Friends of the Little Miami State Park
Friend of the Little Miami State Park
Above is the Little Miami River Bank Restoration and Enhancement Project at Corwin in its final stages of completion --- it's now been completed.
Stakeholders in this project included Caesar Creek State Park, ODNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves, Scenic Rivers, Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District, National Park Service, Army Corp of Engineers, Rivers Edge Outfitters, Village of Corwin, Friends of the Little Miami River State Park, Caesar Creek State Park, ODNR Scenic Rivers, and JF New.
Erosion at the site had contributed over 90 tons per year of sediment to the Little Miami River and was beginning to undercut and jeopardize the long term sustainability of the multi-use trail.  Concerns included sediment loading in the river, loss of recreational opportunities, habitat destruction and lack of riparian buffering. While individual stakeholder interests varied, all project partners were committed to seeing the Little Miami River meet its full aquatic values and functions.  
The actual award of $125,000 came from an Ohio EPA 319 Grant to the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District. The environmental consultant firm of JF New was hired to do the engineering design, engage subcontractors, provide site supervision during construction, and provide the knowledge and skill in constructing the vegetated lifts. The vegetated lifts are a proven bioengineering method which will result in a green terraced wall that will a) reconstruct the embankment, b) blend into the environment, and c) withstand the Little Miami's significant water level variation and velocity.   
Our thanks to Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water for the 319 Grant which made this project possible, and to all of the stakeholders who've provided support and encouragement throughout this entire process!

Steve Murphy
Vice President
Little Miami State Park