California State PTA Online Newsletter               September 2010
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Read the latest PTA news.

Covering legislative issues that affect California's children and youth.

Camera-ready resources to use in your PTA publications and website.

Covering California State PTA's program to promote arts education.

Beaming news from California State PTA Commissions.


PTA Program topics

Developing a Program,

Community Concerns,


Getting Ready for College, start here.

Parent Involvement,

Father Involvement,

Back to School,


Build Relationships: Working Together - Presidents & Principals,

Honorary Service Awards raise money for PTA scholarships and grants while honoring a special member, teacher or administrator.
For information,

Sign up
for California State PTA newsletters. Click

Get your box!
Register online for National PTA's Official Kit.
here to sign up.
here for kit FAQs.

 Note: The kit is available only to PTAs in good standing. The address
you provide will be used
only for the kit. Incoming
officers still need to send contact information to
their council or district.

Join us on Facebook. Just click on the logo above and become a fan.

Join our mailing list.

public advocates

Connect with members!

1)    Check out the NEW Membership Step by Step Guide with links to information you can use. 

2)    Look over the Membership Activities Checklist for ideas on what to include in your membership campaign.

3)    Make sure your PTA activities and events are relevant and valued by your community.Some suggestions: Partnering ideas for PTAs.

4)    Find ideas and inspiration.

We listened! PTA online accounting software is here

Members told us they want technology to help organize and simplify money matters. California State PTA has developed a new financial software package to manage finances, make reports with the click of a mouse and more - including tax tracking. PTAEZ is a web-based application that has been tailored to meet the needs of California PTAs. The software is available exclusively to PTAs in California at a low annual subscription rate.

Other finance updates:
  Insurance rates for the 2011 calendar year are $196 for units, $120 for councils.

  Tax forms must be filed 4� months after your PTA's fiscal year end.  If your unit did not file tax forms in the prior year, please contact district PTA for assistance. Click here.

  If you receive any request from the IRS, Franchise Tax Board or California Attorney General, please call the District PTA president immediately.

Hot off the presses


PTA's special election issue for the November 2 ballot has Q & A's with candidates for California Superintendent of Public Instruction and PTA's positions on statewide propositions (including rationale and talking points). Information on conducting voter registration campaigns and school board candidate forums is also provided. Watch your mailbox for the issue. Inform your members and involve your PTA in the democratic process. PTA is nonpartisan, taking positions on issues and providing impartial information on candidates. The issue will be posted at


public advocatesStrengthen your leadership skills  

Registration is open for the
California State PTA
Emerging Leaders Conference
Oct. 16 in Ontario.

Attendees at this conference will have the opportunity to learn more about PTA, the achievement gap and cultural competence, as well as to network with others, share ideas with California State PTA leaders and take home practical strategies for increasing inclusion and parent involvement.

Start a resolution!

Any PTA unit, council, or district in good standing may put forward a resolution. Resolutions call attention to a statewide problem affecting children and a need for California State PTA action on a particular issue. For information, contact or click here.

PTA/PTSA checklist

public advocates  Sept  PTA Budgets, Year-end (Fiscal) Audit, and

    Annual Financial Report approved by association,

    forwarded to council, if in council, or district

public advocates  Sept  Plans for programs and fund-raising approved

    by association

public advocates  Sept  Reflections Program underway

public advocates  Sept  Updated PTA officers list forwarded   

public advocates  Sept  First Remittance of Per Capita Dues forwarded     

public advocates  Sept  Introduce board to the school staff and teachers,

    attend school board meetings and be informed

    about your school community

public advocates  Sept 17  Last day to order National PTA's Official PTA Kit

public advocates  Oct  Membership forwarded for Early Bird

    Membership Award 

public advocates Nov 1  Convention Resolution Action Cover 
    due at state PTA   

public advocates  Nov 15  Continuing Education and grants applications

    due in state office

public advocates  Nov  Membership forwarded for Chairman's Club

    Membership Award

public advocates  Nov  Send in annual insurance payment: $196 units,

    $120 councils

psa-parents know

California State PTA "Connects" is sent monthly to unit officers for your use throughout the year. Please feel free to send us ideas and comments to help us be of the most use to you.

We love getting and reading your newsletters! Please send them by e-mail to, or print copies by regular mail:

Vice President, Communications
California State PTA
2327 L Street

Sacramento, CA 95816
Senate scholarships

The California Department of Education runs the United States Senate Youth Program, a scholarship competition endorsed by the United States Senate. All 50 states and the District of Columbia pick two high school juniors or seniors to receive a $5,000 college scholarship and attend a one-week, all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., March 5-12, 2011. For info: Contact Carol Smith at (916) 319-0577 or visit the website. Deadline: Oct. 1

The California State PTA Connects newsletter is sent free of charge via the Internet as a service of the California State PTA in the furtherance of its nonprofit and tax-exempt status. Unless otherwise noted, PTAs may reproduce and distribute the materials from the California State PTA website for PTA use without express written permission. California State PTA materials may not be duplicated by any other organization or person without written permission.

California State PTA
  • Does not exert editorial control over materials that are posted by third parties onto its website, or materials that are e-mailed by third parties to any other persons.
  • Specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that result from postings by third parties.
  • Does not exert editorial or any other control over content provided by links from the California State PTA website.
� California State PTA 2010. All Rights Reserved.