete the valuation in an extremely simplified and unobtrusive manner, often times within a week of submission.


Since we started providing this service, brokers have dramatically increased their activity and many sales have been made as a result.   Through the many completed valuations, here are some examples of the sales opportunities that have been uncovered and have resulted in sales:


Buy-Sell Planning

After a completed valuation of a small architectural firm, it was determined that there was a need for $2M of coverage for each partner in the firm.  There were three policies placed in force resulting in over $14,000 in premium. 



After a review of a retail furniture business, it was determined that the owner wanted to find a way to reward his key salesman.   Discussions went on and ultimately a  �162 Bonus Plan was put in place resulting in a $10,000 premium.


Estate Equalization

The father of two siblings wanted to make sure that both if his children would inherit equal shares in the family business.  The problem was that the son had been working with his father over the last five years and had significantly grew the business while the daughter wanted nothing to do with it.  As you can imagine, this would cause a lot of bad blood in the family .   Solution -- we implemented a life insurance policy on the father so that his daughter would receive her equal share of the business without causing friction between the two siblings.   This resulted in a $22,000 premium.


Disability Buy-Out

After a completed valuation of a computer consulting firm, it was determined that the two partners had adequate life insurance to fund their Buy-Sell agreement.  After continued discussions, the broker asked if they had a Disability Buy-Out in place .  They did not and did not know it was an option.  The broker sold a DI Buy-Out Policy resulting in a $9,000 premium.


Individual Planning

A valuation was completed on a small manufacturing business.  Nothing was done for the owner of the business however, the broker was referred to the owner's parents who were quite wealthy.  The broker wound up selling a $8M survivorship policy resulting in an $86,000 premium.  



We cant stress enough how valuable the Business Valuation tool is.   As illustrated above,  the planning opportunities are endless.  Every case presents a unique set of circumstances that can lead to an infinite number of sales.  The Business Valuation is the key.  Let us help you unlock these opportunities.

CE Class on Medicare
Medicare Card Picture 
Learn the ABC's of Medicare and how they work.  Medicare covers many types of services, and people have options for how they can get their Medicare coverage.  Understand the four parts of Medicare and how they relate to your clients.  With 76M people turning 65 in the next 20 years, you need to become Medicare proficient in order to take full advantage of the sales opportunities that can develop for you, their ADVISOR.  There are more people turning 65 than babies being born.  This is an area that should not be overlooked.
Wednesday, June 15th
10 am to 1pm
Wednesday, July 13th
10 am to 1pm
If you'd be interested in one of the above mentioned dates, please call us now to reserve your seat as seating is limited!
(Lite bites available during class)


Lincoln Benefit Logo


If you want to beat the competition, get the facts on LBL's Legacy Secure II Life insurance - a unique policy from Lincoln Benefit that delivers


Total Value




Buy-Sell Review

Business Owner Summary 


The Principal Financial Group offers a service to help ensure that your existing buy-sell agreement is effective.  A Buy-Sell Review from the Principal provides you with:

  • An informal valuation of the business
  • A summary of issues and recommendations regarding the existing buy-sell agreement

The Buy-Sell Review provides a starting point for discussions with your tax and legal adviors either to address potential issues or confirm that your agreement is up to date and meets your current objectives.


Click here for more info!



Mutual of Omaha Logo 

Distribute Your Estate Equitably



 The Need


A goal of many estate plans is to pass along assets equally to children. While this is almost always possible, it may not always be practical. Some situations make it extremely difficult to divide the estate:

  • What if the estate owns a business and not all the children are able, or desire to, own and operate it?
  • What if there is a residence, but only one child would like to live there?

Sometimes, assets can't be divided to match the estate plan. What do you do?


 Use With

  • Families with multiple children
  • Estates with larger non-liquid assets




GUL Complete

  • Leverages premium dollars for maximum death benefit
  • Age Last Birth advantage
  • Premium payment period can be designed to match client's situation
  • Guaranteed coverage available up to age 120

 Have questions?  Call us!!



