Transformation 2012 e-Newsletter
Well, I'm BACK!
And, I'd like to wish you all the very best for 2009. What a powerful year it will be, with the master number of 11.
Since, I've been back last Monday January 5, I have been quite busy in the background catching up with all the orders, memberships and enquiries of the last 2 weeks and beyond that. Haven't even had time to scratch my @$$, if you know what I mean :).
As the frequencies rise, and the magnetics of the planet/us decline (I have been hearing that we are on or almost at 13hz per cycle now, compared to the long-standing Earth Schumann Resonance of 7.83hz) we will see more of the two worlds converging into one. The Hopi's did say that "Two Worlds will become One"! Well, here is where we will see such as the likes of 'Revealing The Spirit World' Dvd by Dr Harry Oldfield coming out more often this year.
I am fascinated with Harry's work, and he is in a very fortunate position of not with-holding what he knows. He shares his knowledge generously, and that is the way WE should all be.
Below, you will find a FREE Mobile Phone Radiation Shield link. I have personally tested this myself and have found it to be genuine. I have also included it into my mobile phone.
If you are sensitive enough, you should be able to feel either a warm sensation, or a cool slight breeze coming off the Sacred Geometry design.
Of course, this can all be tested with simple kineosiology (muscle testing), and any biofeedback device.
Enjoy, and you can also compliment this sacred technology above with an up-coming Mobile Phone Protection Sacred Geometry Sticker coming soon!
Below, you will find a link for a video on The AMERO. I have come across this new currency which is in the pipeline, so I hear. Apparently, already made in China.
It will basically cover the whole of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Something, which I read many times in the past about how the Illuminati want to dominate the world via three regions, and this region would cover the North Atlantic region.
They are hoping that this economy, especially the USA region will crash all the way, and lead to civil uprising, therefore declaring marshal law. This way George Bush (hoping that it happens whilst he is still in power) can then make the AMERO the new established currency.
Having control over three regions of the world, has been the long-reach goal of the Illuminati for a long time. I am hoping this does not happen. Watch, listen and make up your own mind!
Following up from my last email, about the Out Of Body Experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict, someone kindly forwarded me his website. Please see below for his most interesting site, which quite resonated with me regarding TRUTH.
It was most interesting to note that I had a lot of feedback, regarding his experience and that it rang true for many others as well.
Until next time, take care and enjoy the ride of 09'!
With gratitude,
Michael Desveaux Transformation 2012:: Evolutionary Changes & Higher Awareness Research E> | W> P/F>
+ 61 3 9795 2779
~ Order with or without a credit card ~
Click on the link/s below or copy/paste into your web browser
Revealing The Spirit World Dvd
Dr Harry Oldfield
Dr Harry Oldfield's second presentation includes
extraordinary photos showing 'hidden' energy fields, and time anomalies captured through his special Oldfield Filter.
Get ready to be on the edge of your seat for this one, as some of the footage you will see include: - The showing of Chakras.
- Never seen before! An entity of some sort, or elemental being appearing in a crystal, in the form of a white light. It comes out of the crystal and back in again. At one stage, several beings/elementals of light are seen in a crystal, and tend to move at their own will!
- Covering paranormal photography using the Olfield Filter. The revealing of spirit beings. A must see!
- The astounding story of Barbie, Harry's departed cat that appeared in his photograph using the Oldfield Filter. Barbie, as later told in this amazing presentation also saved the life of Harry Oldfield during a drastic house gas leak!
- Barbie the cat, appearing in an Orb!
- Pictures of medium transfigurations whilst using the Oldfield Filter.
- The etheric field of energy vortices of Niagara Falls, etc.
- Anomalies of Stonehenge using the Oldfield Filter.
- A UFO cloaked within the energy field of a Pyramid seen through the Filter.
- Plus more!
> Click here to order:Revealing The Spirit World Dvd Pal 90 mins. $38.00 Mem. $30.40
Get your FREE Mobile Radiation Shield here:
Mellen-Thomas Benedict
Journey Through The Light And Back