
Vol. 3 Issue 7

July 2011

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web specials
bargain bin
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All of us here at Microscale want to wish you all a Happy 4th of July. We have been busy putting the final touches on some great New Products. First, we have our new railroad decal sets, "Amtrak Phase I, II and III.  Also, we'd like to introduce you to MicroBond and MicroPrep. We could not be more excited for these products to get out there to you.  


We are confident you will enjoy these exciting new additions and hope you have some fun adding these to your project list.


Behind the scenes we are working on some great new products for the coming months.


Happy Modeling!


July New Releases 2011

Introducing MicroBond and MicroPrep 


The MicroBond family of adhesives is now available through the Microscale website. MicroBond is a CA and works very well for bonding dissimilar materials together. The new MicroBond family is not like many hobby grade CAs on the market. It has shear strength a bit of flexibility to compensate for expansion and contraction properties of different materials. For most applications you can use MicroBond straight out of the bottle to bond rubber, assorted ABS and styrene plastics, brass, steel, resins, leather, wood, etc.

When you encounter the problem of attempting to bond anything to Delrin and Celcon you will need to prep the Delrin/Celcon surface first with MicroPrep. MicroPrep is a surfacer that increases adhesion so you may bond and paint to that surface more reliably. MicroPrep will work with any sort of adhesive, however, the MicroBond adhesive has demonstrated it's ability to flex a bit instead of flake off with the Delrin types of plastics. For best results overall, use MicroBond when bonding to difficult-to-bond plastics.

MicroWeld new formulaFor styrene to styrene bonds a product called MicroWeld is recommended. Presently MicroWeld is being reformulated for better styrene bonds then it's previous incarnation. MicroWeld has a bit slower drying time then most MEK solvent based cements. One could use MEK to thin out the MicroWeld and adjust the evaporation speed if it is desired to have a quicker acting cement. Applications performed at Microscale has discovered it takes about 10 minutes to cure when bonding two styrene surfaces together. The bond compared to the last incarnation of MicroWeld is much stronger with the new formulation.

These three products form a complete modeling solution for creating master models that will hold up over time. We at Microscale look forward to bringing the modeler more products and tools to assist you with your hobby.

All Aboard - Free Stuff
We invite you to submit your best "HOW TO" articles for publication in our monthly newsletter. We know how talented you are and we figured it would be a great way to showcase your work.

The only condition is that you write an article that will be of interest to other Microscale modelers and that you use some Microscale products such as Microscale Solution or Microscale decal set(s).

If your article is selected and used in our Newsletter, you will be entitled to 4 FREE decal sheets of your choice from our regular stock.
Send submissions to: [email protected]
With your submission, please include your written release for Microscale to use the information and photos for publication. 
2009 Catalog IN THE WORKS

Each month we will be letting you know what we're working on for the near future. Please remember to check out this newsletter each month for details of upcoming releases.   
Coming Soon...
Great Northern Big Sky Blue Freight Cars

Southern Pacific Fruit Express White Reefers
Microscale has been serving the model train hobby market for over 50 years. We pride ourselves in delivering the finest quality products and service. We also provide a variety of custom printing services for manufacturers and other organizations alike. If you have a custom decal project and want us to provide you with an estimate please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].
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