
MAY 7, 2009

PTA and Election Activities
Remember: Always check with your principal before distributing election information/campaign materials on campus. 

This is in keeping with The California State PTA Legislation Policies and Procedures, Policy 11 (Toolkit Section 4.2.5k):

Informational material on PTA positions related to legislative issues may be sent home with students, in compliance with local school district policies and procedures.

For more guidance on PTA and elections, click here.
Please pay particular attention to the following cautions in preparing and distributing campaign information.
  • PTA must have permission of the local school board to send any campaign literature home with students.

  • A Civic Center Permit must be obtained from the school district if campaign material is distributed at a meeting held at a public school site.

  • School district permission must be obtained before holding any campaign planning meetings or organizing activities on school property. (Even with such permission, it may be wiser to find an alternative location for campaign activities, especially if the issue is controversial or hotly contested.)