Lincoln Financial Logo 


Do you have clients with temporary cash flow issues who want to protect their estate, seek shelter from estate tax, or reposition assets to a business or investment? Consider this solution.


The Lincoln LifeGuarantee SUL Flex Option offers

         A guaranteed death benefit

         Lower premium for any number of years with a catch-up at the end of that period

         Tax advantages to help make the most of assets



John and Ann
Ages: 65 and 62
Children: 2


The challenge:John and Ann want $2M of coverage to create a legacy. They own real estate that has depreciated, and do not want to sell at this time. The couple believes its future sale might be a good funding source.


The recommendation: A Lincoln LifeGuarantee SUL policy with the Flex Option offers the couple affordable yearly payments of $13,773 for the first 10 years. By the time they anticipate selling their property, their annual premiums will be $41,600.


Case Study


Prudential Logo


Effective May 2, 2011, SUL Protector will be repriced and enhanced! *

(*All benefits, riders, and product features may not be available in all states.  Additional limitations may apply based on age and underwriting.  Some may be available at an additional cost.)


Improvements for the Consumer

  • Competitive Premiums
  • Minimum Initial Premium (MIP)


What you the Agent needs to know

  • Improvements to the No-Lapse Guarantee
  • No-Lapse Default Charge (Deficiency Charge)
  • Waiver of Surrender Charge Endorsement for Estate Tax Repeal Rider
  • Reduced maximum issue age to 85
  • Only Type A death benefit option is available

 More Information


Metlife Logo


Rapid eUnderwriting

A shorter process can help enhance your business



MetLife's innovative Rapid eUnderwriting process can allow you to:


  • Spend less time processing
  • And more time prospecting 

Click Here



 Athena Universal Life

Launched Monday, April 25, 2011

  • No Lapse Guarantee Rider

The No Lapse Guarantee Rider guarantees that the policy will not terminate before a certain date if certain specified amounts of premium are paid and any policy loan plus accrued loan interest do not exceed the Policy Cash Surrender Value.


Optional riders available for an additional charge

  • Cash Value Plus Rider
  • Long-Term Care Services Rider
  • Return of Premium Death Benefit Rider
  • Children's Term Insurance Rider
  • Option to Purchase Additional Insurance
  • Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider


Click Here for More Information


Transamerica Logo



The Pickup Truck


(Five-Minute Sales Idea)



How three simple questions can help you close more sales.


Read Article


ING Logo
 S.O.L.A.R. Insurance Arrangements for Non Profit Organizations


Grow your sales with this targeted S.O.L.A.R. Insurance Arrangement approach. Just like their for-profit counterparts, nonprofit organizations are seeking ways to recruit, reward, and retain key executives. But the challenge to keep executives is even greater for nonprofits because, unlike ordinary corporations, they (with some exceptions) must meet the restrictions of both IRC � 457 and IRC � 409A. S.O.L.A..R. Insurance Arrangements bring a flexible and powerful answer to this challenge! 


 Start Selling ING IUL-Global Plus: S.O.L.A.R. Insurance Arrangement with Not-For-Profit Organizations 


S.O.L.A.R. Insurance Arrangement with Tax Exempt and Nonprofit Organizations Producer Guide







NLG UL Price Increase effective 6/1/2011 


While some carriers have decided to exit the no-lapse guarantee universal life insurance market, Nationwide has continued their commitment to bringing you and your clients a quality product - even in the face of the challenging economic environment.


However, in order to continue offering the same great guarantees, Nationwide YourLife No-Lapse Guarantee UL will introduce a moderate price increase for all new policies effective June 1, 2011.


Despite the increase, YourLife No-Lapse Guarantee will remain a competitive option for clients looking for guarantees. 


Contact us for more information & transition rules!

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

New Website 


Click below:



Ask us how to earn an Additional

10% Commission on your first submitted case with us.

Promotion Name

Call today to speak with one of our Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner
 You've Been Looking For.


Mark Milbrod, CLU

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

135 Route 202/206, Suite #7
Bedminster, NJ  07921
(908) 756-9920


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs.  We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team.  With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.