Dear all !
We are really pleased to give you this months news and to give you an update of the work of our team...  Many thanks to Hazel for her work in increasing our product range and sales. We are particularly pleased with the introduction of the hand made fabric Male and Female Body Parts Display and Baby Development Tunics. These have been welcomed in both primary and secondary PSHE.  Over the last couple of weeks Florent Potier our French Student has been re - vamping the French website, and we a very pleased to announce it is now completed and up and running with it's new look, and we have already had some good results. If you would like to view the brand new French site please do so here . Florent has also been helping other local businesses to improve their online presence through the use of online social networking. Alison has continued to work with Young people, firstly in the Young Women's Group helping the group to access funding and to learn about bidding for funds. Secondly Alison will be Co - Teaching SRE with Barbara in Glossopdale Community College in June - July 2010. Alison continues to tweet , Facebook and update all social networking sites with great success.  Internationally Barbara is planning to visit UNESCO in Paris with Florent Potier in July 2010. This is especially important now that UNESCO has published global guidelines for sex and relationships education, and now that Contraception Education CIC has become a registered supplier to UNESCO. More locally Barbara is working with The Teenage Pregnancy Partnership and hoping to be involved with the training of ' Young Inspectors' . Contraception Education CIC is very happy to be funding The Creche for the local Young Womens Group and to be part of the team which helps the group to become independent. Our next Contraception & Sexual Health Study Day is Monday October 11th at St. Wilfred's School in Blackburn. If you have any enquiries or would like to book a place on the Study Day please do get intouch with Lesley Kenyon Tel : 01254604152 Email : kenyon@stwilfs.net